Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Dec 2022, 2:13pm
ZEN IndustriesOutpost never had Vista Genomics and Frontline Solutions. No matter if game say in system view that they have those 2 services. So for now be sure I never seen Vista or Frontline on any Outpost station, maybe in some future FDEV plan to implement those... but I'm not sure that will be soon, since they don't have space in Outpost concourse to place it. That will demand big rework on Outposts concourse which is not small job and I doubt that FDEV give any priority to that idea since they are overhead with Goid war, new human weapons and AX modules.

LOL I even think that we will sooner see ship interiors than those services on Outposts

i guess you are right and i was just lacking some sleep, i checked at least 3 types of outposts the last few days, at least 20 in different systems and functions, none of them had it.

however there is one type that has a larger bar (not the one with the round entry) .. that habe it (a bit like a station layout) but i can;t find it anymore, so yeah, its safe to say at this point ... Outposts do not come with Vista or Frontline by default.
07 Dec 2022, 4:18pm
So, there were some changes for Thargoid war pages made and tracking of the alert/invaded/etc. star systems added (as there is no direct support in the journals for that, I hope it will work reliably, although it may be a little bit slower to update on the weekly Thargoid war tick). The changes on the respective pages are just one of the steps and I want to improve it further as I have a couple of ideas, but during this opportunity I must ask - is there something you would like to see on the Thargoid war page? Not everything may be possible due to the technical restraints (a lack of proper data from the journals, etc.), but any idea is welcome.

DisgoWould it be possible to add tracking of cargo delivery missions to the Thargoid War page? The galaxy map instructions say they should help, but they're not tracked.

Yes. In fact, it's being tracked already (under items salvaged/rescues), it just needs some more clear and less misleading category on the output. I will certainly address that.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2022, 4:24pm
07 Dec 2022, 4:25pm
Minor suggestion, not sure how much work it would be, but could we get the "Blue Nebula" background that is referenced in commander settings as a background for the forum signature as well? That would be really awesome for explorers
08 Dec 2022, 12:49am
hello artie,

my refuge transport count is not working correct anymore. the data import works fine, all other values are ok only the refuge count has stopped scince a game crash happend as i was transporting some of them.. maybe my journal has been affected ? ingame count is right.
08 Dec 2022, 1:46am
Lelna GrathorMinor suggestion, not sure how much work it would be, but could we get the "Blue Nebula" background that is referenced in commander settings as a background for the forum signature as well? That would be really awesome for explorers

Probably not, I would like to have something a little extra for active supporters, so it cannot be just taken for the static signature image.

Alex Hoffmannhello artie,

my refuge transport count is not working correct anymore. the data import works fine, all other values are ok only the refuge count has stopped scince a game crash happend as i was transporting some of them.. maybe my journal has been affected ? ingame count is right.

Thanks for the report, should be fixed and it will be updated at your next import.
08 Dec 2022, 2:08am
just checked and working fine now thanks. just another question.. i always have a missmatch with the refuges around 600 shown on inara and compared to ingame stats, scince im started to transport them. and when im switching to old inara site all ranks are shown correctly except the samarian one, theres a total missmatch with the new inara site. i know the old one will getting no future support but it´s strange that all other ranks are still updating on it.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2022, 2:13am
08 Dec 2022, 10:33am
Does anyone know how I can tell if a person simply changed their ranks manually or if the data is coming straight from the game?
08 Dec 2022, 10:39am
ArtieIt based on historical data (somebody bought it there, thus there was a journal record about it). As each of the vendors is providing a limited set of items, there is a chance he will have the desired stuff again. But certainly no guarantee.

I'd like to suggest removing it. That question was prompted by a squad member who was asking me about it after getting frustrated trying to find it. By the very nature of the entry only show after someone buys it, the item is gone. Discords I'm a part of have a system of posting these spotted goods that aren't being bought and having users react with one of two emojis depending on if they were able to get the item or if it was gone when they went to get it.
08 Dec 2022, 3:29pm
Hi Artie,
I would like to suggest not so small thing, considering current state of game. Not sure if is that even possible ATM, since I don't know is it written in any game journal, still if it is possible it would be of great assistance to commanders who try to participate in current "Thargoid War".

Suggestion is, that we have search options in section SEARCH NEAREEST >> SYSTEM >> tab... maybe in "Controlling Faction State" drop down menu (since this is kind of system state info) to add following states:

- Thargoid Maelstrom
- Thargoid Controled
- Thargoid Invasion
- Thargoid Alert

...and leave open spot for further "Post-Thargoid Recovery"

Don't know if you already planned that or someone ask before me... If that is case, Just discard this post

FelaKutiDoes anyone know how I can tell if a person simply changed their ranks manually or if the data is coming straight from the game?

Not sure that you can change manually ranks... Pretty sure that data coming from Frontier servers
08 Dec 2022, 4:05pm
I get "INARA Reports: Rejected Send: This application has a disabled access temporarily." when I try to sync with EDDlite. Is that a me problem, or is syncing disabled for the moment?
08 Dec 2022, 4:37pm
How do I unfollow the the site-wide Gallery? The "Latest" tab started serving notification icons every time there's a new gallery item posted.
08 Dec 2022, 4:38pm
Journal imports are currently importing cached data and you can execute them without any cooldown, FDev's servers are at it again?
08 Dec 2022, 7:19pm
Jack'lulJournal imports are currently importing cached data and you can execute them without any cooldown, FDev's servers are at it again?

The cooldown is there only for frequent updates/imports as usual. There may be some minor caching involved on Frontier's end, so frequent imports are not so useful (the import is not intended for realtime updates anyway, it's best to utilize tools like EDMC, EDDiscover or EDDI via Inara API for that).

Chase QuinnellHow do I unfollow the the site-wide Gallery? The "Latest" tab started serving notification icons every time there's a new gallery item posted.

Just ignore it and it will stop to bother you after a week (assuming the Gallery's latest section won't be visited during that time).

JonfittI get "INARA Reports: Rejected Send: This application has a disabled access temporarily." when I try to sync with EDDlite. Is that a me problem, or is syncing disabled for the moment?

Yes, EDDLite is disabled temporarily, until it will be adjusted to the latest U14 changes (Robby is working on that, so it probably will be soon(ish)).

Arsen Cross
I'd like to suggest removing it. That question was prompted by a squad member who was asking me about it after getting frustrated trying to find it. By the very nature of the entry only show after someone buys it, the item is gone. Discords I'm a part of have a system of posting these spotted goods that aren't being bought and having users react with one of two emojis depending on if they were able to get the item or if it was gone when they went to get it.

Well, it's that or nothing at all, as there is no other way technically. So I leave it up to the users if they wish to use it to get at least a hint where may be the stuff they are looking for or try to visit stations on blind completely.

FelaKutiDoes anyone know how I can tell if a person simply changed their ranks manually or if the data is coming straight from the game?

Not entirely clear way, I guess that I can add some indication into the tooltip over the rank. But the pilot's ranks in the rankings are always verified and any manual changes are ignored there.

ZEN IndustriesHi Artie,
I would like to suggest not so small thing, considering current state of game. Not sure if is that even possible ATM, since I don't know is it written in any game journal, still if it is possible it would be of great assistance to commanders who try to participate in current "Thargoid War".

Suggestion is, that we have search options in section SEARCH NEAREEST >> SYSTEM >> tab... maybe in "Controlling Faction State" drop down menu (since this is kind of system state info) to add following states:

- Thargoid Maelstrom
- Thargoid Controled
- Thargoid Invasion
- Thargoid Alert

...and leave open spot for further "Post-Thargoid Recovery"

Don't know if you already planned that or someone ask before me... If that is case, Just discard this post

Yeah, I would like to add some extra options there. But the actual (known) list of alerts and invaded star systems is on the Thargoid war page. The updates just may be a little bit slower on star system state changes as it requires some conditions (like certain missions accepted, etc.) to get the proper state as there is no direct support for it in the journal at the moment.
08 Dec 2022, 8:23pm
Here's the description for the caustic crystal which I missed earlier
08 Dec 2022, 10:17pm

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