Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
18 Nov 2022, 1:28am
I'm still not understanding how figuring out results from even 300 markets is more intensive than how it goes now? Are there not many more markets than that within the radius options presented? At any rate, couldn't you simply take search results that your site already spits out now and filter those results by "does x minor faction control any of these stations? if yes, display station, if not, hide results"?

And, if the method you used to find a route is attainable in under a minute...surely there's a way to automate it for layman end users like myself? How did you know which stations to pick? I don't see a population column looking at minor faction assets?

The problem is in how the optimizations work as I mentioned. As with the current data there is something about 1.5 trillion of combinations, I need to optimize heavily obviously. So the goal of the optimizations for the best trade routes is... well, to find the best trade routes in the galaxy and that's the primary goal (with the condition that there should be found enough routes that even when user will filter by the distance, supply, etc. there always will be something usable). That doesn't go very well with the goal "find the best trade routes for the (specific) faction" because now the conditions are different - you need to ensure that every faction has some trade routes found, even it's a terrible route (compared to the galaxy-wide best routes) because otherwise you will often end in a state users will find nothing at all. It's something quite different and you need to optimize for that differently. Naturally, there can be some "wide" general optimization made to cover all cases, but it won't be as fast as the specific with the goal set. For example even now I am using a little bit different optimizations for the best trade routes and for the trade routes search, because both are a little bit different problems.

In other words, current stuff for the best trade routes won't work well because, for example, it will find a ton of 25k+ profit routes so there won't be needed to process any less profitable combinations and trade routes between factions stations that won't be fitting that 25k+ profit simply won't be found, because that was not the primary goal. Thus, to make it work, I would need to make adjustments, another set of optimizations, etc. and it's currently not worth it due its limited use. Automating the manual process of finding such routes is basically the same problem.

Just for the context, the trade route search, which one-to-many is currently taking something about 50-500ms (depending on the conditions). On the other hand, the best trade routes search, which is many-to-many, is taking only a couple of ms, but that's only because all the "heavy lifting" is made on the back-end and the partial data/hints are pre-cached (and it take minutes after all the optimizations, which is something that for obvious reasons cannot be used for the front-end stuff).

V'larrOn an unrelated note: when searching Bodies for suitable carrier-parking, it would be nice to have a filter for "within x lightseconds", like what is available when searching for stations.

edit: And on the same tack, there's no information when viewing a particular Star System about what bodies are in it and how far they are.

edit 2: Another idea for searching for Bodies - being able to select multiple kinds of planets to include at once, instead of only 1 type at a time.

The filter works for carriers as well, but unfortunately in many cases I don't know the carrier's in-system distance, unless somebody docked in there, etc. In many updates I just know the FC is the star system XY, but that's it. Good idea about the body types.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2022, 1:56am
18 Nov 2022, 4:10pm
Artie The game data stuff like system or faction pages still work in the old version. But as I mentioned above, the features removal doesn't play a big role in the adoption, as the numbers were small before it as well. Would you like to specify where you would like to see more information and which? That can be an useful feedback.

It was I who incorrectly told Loltrek the information. The faction section is working, the Squadron section is not working. But these sections are very related for BGS.

as for the proposals:
1. Transferring text to several rows in the table is unacceptable. I have to zoom out, but it doesn't always help, because there is a restriction on stretching the page content to the full screen (empty margins on the sides). Maybe you have objective reasons to do this, but I will not change my opinion - this is a bad decision. Moreover, in the old version everything was ALREADY formatted perfectly on the screen. In the new version, it's only worse here.
2. I don't like the station descriptions section at the top of the description of the star system in both versions, because there is a much more convenient description of stations in the old version at the bottom of the page. The new version also has it, but these are already different pages. Everything on one page is convenient. I would leave the table as in the old version, and remove the upper part.
3. A strip of pictograms of station properties is fine, but it only works well when these strips are in the same column and preferably without line breaks.
4. It is also very important to know the fraction of the station owner. That's why the upper part of the station description is useless.


top useless section

For example, I want to find a station where I can submit cartography

For example, I want to replenish ammunition for a large ship, but I have a bad reputation with the Federal Congress faction.

For example, I want to increase the influence of the Sublime Order of van Maanen's Star faction using cartography.
1. You need to make sure that the faction is not in conflict, so that the growth of influence is possible
2. You need to find a station with the right platform size that belongs to the right faction
3. You need to see the Universal Cartography icon
4. You need to make sure that the distance to the station is not too large

I will add that I like the general list of star ports, settlements, installations and fleet carriers
I like the trends section on the fraction page.

As a result, I will show you what the ideal star system description page looks like for me:

18 Nov 2022, 10:11pm
It was I who incorrectly told Loltrek the information. The faction section is working, the Squadron section is not working. But these sections are very related for BGS.

as for the proposals:

Thank you for the detailed description, that's useful! Although it's not entirely common use, it's still valid and so I will think about possible improvements. The brief stations list on the page top will definitely stay though - it was (and still is) the primary route to the star system's stations and the detailed list at the bottom of the page had surprisingly very low usage (even for the views, without clicking through).
19 Nov 2022, 12:17am
High intensity surface conflicts won: 0/50

Can anyone tell me how to archieve this? I fought a high intensity surface ground combat zone in system where war between factions is active.
This doesnt seem to count, since no progress have been made.

Is this something which doesnt count or are there any problems?
19 Nov 2022, 12:27am
It should get counted towards the game stats once the faction conflict will be concluded.
19 Nov 2022, 12:28am
ArtieIt should get counted towards the game stats once the faction conflict will be concluded.

Thank you
19 Nov 2022, 11:23pm
Artie Thank you for the detailed description, that's useful! ...

I have written several posts with screenshots with a detailed description. I was talking about the benefits of the Services column... now he's gone. There is ECONOMY, GOVERNMENT, ALLEGIANCE - are they more important? I usually repair and refuel several times a day, but I need to see the alliance or the type of economy 1 time a year
Tell me how do I choose stations with Refuel, Repair, Rearm at the same time (for example, I'm fighting)?!
it hurts so much...
20 Nov 2022, 12:41am
Well, starports have everything common in 99% cases, but to make it easier, I have added a filter for the repair+refuel+rearm. I wanted to rid of that column sooner or later anyway and the space saved is used to minimize double-line rows (which was also a request). And yes, for many people are economy, allegiance, government important. It should provide a general coverage for the stations, for some very specific combination of services, landing pads, distances, owner faction states, etc. you can also utilize the Nearest search (that's for what it was designed for).

Last edit: 20 Nov 2022, 12:47am
20 Nov 2022, 8:35am
ArtieWell, starports have everything common in 99% cases, but to make it easier, I have added a filter for the repair+refuel+rearm. I wanted to rid of that column sooner or later anyway and the space saved is used to minimize double-line rows (which was also a request). And yes, for many people are economy, allegiance, government important. It should provide a general coverage for the stations, for some very specific combination of services, landing pads, distances, owner faction states, etc. you can also utilize the Nearest search (that's for what it was designed for).

The repair+refuel+rearm is certainly helpful, but it would be more flexible if the buttons were AND gates and not OR gates. Users could then select the combinations they requred. When working a system you tend to have a shopping list of requirements and just want the one station that covers those.

repair+refuel+rearm plus interstellar factors, or repair+refuel+rearm plus black market.

As a stetch request, perhaps even remebering the selections between systems, after all, once a pirate always a pirate.
20 Nov 2022, 4:01pm
Note here, and I suspect, it is a feature not a bug, but as my Horizon (Odyssey, 4.0) keeps acting up, whenever I switch back to 3.8, the Inara ranking gets a different value.

So Horizons and Odyssey engine have different stats. No real problem but a bit odd. Thinking of buying the Odyssey, but first I'd need a better computer as I won't reload every half an hour even if Odyssey engine loads properly.

Connecting Inara to Frontier works best when in the game, at least for me.

Last edit: 20 Nov 2022, 4:16pm
20 Nov 2022, 5:40pm
Tiffany YürNote here, and I suspect, it is a feature not a bug, but as my Horizon (Odyssey, 4.0) keeps acting up, whenever I switch back to 3.8, the Inara ranking gets a different value.

So Horizons and Odyssey engine have different stats. No real problem but a bit odd. Thinking of buying the Odyssey, but first I'd need a better computer as I won't reload every half an hour even if Odyssey engine loads properly.

Connecting Inara to Frontier works best when in the game, at least for me.

Your Odysses ranks are not added if you login with Horizons, as there is no Mercenary or Exobiologist rank in Horizons.

Last edit: 20 Nov 2022, 8:17pm
20 Nov 2022, 11:19pm
Aunty Sledge
Mastercesspithow about a personal equipment list? the current one is hopelessly inadequate, doesn't list all your equipment, or weapons, only the current loadouts, i have weapons and suits that are being engineered that aren't in my loadouts, can't see where i'm up to when deciding mods.

The logs don't show equipment, only loadouts and the equipment in them. What you'll need to do is create extra load-outs in game with the unmodded items and then they will show up in Inara. It's crude and dumb I know, but that's all FDev have provided in the logs.

fdev strikes again, every problem in the game comes back to fdev's half thought out, half finished programing, or inadequate outdated servers.
22 Nov 2022, 5:26am
Can I suggest a simple feature in star system info page...
I'm almost sure it is possible, but almost isn't 100%
maybe somewhere below line "SECURITY LEVEL" to put one short line with one of three possible info:

NAV BEACON: NO/YES/Compromised

Just a friendly suggestion nothing else. Will short two click from search "NEAREST COMPROMISED NAVIGATION BEACONS"
22 Nov 2022, 11:45am
I just docked at MA Manufacturing Silo, on HR 6836 BC 2 A, uploaded my data, but it isn't showing up. Any reason why this outpost isn't in the database? I updated the other stations in the system and they all showed a new refresh time straight away so I know that ED: Market Connector is working!
22 Nov 2022, 4:33pm
Cmdr SharkyI just docked at MA Manufacturing Silo, on HR 6836 BC 2 A, uploaded my data, but it isn't showing up. Any reason why this outpost isn't in the database? I updated the other stations in the system and they all showed a new refresh time straight away so I know that ED: Market Connector is working!

Hmmm, I am not sure why, but your dock to Ma Manufacturing Silo appears like it was not sent to EDDN from EDMC and that's why it wasn't added/updated. But you can import your journals via "Import game data" button on your CMDR page, to fill the gaps.

ZEN IndustriesCan I suggest a simple feature in star system info page...
I'm almost sure it is possible, but almost isn't 100%
maybe somewhere below line "SECURITY LEVEL" to put one short line with one of three possible info:

NAV BEACON: NO/YES/Compromised

Just a friendly suggestion nothing else. Will short two click from search "NEAREST COMPROMISED NAVIGATION BEACONS"

Yeah, I can add it there, thanks for the suggestion.

Aunty Sledge
The repair+refuel+rearm is certainly helpful, but it would be more flexible if the buttons were AND gates and not OR gates. Users could then select the combinations they requred. When working a system you tend to have a shopping list of requirements and just want the one station that covers those.

Yep, for now I kept it on par with the rest of the filters as it's less confusing, but I may make some adjustments later.

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