Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
03 Nov 2022, 10:53pm
It would be nice for RSS feeds to happen.
04 Nov 2022, 1:48pm
Hi everyone!

I have a question and I want to apologize beforehand if this topic has benn discussed previously or in another thread. If so, I would be grateful if anyone could link me to that.

I have noticed that Inara badges don't update properly. In my case, my Commerce badge doesn't update even though I have been several days trading goods for a quite good benefit. My Commerce Rank has properly updated to "Tycoon", but the badge is still stuck at the same traded goods quantity than two weeks ago.

Anyone knows why is this and if I can do something to fix it?

Thank you in advance!
04 Nov 2022, 2:38pm
HuboHi Artie,

I would like to request you for an optional ability to add an icon to a mission. Just add an URL which will reference the icon. That will be a great addition to the mission list visual. It will be possible to use the same graphics (some transparent PNG) for the missions of the same kind.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will put that on the list, but no big priority at the moment.

Baloo UrizaIt would be nice for RSS feeds to happen.

No plans for that at the moment, I am afraid.

Han TannhauserHi everyone!

I have a question and I want to apologize beforehand if this topic has benn discussed previously or in another thread. If so, I would be grateful if anyone could link me to that.

I have noticed that Inara badges don't update properly. In my case, my Commerce badge doesn't update even though I have been several days trading goods for a quite good benefit. My Commerce Rank has properly updated to "Tycoon", but the badge is still stuck at the same traded goods quantity than two weeks ago.

Anyone knows why is this and if I can do something to fix it?

Thank you in advance!

Hello, it looks there was no Statistics event written into your journals for at least a couple of days and that's the reason why the medals weren't updated (as there weren't the required data present in the imports). I know it may happen sometimes, I am however not sure why - maybe your game client wasn't restarted for a while (so you can try that)?
04 Nov 2022, 3:55pm
ArtieHello, it looks there was no Statistics event written into your journals for at least a couple of days and that's the reason why the medals weren't updated (as there weren't the required data present in the imports). I know it may happen sometimes, I am however not sure why - maybe your game client wasn't restarted for a while (so you can try that)?

Thank you for the answer! I already tried that, and even manually introducing my new credits balance in Inara, but still stuck. No big deal though, but I wonder why this happens :/
04 Nov 2022, 3:59pm
Han Tannhauser
Thank you for the answer! I already tried that, and even manually introducing my new credits balance in Inara, but still stuck. No big deal though, but I wonder why this happens :/

Hard to say, it's something game is doing (not writing the Statistics into the journal). But it should catch up later on, at least that was the experience with this problem so far.
05 Nov 2022, 7:26pm

Remember, I once asked you, if you could make the search function more "google-like"?

Is it possible to add the "ABC-DEF" (quoatation mark) search, too?

Cause this time, I already knew a commanders name, but it was a such common one (like John Doe for example), I could not pull him up here on Inara, due to the search bar listing ALL other "Johns" and ALL other "Does", too.

Last edit: 05 Nov 2022, 7:40pm
05 Nov 2022, 8:12pm
heya there CMDRs! o7

And first off, thank you - Artie.

I am super interested in some carrier codex centric stat deltas to drive a bit of analytics and make real, real sexy graphs and charts with to provide insight for enterprising carrier commanders (or simply myself) in the myriad of tantalizing manners such a set of data heralds.

Has this already been requested? if so, sorry to be a broken record. but if not, id be super super excited to drivel onward even more so about it.

Even willing to provide labor towards making the magic happen, captain. provided i could do so in any useful manner. not a programmer by trade, but i do tinker for the greater good - usually with eventual success!

Thank you again, Artie, o7.
05 Nov 2022, 8:23pm

Remember, I once asked you, if you could make the search function more "google-like"?

Is it possible to add the "ABC-DEF" (quoatation mark) search, too?

Cause this time, I already knew a commanders name, but it was a such common one (like John Doe for example), I could not pull him up here on Inara, due to the search bar listing ALL other "Johns" and ALL other "Does", too.

Please send me what you used as a search string, so I will have an use-case. I believe it works as you expect but the commander simply doesn't exist. The search now works a way that it will list partial name results first and fulltext results after. So for example on search John Do it will list John Doe, John Dover, John doesn't know, etc. first and then all Johns and Dos after, ordered by the fulltext score.

Williambheya there CMDRs! o7

And first off, thank you - Artie.

I am super interested in some carrier codex centric stat deltas to drive a bit of analytics and make real, real sexy graphs and charts with to provide insight for enterprising carrier commanders (or simply myself) in the myriad of tantalizing manners such a set of data heralds.

Has this already been requested? if so, sorry to be a broken record. but if not, id be super super excited to drivel onward even more so about it.

Even willing to provide labor towards making the magic happen, captain. provided i could do so in any useful manner. not a programmer by trade, but i do tinker for the greater good - usually with eventual success!

Thank you again, Artie, o7.

Hello, what do you mean exactly by stat deltas? All relevant fleet carrier parameters (like commodities exported/imported, credits earned/spent on commodities, etc.) put into a graph? If yes, I have no plan for that at the moment, but you can extract those from your local journal (typically from the Statistics event there) and use it as you wish.

Last edit: 05 Nov 2022, 8:29pm
06 Nov 2022, 12:22pm
Han Tannhauser
Thank you for the answer! I already tried that, and even manually introducing my new credits balance in Inara, but still stuck. No big deal though, but I wonder why this happens :/

Hard to say, it's something game is doing (not writing the Statistics into the journal). But it should catch up later on, at least that was the experience with this problem so far.

I don't know if this info helps but the same thing happens to me:
Location, ship status, in-game ranks and missions/transactions log work perfectly well but stats and credit balance are not updating.
When I last refreshed the update token there was an error which to my shame I clicked away without reading.
Since I didn't notice the lack of stats updates I thought it had resolved itself.
06 Nov 2022, 7:46pm
I'd love to know what it takes for a personal log book entry to show up in "more logbooks" or even the front page. Are they selected at random?
07 Nov 2022, 1:33am
Over the past several days I've been finding Risk Assessments in various CMD building data ports. Currently Inara only lists HAB and RES as possible locations so I figured I would share this information.
07 Nov 2022, 3:07am
Hi Artie,

The description page for rare goods has a broken link on Produced by section.
It seems to be the same error on all rare goods.

Example :-
07 Nov 2022, 10:14am
I think something ist wrong with the CG graph.

Both combat graphs were ver different and represented that one side did 1-2 drops of ~2bil at one point. It looked distinctively different from the other graph, where the points were amassing continuously. Now, there seems to be an error in the "Disrupt" one, which shows a sudden surge by 4 billion. That didn't happen.
07 Nov 2022, 11:05am
KurakilOver the past several days I've been finding Risk Assessments in various CMD building data ports. Currently Inara only lists HAB and RES as possible locations so I figured I would share this information.

Thanks! I will update it there.


The description page for rare goods has a broken link on Produced by section.
It seems to be the same error on all rare goods.

Thank you for the report, it will be fixed.

M. V. CoehoornGreetings,
I think something ist wrong with the CG graph.

Both combat graphs were ver different and represented that one side did 1-2 drops of ~2bil at one point. It looked distinctively different from the other graph, where the points were amassing continuously. Now, there seems to be an error in the "Disrupt" one, which shows a sudden surge by 4 billion. That didn't happen.

Thank you, there really were some odd values for all active CGs at that timestamp, I have corrected it. Those two spikes in "Protect Azimuth..." are legit though, there were huge contributions from individual players.
07 Nov 2022, 2:39pm
I don't know if this info helps but the same thing happens to me:
Location, ship status, in-game ranks and missions/transactions log work perfectly well but stats and credit balance are not updating.
When I last refreshed the update token there was an error which to my shame I clicked away without reading.
Since I didn't notice the lack of stats updates I thought it had resolved itself.

Hi McGagoyle! Thank you for your answer!

It has now resolved itself. Nevertheless, it solved just in the moment my cat stepped on the ON/OFF key and shutted down the whole PC while I was playing Elite. When restarting, the launcher (I play via Steam) asked for log in my credentials again.

After logging in again and play a bit, I went to check Inara, updated my data and TADA!!, there was the Commerce badge.

So I don't know if it has solved itself over time or sutting down the client had anything to do with it.

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