Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
02 Dec 2022, 2:02pm
About the Thargoid kills number - I have checked all your journals and I can confirm that all the kills made that were recorded in the journals are on Inara. It seems to me like the known problem with the kills not being in the journal when you are winged with somebody, only a portion of kills will get there (unknown reason, probably it won't get recorded when somebody else will make the killing blow or so). I will try to urge that with Frontier again, but until then the only known reliable solution is to not being winged, I am afraid.
02 Dec 2022, 2:13pm
02 Dec 2022, 3:30pm
02 Dec 2022, 4:43pm
Artie, Just an update about the Thorgoid Kills Counting in Inara. I went into an actual CZ with out a Station and Solo Killed a Cyclops and it counted to my War Stats. Not sure what going on with that. But Just an FYI . Thanks Bud and have a Great day. o7
02 Dec 2022, 8:00pm
As usual love the site but I have one suggestion re Crafting Lists.

Give us the option to disable a Craft Item instead of deleting it. eg I use them to make sure I have a min'm amount of synth materials at all times or I might have a long term goal of collecting materials for a particular item but I need to check something quickly. As it stands right now I have to delete the other recipes so I can see just the ones related to my current query. Allowing me to disable instead would take them out of the tally when I choose missing components.
P.S. I know I could set repititions to zero but that's not convenient for all of them and a little disable button right there would be faster than having to go in and edit each one.
02 Dec 2022, 8:34pm

I know some systems have different states and time-frames before they fall. Anyway to display priority systems on the front page for war effort to help direct our efforts?
02 Dec 2022, 11:07pm
About FactionKillBond event not showing up in the journal... it seems like it doesn't work when there are other players in the instance?
Tried it out in Open, Group and Solo, whenever there is another player it just doesn't show up in the journal. Tested in AX CZ instance around Outpost.
02 Dec 2022, 11:36pm
o7, i'd like to report an issue, there is a bug with how much money is shown when giving vista genomics, there is the standard price, the price with the first discoverer, and the real price you get, those 3 prices are all different and inara is taking in account the price with first discoverer wich is incorrect (i now have 3 500 000 000 for inara while i really only have 2 700 000 000)
02 Dec 2022, 11:56pm
Cross79791Artie, Just an update about the Thorgoid Kills Counting in Inara. I went into an actual CZ with out a Station and Solo Killed a Cyclops and it counted to my War Stats. Not sure what going on with that. But Just an FYI . Thanks Bud and have a Great day. o7

Jack'lulAbout FactionKillBond event not showing up in the journal... it seems like it doesn't work when there are other players in the instance?
Tried it out in Open, Group and Solo, whenever there is another player it just doesn't show up in the journal. Tested in AX CZ instance around Outpost.

Thanks for checking - yeah, it seems the problem may also occur even with just other players in the instance and not being actually winged. I have reported it to Frontier again, so let's see if they will be able to do something with it this time, as it's more prominent with all the Thargoids around.

CyvanAs usual love the site but I have one suggestion re Crafting Lists.

Give us the option to disable a Craft Item instead of deleting it. eg I use them to make sure I have a min'm amount of synth materials at all times or I might have a long term goal of collecting materials for a particular item but I need to check something quickly. As it stands right now I have to delete the other recipes so I can see just the ones related to my current query. Allowing me to disable instead would take them out of the tally when I choose missing components.
P.S. I know I could set repititions to zero but that's not convenient for all of them and a little disable button right there would be faster than having to go in and edit each one.

It may be better to utilize custom tags for that, so you won't need to enable/disable stuff all the time. I will add the tags/filters for the tech broker and synthesis there in the next few days, which should make it easier.


I know some systems have different states and time-frames before they fall. Anyway to display priority systems on the front page for war effort to help direct our efforts?

I would like to improve the whole Thargoid war thing on Inara to reflect the latest game additions for sure. Now is just a little bit complicated to get (reliably) the star system states (except a complete Thargoid control). I have asked Frontier if they may add something for that into the journals, so let's see (I have a couple of ideas how it may be to some extend derived from the other stuff like station states, USS present, etc. otherwise, but a direct journal support will make that definitely easier).

Snow Blood Wolfo7, i'd like to report an issue, there is a bug with how much money is shown when giving vista genomics, there is the standard price, the price with the first discoverer, and the real price you get, those 3 prices are all different and inara is taking in account the price with first discoverer wich is incorrect (i now have 3 500 000 000 for inara while i really only have 2 700 000 000)

Thanks for the report, it seems the issue is with the bonus payment which is inflated on the game's screen when selling organics and also written into the journal that way (while the actual payment/bonus is lower). I think Frontier is looking into it already. Meanwhile the next game session import should adjust it to the correct state, so you should see a correct credits amount after that.
03 Dec 2022, 12:28pm
SwingFishis it possible to add Tags to Tech broker and synthesis Crafting lists?
that would help grind-planning emmensly as some builds do require both tech brokers and the typical grind, while synth can also be ship/build based

Yes, it should be possible. Noted.

awesome, while you at it maybe add the button to find nearest material trader below "View Inventory" on /cmdr-craftinglist-components ?

since at this page one does figure out what they need anhow to change it, but to get to where to change it requires navigating trough 3 unrelated pages.
03 Dec 2022, 2:23pm
awesome, while you at it maybe add the button to find nearest material trader below "View Inventory" on /cmdr-craftinglist-components ?

since at this page one does figure out what they need anhow to change it, but to get to where to change it requires navigating trough 3 unrelated pages.

Yeah, good idea. The button and the tags for techbroker/synth are there.
03 Dec 2022, 3:53pm
Is FactionKillBond event with Reward = 50000000 processed by Inara (Orthrus kill)?
I managed to kill one but it didn't count on the war report.

{ "timestamp":"2022-12-03T12:43:40Z", "event":"FactionKillBond", "Reward":50000000, "AwardingFaction":"$faction_PilotsFederation;", "AwardingFaction_Localised":"Pilots' Federation", "VictimFaction":"$faction_Thargoid;", "VictimFaction_Localised":"Thargoids" }
03 Dec 2022, 7:36pm
The Docked event from the journal now has a StationState field, that shows if a station is under attack by goids:

{ "timestamp":"2022-12-03T12:04:06Z", "event":"Docked", "StationName":"Reamy Beacon", "StationType":"Outpost", "Taxi":false, "Multicrew":false, "StationState":"UnderAttack", "StarSystem":"Modigi", "SystemAddress":5070074422649, "MarketID":3221920000, "StationFaction":{ "Name":"Reign Of Annihilation" }, "StationGovernment":"$government_Feudal;", "StationGovernment_Localised":"Feudal", "StationAllegiance":"Empire", "StationServices":[ "dock", "missions", "rearm", "refuel", "repair", "missionsgenerated", "flightcontroller", "stationoperations", "stationMenu", "bartender", "vistagenomics", "pioneersupplies" ], "StationEconomy":"$economy_Extraction;", "StationEconomy_Localised":"Extraction", "StationEconomies":[ { "Name":"$economy_Extraction;", "Name_Localised":"Extraction", "Proportion":0.710000 }, { "Name":"$economy_Refinery;", "Name_Localised":"Refinery", "Proportion":0.290000 } ], "DistFromStarLS":13570.903786, "LandingPads":{ "Small":2, "Medium":1, "Large":0 } }

It could be used to show a list of stations and systems under attack in the Thargoid War overview.
03 Dec 2022, 9:09pm
Jack'lulIs FactionKillBond event with Reward = 50000000 processed by Inara (Orthrus kill)?
I managed to kill one but it didn't count on the war report.

Thanks, I am still waiting to get the identifier to have the values correctly, so I will add it there as soon as possible.

event from the journal now has a
field, that shows if a station is under attack by goids:

It could be used to show a list of stations and systems under attack in the Thargoid War overview.

Yeah, I am currently running an experimental star system state setter based on various journal events, so let's see how reliably it will work (I still hope Frontier will add a direct support for it, as it will be more reliable). If it will be alright, I will add it for the overview.
04 Dec 2022, 4:55am
Just a translation issue: In the materials list is no german translation for "Thargoid Interdiction Telemetry". Its "Thargoiden-Abfangmanöver-Telemetrie"

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