Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Nov 2022, 6:08pm
ArtieA situational update - the game data import via button on your CMDR page is back. I have handled the most critical stuff for the Thargoid invaded star systems, there is however still work remaining around handling the abandoned stations for commodity/outfitting/etc. searches and similar. It should be done today.

Update: All searches and related listings like commodities and trade routes should be handled properly, there is just needed to resolve some "cosmetics" (like abandoned stations displaying their previous market listings on their detail pages, etc.)

I did a number of refugee missions today and they counted as passengers (The Captain) but did not seem to track under "The Samaritan" badge
30 Nov 2022, 7:06pm
I did a number of refugee missions today and they counted as passengers (The Captain) but did not seem to track under "The Samaritan" badge

It's quite possible, I've added the new mission types and adjusted related mechanics (counting it for Thargoid war and medals) very recently, so if the journal data were imported before, it may not be in. But it will work for any future imports. My apologies for the troubles, but I am currently playing a catch up game with all the new game features and its technical details, as there was not possible to get it done for the game update release.
30 Nov 2022, 8:47pm
Hello CMDR Artie,

Not sure if this should post here first time posting. While I do have a pc account I play on console, dut to cost not preference, and have found inara absolutely essential in my travels. I've led other CMDR's it this vast galaxy we call home and I hope for your continued support of legacy. We here on console do not want to be forgotten.

May the stars burn brightly in your travels.
CMDR Neobiogene
01 Dec 2022, 1:42am
NeobiogeneHello CMDR Artie,

Not sure if this should post here first time posting. While I do have a pc account I play on console, dut to cost not preference, and have found inara absolutely essential in my travels. I've led other CMDR's it this vast galaxy we call home and I hope for your continued support of legacy. We here on console do not want to be forgotten.

May the stars burn brightly in your travels.
CMDR Neobiogene

Hello, the galaxy data are/will be definitely Live only. It still can be useful as some data may be same or very similar, but some data like markets, minor faction influences, etc. will be very different though. But I would like to take a look on a support of Legacy commanders (console players) once I will finish remaining stuff for the new features in U14. It's not entirely trivial and I even at this point I can say for sure that some stuff won't be there (like fleet carriers, Thargoid kills and refugees tracking). The remaining stuff probably won't be a problem, but let's see (I need to take a thorough look on a complete isolation of the data in the journal parser, etc.).
01 Dec 2022, 9:06am
I did a number of refugee missions today and they counted as passengers (The Captain) but did not seem to track under "The Samaritan" badge

It's quite possible, I've added the new mission types and adjusted related mechanics (counting it for Thargoid war and medals) very recently, so if the journal data were imported before, it may not be in. But it will work for any future imports. My apologies for the troubles, but I am currently playing a catch up game with all the new game features and its technical details, as there was not possible to get it done for the game update release.

Please don't feel the need to apologize! I was just trying to make sure it was known through the proper channel. As a player who uses a LOT of 3p tools for Elite, Inara is the only browser I keep open. It's a mandatory part of the picture for me.
01 Dec 2022, 9:35am

just tried to write an email to the contact adress:

Received this error:

'' at 01.12.2022 10:19
Server Error: "451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing"'
01 Dec 2022, 12:04pm

just tried to write an email to the contact adress:

Received this error:

'' at 01.12.2022 10:19
Server Error: "451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing"'

Hello, please send me into PM your SMTP server name/address and I will check the log what was going on.
01 Dec 2022, 12:48pm
There also appear to be new commodities/materials and if you have screenshots of their name/description/rarity from your inventories, it will be helpful.

Obvious Spoilers, but here's the cargo/mats I've found so far:

The new
caustic sink synth blueprint
was removed shortly after launch. I also think I saw someone post a description for
unoccupied escape pods
somewhere, but it shows as black for me on the ship cargo screen.
01 Dec 2022, 9:31pm
Obvious Spoilers, but here's the cargo/mats I've found so far:

Thank you very much! All the stuff was added (except the synth blueprint, I will add it there once it will be back in the game).
01 Dec 2022, 10:49pm
Thank you for all the work over the years. As someone who plays PC and PlayStation I really hope Legacy can be supported. Game is unplayable without Inara. Recently got my daughter hooked on game and she is PlayStation only and already learnt value of your site.
02 Dec 2022, 2:06am
Not the end of the world or anything, but my thargoid kill count doesn't seem to go up on the "The Xeno-hunter" badge despite killing a few bajillion of them over the last two days. I've tried manually importing more times than I probably should have over the last 30 hours or so to no avail.

Obviously not an emergency, ,but it seems a bit odd.
02 Dec 2022, 3:32am
is it possible to add Tags to Tech broker and synthesis Crafting lists?
that would help grind-planning emmensly as some builds do require both tech brokers and the typical grind, while synth can also be ship/build based
02 Dec 2022, 7:27am
Thank you for all you do for ED. Just wanted to see if you have heard about anyone have issues with Inara Counting Thargoid Interceptor Kills. I have Kill plenty now since the war has started and still not counting them in Inara. ED will count it in Game and payout for it . Only thing Inara is counting is Scout kills. Thank you again for your time .
02 Dec 2022, 7:58am
Is tracking of Thargoid kills broken? I've spent over 1 hour in AX CZ and got some kills with bonds yet Thargoid War page says I killed nothing. Earned over 57M last night...
Maybe because it was Open?

I went into the game right now, killed one Scout, imported the journal and it's my first kill now in HIP 23716...
Hmm, seems like my journals from yesterday do not have a single FactionKillBond event... yet I completed my "kill Thargoid X" mission.

Last edit: 02 Dec 2022, 8:23am
02 Dec 2022, 1:52pm
Horatio KerakThank you for all the work over the years. As someone who plays PC and PlayStation I really hope Legacy can be supported. Game is unplayable without Inara. Recently got my daughter hooked on game and she is PlayStation only and already learnt value of your site.

As mentioned earlier, certainly not for the galaxy data and those will be Live only as my estimate is it will get less than 10% of the regular data updates, so its usability will be pretty limited even when made. Frankly, even a percentage of console commanders actively importing their data on Inara is something around 4% of all imports made, so I cannot promise the legacy commander data support at this point, until I asses the amount of work involved and all the changes I will need to make. But it's still something I would like to take a look at once the more priority work will be done.

SwingFishis it possible to add Tags to Tech broker and synthesis Crafting lists?
that would help grind-planning emmensly as some builds do require both tech brokers and the typical grind, while synth can also be ship/build based

Yes, it should be possible. Noted.

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