Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
16 Nov 2022, 1:22am
Wow that was a fast fix on the rares location link.
Nice work Artie !
16 Nov 2022, 2:01am
V'larrCan you add the 'only sell to minor faction' filter to "Best Trades", for situations such as wanting to gain allied rep via trade without having a specific station to start from?

It's unlikely, I am afraid. As searching for the best trade routes is VERY expensive (in a simplified form it's a number of markets * a number of markets * a number of commodity types, which is billions and billions of possible combinations), I need to utilize various optimizations to provide the best results whilst also keep things fast. Limiting it to the particular faction doesn't go well with those optimizations (for example because the trade routes may be sub-par, etc.). But as getting the minor faction reputation is quite easy, just use the trade route search feature, pick any faction's station, limit the search to that particular faction and go from there - you should find some solid route quite easily.

Thanks a lot for adding the stored components in the bar. That really fills a gap. Any chance of combining this snippet of data with the items in the CMDRs ship locker? That would result in a complete Ody mat inventory, which would bring the idea another step ahead.

I was thinking about that, but probably not. It's complicated to keep things in sync, because the data are from various sources and various timestamps and there can be heavy discrepancies in the total numbers when combined due to that.

HuboHi Artie,
The Fleet Carrier Details - Overview contains "Services and Crew" and "Fleet Carrier" tables, which could by displayed side by side.
It will look better.

Hello, probably, I need to check how it will behave on various resolutions, I will take a look at that.

Xylakinot sure if this has been asked elsewhere/before - but what's happened to the ship registry under this version? i cant recall what the exact name was, but it allowed inara to generate a ship ident you could use which would be unique across all ships registered on inara? did it get retired in the update?

Yes, it's gone as it somewhat lost its purpose, so I just scratched that and leave people to use whatever they want, without any arbitrary limits.

Dezik TsiganSomething that I would find helpful (please forgive if this has been requested before) under Engineers would be a way to sort which modifications I have unlocked (and to what grade, if applicable) and for the locked modifications which Engineers I would need to unlock in order to be able to get those.


Hmmm... maybe, good idea! I will think about that.
16 Nov 2022, 4:22am

Site limits - We seem to have hit our head on new threads at around 108.
Any workaround? Sub-tabs? Can some be archived?
I was asked to ask.
16 Nov 2022, 7:12am
On old Inara we could input into the search box "Coltan near ...." and this would bring up a list of systems selling the commodity. Current Inara seems to just list Commanders with the search item in their name. Has this functionality ceased?
16 Nov 2022, 11:30am
is it possible to keep the diskussion alive in the old inara version ? so much easier to navigate and read, with the new one i got headache.. to much unused space on pc with a 32" monitor. just have to say: i loved the old inara site, the new one i hate.

Last edit: 16 Nov 2022, 11:37am
16 Nov 2022, 11:44am
Whiplash 1983@ ARTIE

Site limits - We seem to have hit our head on new threads at around 108.
Any workaround? Sub-tabs? Can some be archived?
I was asked to ask.

There is no hard limit on a number of threads, there however was a temporal bug that in some cases prevented a new thread creation. It was fixed yesterday, so please re-check the problem persists. Either way, the threads can be deleted, too, if needed.

TuzoOn old Inara we could input into the search box "Coltan near ...." and this would bring up a list of systems selling the commodity. Current Inara seems to just list Commanders with the search item in their name. Has this functionality ceased?

Yeah, this search format was barely used, so I simplified things for now. I may however reintroduce it later on with additional search options.

Alex Hoffmannis it possible to keep the diskussion alive in the old inara version ? so much easier to navigate and read, with the new one i got headache.. to much unused space on pc with a 32" monitor. just have to say: i loved the old inara site, the new one i hate.

Nope, there were major internal changes for the discussions (for example, regular and squadron discussions are now physically split (different tables), changes in the thread relations, etc.) and thus the old discussion was no longer compatible without serious rewriting.
16 Nov 2022, 7:05pm
Alex Hoffmannis it possible to keep the diskussion alive in the old inara version ? so much easier to navigate and read, with the new one i got headache.. to much unused space on pc with a 32" monitor. just have to say: i loved the old inara site, the new one i hate.

A mí también me gustaba más la anterior versión de Inara, pero reconozco que me voy acostumbrando a ésta.
16 Nov 2022, 7:08pm
Por otra parte, no consigo aún que me traduzca todo al español sin tener que acudir a Google traductor, lo que es una lástima, pues además somos un buen número de hispanohablantes.
16 Nov 2022, 10:13pm
It's unlikely, I am afraid. As searching for the best trade routes is VERY expensive (in a simplified form it's a number of markets * a number of markets * a number of commodity types, which is billions and billions of possible combinations), I need to utilize various optimizations to provide the best results whilst also keep things fast. Limiting it to the particular faction doesn't go well with those optimizations (for example because the trade routes may be sub-par, etc.). But as getting the minor faction reputation is quite easy, just use the trade route search feature, pick any faction's station, limit the search to that particular faction and go from there - you should find some solid route quite easily.

Expensive how? Instead of querying all markets against all markets (within a certain radius of a focal point), you'd query against only the markets that minor faction controls. I was literally attempting to do exactly that, looking at 'best trades' within a 60LY radius of Alioth and trying to find stations that were controlled by Alioth Independents. I couldn't find any that way, because there's no such filter and the 'best results' only listed results up to a certain extent.

I can't imagine that the number of stations controlled by Alioth Independent is greater than the number of stations within 60 LY of Alioth; in fact, I would bet it's much much less. And you already have the database for the stations controlled by a minor faction.

That number is high enough, however, to be incredibly tedious for me to search for trades individual station by individual station.
16 Nov 2022, 10:34pm
how about a personal equipment list? the current one is hopelessly inadequate, doesn't list all your equipment, or weapons, only the current loadouts, i have weapons and suits that are being engineered that aren't in my loadouts, can't see where i'm up to when deciding mods.
16 Nov 2022, 10:56pm
Jaime 0121Por otra parte, no consigo aún que me traduzca todo al español sin tener que acudir a Google traductor, lo que es una lástima, pues además somos un buen número de hispanohablantes.

Until the Spanish localization will be fixed/adjusted for the latest changes, I won't put it online. I'll poke translator again to kindly take a look at that and let's see...

Expensive how? Instead of querying all markets against all markets (within a certain radius of a focal point), you'd query against only the markets that minor faction controls. I was literally attempting to do exactly that, looking at 'best trades' within a 60LY radius of Alioth and trying to find stations that were controlled by Alioth Independents. I couldn't find any that way, because there's no such filter and the 'best results' only listed results up to a certain extent.

I can't imagine that the number of stations controlled by Alioth Independent is greater than the number of stations within 60 LY of Alioth; in fact, I would bet it's much much less. And you already have the database for the stations controlled by a minor faction.

That number is high enough, however, to be incredibly tedious for me to search for trades individual station by individual station.

Expensive in the principle, that's why I am utilizing the optimizations to reduce the amount of combinations plus some back-end pre-caching, so the front-end outputs are very fast and users don't need to wait for the results. Filtering by the minor faction doesn't go well with that. Even if I bypass portions of it, some factions have like 300 markets owned and it will still result in millions of combinations, which won't be exactly fast and that's why I want to avoid it. And frankly, as it's relatively edge use-case, I currently do not want to spend a development time to find some more efficient solution and add another layers of optimizations that will work just for it.

It's really quite easy to find a solid route for the reputation gaining purposes. I've just picked a couple of the first star ports listed under minor faction's assets and voila - Malzberg Vision / Andere to McAllaster Terminal/NLTT 34715 has quite good loop route with a profit like 25k per unit, that's quite solid. Another solid route is in Cabot Hub / Olwain or Fortress Yarrow / Holiacan and there very likely will be more of them elsewhere. I had it under a minute. Sure, it's not as simple as clicking a button, but still easy enough.

Last edit: 16 Nov 2022, 11:01pm
16 Nov 2022, 11:04pm
Mastercesspithow about a personal equipment list? the current one is hopelessly inadequate, doesn't list all your equipment, or weapons, only the current loadouts, i have weapons and suits that are being engineered that aren't in my loadouts, can't see where i'm up to when deciding mods.

The journals currently reliably lists just the equipment in the loadouts. The equipment out of the loadouts is usually unknown, unless it was just bought or it went through loadouts while swapping gear in the imported game session. Thus as it's unreliable, only the gear from the loadouts is listed and updated.
16 Nov 2022, 11:05pm
Mastercesspithow about a personal equipment list? the current one is hopelessly inadequate, doesn't list all your equipment, or weapons, only the current loadouts, i have weapons and suits that are being engineered that aren't in my loadouts, can't see where i'm up to when deciding mods.

The logs don't show equipment, only loadouts and the equipment in them. What you'll need to do is create extra load-outs in game with the unmodded items and then they will show up in Inara. It's crude and dumb I know, but that's all FDev have provided in the logs.
17 Nov 2022, 7:29pm
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17 Nov 2022, 8:00pm
Floyd 09@StingerXR: Think about what you get from Inara for free! If you don't like it: Stop using it!

Inara is the best site for Elite dangerous! And I am very grateful to the developers. With the new update, it got worse for a variety of reasons. If I could still use the old version, then I would be completely satisfied, but now some of the sections are available only in the new version. So, I just don't understand why the developers of the best site are now killing it with their own hands.
Once again: if something is not configured well yet, requires tests and design adjustments - just leave the option to use the old version.

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