Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Nov 2022, 8:34pm
I said it before, but I will repeat it again - for every change I had my reasons. For example that horizontal space - making the content at this width was driven by a problem that many people got lost and had a difficulty to orientate in it, it was worse to scan for them and also there was a content (like logbooks) harder to use/read before. Has this choice some compromises? Sure. But it was worth the change.
17 Nov 2022, 8:46pm
think it is a technical problem to keep both versions alive due to some changes, don´t know exactly what especially.. but if would be a finacial problem to keep two versions running (used server space, traffic, etc) i would pay a bit extra for it unfortunately i think that will not happen. at least it´s still a wonderfull site with great support from artie and others, just with a different layout and something here and there to correct.. i dont like the new style too but it´s still great work from artie, must be much work (and time investment) to keep all running and giving always fast ansers.. thanks for that !
17 Nov 2022, 8:47pm
I had to get used to the new Inara myself, and did not use it for the first 2-3 month's.
But meanwhile i get to like it. Give it a chance!
17 Nov 2022, 9:15pm
All right…
I fully understand the sentiment about wasted screen space raised by several people in this forum (even if the issue does not affect me much, as I no longer keep my browser windows maximized). So, I am going to share a little Greasemonkey script I have created that helps with the issue, by allowing the site’s contents to stretch to fill the available width, no matter how ugly the result will look. The script also reduces vertical spacing in tables so that one can see more rows at once.
Perhaps some of you CMDRs will find it helpful. Artie, I hope you do not mind me sharing instructions how to mess up your design

While this forum is certainly not the best place for this stuff, at the moment I do not see a better option that would not require too much of my limited free time. I am open to suggestions, though

Obviously, the script requires the Firefox browser (or a reasonably modern derivative) and the Greasemonkey add-on (derivatives like Tampermonkey should also work).

So, here is the script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name     INARA: Less wasted screen space
// @namespace Sampi.Ogonek
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var newCss = document.createElement('style');
newCss.type = "text/css";
newCss.innerHTML = "";

// Allow pages to fit all the available width
newCss.innerHTML += "div.maincontainer { max-width: none }\n";

// Uncomment to reduce default line spacing
//newCss.innerHTML += "body { line-height: normal }\n";

// Reduce vertical padding in tables
newCss.innerHTML += "td { padding: 2px 10px }\n";
newCss.innerHTML += "td.lowpadding { padding: 1px 10px; }\n"

// Apply the above changes

Feel free to modify the “px” values to suit your taste. (In a “padding” property, if there are two values like shown above, the first is the vertical padding and the second is horizontal.) Also, uncomment line 18 (i.e. remove the “//”) if you want an even more cramped look, not just in tables but in paragraphs too.

How to use it, for those unfamiliar with Greasemonkey (or Tampermonkey):
  • First, search Firefox add-ons for Greasemonkey and install it.
  • A monkey icon should appear in the toolbar. Click it and select “New user script”.
  • Copy the above script and paste it in the “Unnamed Script …” tab that just opened (make sure to overwrite any previous contents).

The usual caveats:
  • The script has worked fine for me, for the pages I have used. No guarantees about pages/features I have not tested.
  • Likewise, it may stop working at any time in the future, if Artie changes something critical.
  • This is important: If something does not work right, try disabling the script and reloading the offending page before reporting a bug here. (To disable the script, click the monkey icon, click the name of the script, then click “Enabled” — it will change to “Disabled”.)
  • Bugs and suggestions relevant to the script are to be reported via PM to me. Keep in mind that I did it in my quite limited free time and that my JavaScript and CSS rankings are, as of now, still harmless
17 Nov 2022, 9:27pm
Alex Hoffmannthink it is a technical problem to keep both versions alive due to some changes, don´t know exactly what especially.. but if would be a finacial problem to keep two versions running (used server space, traffic, etc) i would pay a bit extra for it unfortunately i think that will not happen. at least it´s still a wonderfull site with great support from artie and others, just with a different layout and something here and there to correct.. i dont like the new style too but it´s still great work from artie, must be much work (and time investment) to keep all running and giving always fast ansers.. thanks for that !

It certainly is not a technical problem in a meaning of traffic, server resources, etc. - it's running on the same machine, it has no extra load and so on. The problem is in the work involved and work vs benefits - as there is just a very minor number of users still using the old version, it makes no sense to pour more work into it than absolutely necessary. I want to keep the old version running as long as possible, but also it must not be a burden to me in a form of the excessive amount of extra work. Sometimes it's just about simple adjustments I can make to keep features live despite the changes on the current version, but sometimes is an amount of work needed to keep it working so high it's simply better to take some feature off.

I fully understand that people may prefer the old version for various reasons, even if it's just about a habit as Floyd mentioned. I also accepted a fact that when the old Inara version will be discontinued at some point because it won't be further possible to keep it live, some of the users may simply walk away and never return back, that's always a risk. But the benefits of the new version not just to the users but also to myself (I can do some things more easily/faster/extendable, etc.) are worth it.

Sampi OgonekAll right…
I fully understand the sentiment about wasted screen space raised by several people in this forum (even if the issue does not affect me much, as I no longer keep my browser windows maximized). So, I am going to share a little Greasemonkey script I have created that helps with the issue, by allowing the site’s contents to stretch to fill the available width, no matter how ugly the result will look. The script also reduces vertical spacing in tables so that one can see more rows at once.
Perhaps some of you CMDRs will find it helpful. Artie, I hope you do not mind me sharing instructions how to mess up your design...

No problem at all, up to everybody's risk.

Last edit: 17 Nov 2022, 9:35pm
17 Nov 2022, 9:32pm
I thought maybe there is more mobile traffic and you need to update the design for mobile devices...

maybe it will be better in a different orientation:

and how about the old version:

I should note that in the old version there is more information on a smaller space, for example there is a column Faction in the list of stations.
yes, there is a smaller font and scale, but I can enlarge the area I need quickly and conveniently. In the new version I can't zoom out

I don't understand where it got better

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Nov 2022, 9:36pm
17 Nov 2022, 9:38pm
On mobiles it's a standard text size, buttons big enough to make it comfortable to tap, etc. - it was often a pain in the old version without constant zooming in. But if you prefer to have the page more condensed, you can turn the desktop mode in your mobile browser on.
17 Nov 2022, 9:46pm
Artie... just a very minor number of users still using the old version

And how did you calculate this number? The old Inara is not available for unregistered users. For registered users, the new one works by default, and to switch to the old one, you need to 1. find where it can be done and 2. constantly switch to the new version, because some of the functions of the old version no longer work.
Perhaps some kind of survey was conducted? There is not a single person in my social circle who would like the new version.
I'm not talking about some innovations right now, which are really good
ArtieOn mobiles it's a standard text size, buttons big enough to make it comfortable to tap, etc. - it was often a pain in the old version without constant zooming in. But if you prefer to have the page more condensed, you can turn the desktop mode in your mobile browser on.

I just want the old Inara
17 Nov 2022, 10:09pm
From the traffic/usage stats (thus I don't need any survey for that, as I already have the numbers), even the switch back and forth qualifies as "is using the old version" to have some leeway there. Even for the registered/returning users the percentage is small. There certainly may be like-minded groups of users and so their perception may be like "everybody is sticking to the old version", but the raw numbers are very different.
17 Nov 2022, 10:20pm
I stopped using the old one because of the inconvenience, not the design. I prefer the old one... It looked better, too.
17 Nov 2022, 10:39pm
yes, I also stopped using the old version, because the old one removed the sections that I need. The old version just doesn't work now, so I don't understand how you can objectively evaluate the result by traffic when there is only one working version!
17 Nov 2022, 10:44pm
ArtieFrom the traffic/usage stats (thus I don't need any survey for that, as I already have the numbers), even the switch back and forth qualifies as "is using the old version" to have some leeway there. Even for the registered/returning users the percentage is small. There certainly may be like-minded groups of users and so their perception may be like "everybody is sticking to the old version", but the raw numbers are very different.

Well, I'm love new design but some things has real problems, like system-factions page. Also, fact that this page(and some more) don't work on old inara makes your stats incorrect.

Well, for me new design idea is very good, but some things should contain more information, or be smaller buttons. Abd if you tap on it, you'll get a full information. Just an idea.
17 Nov 2022, 11:04pm
StingerXRyes, I also stopped using the old version, because the old one removed the sections that I need. The old version just doesn't work now, so I don't understand how you can objectively evaluate the result by traffic when there is only one working version!

Easily, the numbers were same/very similar even before the features removal. As some users are quite "stubborn" and even those removals didn't bother them much (or not enough to switch), the numbers are still quite similar. The biggest adoption rate changes were in the first months, now it's pretty stale as expected.

Well, I'm love new design but some things has real problems, like system-factions page. Also, fact that this page(and some more) don't work on old inara makes your stats incorrect.

Well, for me new design idea is very good, but some things should contain more information, or be smaller buttons. Abd if you tap on it, you'll get a full information. Just an idea.

The game data stuff like system or faction pages still work in the old version. But as I mentioned above, the features removal doesn't play a big role in the adoption, as the numbers were small before it as well. Would you like to specify where you would like to see more information and which? That can be an useful feedback.
18 Nov 2022, 12:04am
Expensive in the principle, that's why I am utilizing the optimizations to reduce the amount of combinations plus some back-end pre-caching, so the front-end outputs are very fast and users don't need to wait for the results. Filtering by the minor faction doesn't go well with that. Even if I bypass portions of it, some factions have like 300 markets owned and it will still result in millions of combinations, which won't be exactly fast and that's why I want to avoid it. And frankly, as it's relatively edge use-case, I currently do not want to spend a development time to find some more efficient solution and add another layers of optimizations that will work just for it.

It's really quite easy to find a solid route for the reputation gaining purposes. I've just picked a couple of the first star ports listed under minor faction's assets and voila - Malzberg Vision / Andere to McAllaster Terminal/NLTT 34715 has quite good loop route with a profit like 25k per unit, that's quite solid. Another solid route is in Cabot Hub / Olwain or Fortress Yarrow / Holiacan and there very likely will be more of them elsewhere. I had it under a minute. Sure, it's not as simple as clicking a button, but still easy enough.

I'm still not understanding how figuring out results from even 300 markets is more intensive than how it goes now? Are there not many more markets than that within the radius options presented? At any rate, couldn't you simply take search results that your site already spits out now and filter those results by "does x minor faction control any of these stations? if yes, display station, if not, hide results"?

And, if the method you used to find a route is attainable in under a minute...surely there's a way to automate it for layman end users like myself? How did you know which stations to pick? I don't see a population column looking at minor faction assets?
18 Nov 2022, 12:07am
On an unrelated note: when searching Bodies for suitable carrier-parking, it would be nice to have a filter for "within x lightseconds", like what is available when searching for stations.

edit: And on the same tack, there's no information when viewing a particular Star System about what bodies are in it and how far they are.

edit 2: Another idea for searching for Bodies - being able to select multiple kinds of planets to include at once, instead of only 1 type at a time.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2022, 12:22am

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