Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
14 Dec 2022, 11:43pm
TheDaviotI just noticed that Inara reset my badge ranks for both exo-bio and mercenary on-foot badges to zero; examining them shows them at zero progress. Is this a known bug?
Swtiching to Horizon will zero those badges.
Your Merc badge isn't showing zero any more, and Exobiology got nerfed in 14.01 and most people are showing 0% progress right now.
15 Dec 2022, 1:30am
Aunty SledgeTheDaviotI just noticed that Inara reset my badge ranks for both exo-bio and mercenary on-foot badges to zero; examining them shows them at zero progress. Is this a known bug?
Swtiching to Horizon will zero those badges.
Your Merc badge isn't showing zero any more, and Exobiology got nerfed in 14.01 and most people are showing 0% progress right now.
I specifically meant, for instance, the Inara Award "The Mercenary". It now shows "0/100 surface conflicts won", and is still showing zero. "The Exobiologist" is still showing "0/100 organic data registered", etc.
Edit: I also noticed it lost the Odyssey settlement reboot progress for "The Samaritan".
15 Dec 2022, 9:53am
TheDaviotAunty SledgeTheDaviotI just noticed that Inara reset my badge ranks for both exo-bio and mercenary on-foot badges to zero; examining them shows them at zero progress. Is this a known bug?
Swtiching to Horizon will zero those badges.
Your Merc badge isn't showing zero any more, and Exobiology got nerfed in 14.01 and most people are showing 0% progress right now.
I specifically meant, for instance, the Inara Award "The Mercenary". It now shows "0/100 surface conflicts won", and is still showing zero. "The Exobiologist" is still showing "0/100 organic data registered", etc.
Edit: I also noticed it lost the Odyssey settlement reboot progress for "The Samaritan".
That will happen if your last journal entry was from Horizons as it doesn't contain that data. If you pull in some Odyssey data it should fix itself.
16 Dec 2022, 7:33am
16 Dec 2022, 11:17am
Jack'lulHow hard would it be to implement a selection which type of discount you're looking for in the outfitting search?
Sometimes it's hard to find nearby station with cargo racks discount...
Rather not. As the discount difference on such items are quite negligible (like 200k Cr max.), I do not want to complicate things with that.
V'larrLatest CG is incorrectly titled as being for 'Gimballed AX Missile' when it's for Gimballed Multicannons, as per its description.
Thanks for the report. It's currently in the Frontier's source data this way, so I am waiting if they will fix that today (as any change will get overwritten by it). If not, I will take a look at a possible solution later on.
17 Dec 2022, 11:07am
17 Dec 2022, 8:23pm
Allow comments on images (duh).
Fundamental changes needed to the user interface, even in fullscreen mode the image is partially blocked by the like button. That is AFTER manually making the other crap go away by pressing an additional button. This is supposed to be about viewing the pictures, so a clean, unobstructed view should be DEFAULT.
Slightly related to the previous point, image title and description should be visible on the right hand side as well as a clean, unobstructed view of the image, all at the same time. Users should not have to choose between reading the description and viewing the picture. And then of course there should be the option for full screen mode where we would be able the appreciate the screenshot with nothing else visible.
Not sure what causes this, but currently any video content I try to watch there crashes in a couple of seconds. Maybe it has something to do with the ad content from YouTube clashing with Inara's interface. In any case, I think there should be a separate tab for videos only, photo and video content mixed together is quite messy and disorganised.
18 Dec 2022, 3:16am
Edit: Ha, I'm an idiot, never mind! I didn't realize those were buttons so you could click it and mark them as unlocked, lmao.
Last edit: 18 Dec 2022, 3:27am
18 Dec 2022, 7:40pm
Jack'lulBtw discount on hardpoints on Hudson's controlled systems is 20%, on exploited 10% - but it always shows 10% on Inara.
Thanks, I will fix that.
Aten_ZSince Elon Musk took over Twitter and is actively turning it into a cesspool of scum, I have not been using it to post Elite screenshots and have taken a closer look at the gallery on Inara. I don't really enjoy it though as I think the design is quite static and discourages engagement. So here are some suggestions:
Thank you for the detailed feedback! I want to finally properly slack for the next two weeks, as Christmas is an ideal time for that, but I would like to rid various minor improvements, adjustments, etc. off my todo list during that time nonetheless. The gallery is a hot candidate for those for sure.
StonedDeadI just noticed this, but the tech broker items do not show as unlocked on the site. I happen to have all the Guardian modules unlocked andonly the FSD boosternone show(I was the human T5 FSD). I wouldn't have noticed, but I was unlocking Guardian weapons for the Thargoids, none of which show either.
Edit: Ha, I'm an idiot, never mind! I didn't realize those were buttons so you could click it and mark them as unlocked, lmao.
Yep, it may be a little bit confusing, the unlocks are manual only there, just for keeping a track on things.
18 Dec 2022, 7:48pm
18 Dec 2022, 10:06pm
I am rescuing passengers and they are simply not being counted in INARA.
Does anyone know what do to resolve this?
18 Dec 2022, 10:22pm
FelaKutiAnyone else having trouble seeing their ranks (INARA) go up?
I am rescuing passengers and they are simply not being counted in INARA.
Does anyone know what do to resolve this?
last week i had the same issue.. artie fixed it.. as soon he read your message i bet it´s done.. the next data import after that should work as always.. that was my way last week
19 Dec 2022, 12:40am
Cmdr SharkyIs there a reason why Festive Gifts don't show up in Frost Dock's market?
It's under rare commodities by default, but in the market listing it may appear and disappear based on the current availability on the station's market and related updates.
FelaKutiAnyone else having trouble seeing their ranks (INARA) go up?
I am rescuing passengers and they are simply not being counted in INARA.
Does anyone know what do to resolve this?
Everything seems to be working alright? What exactly is incorrect? I see your recent numbers in, it's calculated towards medals and so on...
19 Dec 2022, 2:29am
FelaKutiAnyone else having trouble seeing their ranks (INARA) go up?
I am rescuing passengers and they are simply not being counted in INARA.
Does anyone know what do to resolve this?
Everything seems to be working alright? What exactly is incorrect? I see your recent numbers in, it's calculated towards medals and so on...
Yep, works fine for both rescue and passengers.
only the "Samaritan" badge won't ever move as it's a combination of Spacelegs and Elite Gameplay. (unless one does both)
19 Dec 2022, 8:10am
ArtieEverything seems to be working alright? What exactly is incorrect? I see your recent numbers in, it's calculated towards medals and so on...
So is there a delay? How often is it updated?! Yesterday I did some missions and I didn't see the rank for the medals being updated. I also noticed that when rescuing 100 passengers the numbers suddenly jumped to +700 (maybe some dammed up data?).
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