Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
29 Dec 2022, 7:33pm
hello, I have a small problem.
After my change from Xbox to PC, all data was also transferred to INARA.
However, no data was taken over at the Thargoid medal. I had shot over 1000 Thargoids on the Xbox and the counter on the PC is at 0. On the Xbox it still shows over 1000 kills.

in the last 3 days I have also shot down Thargoids with the PC account, but they do not appear in INARA.
31 Dec 2022, 8:53pm
Hi Artie
my problem is that somehow my two cmdrs have been mixed together and i am not sure what to do.
It also will not update my main carrier stats. Hope you can help.
02 Jan 2023, 12:39am
My Xeno-Hunter badge is showing tooo many kills. I think its held over the number of kills from the previous CMDR. I only have 578 combat bonds right now and apart from 17 skimmers, they are all Scouts. So approix 1250 too many.

Thargoids killed: 1,839/2,500
Thargoid Interceptors killed: 1/50

I know odd someone asking for a number to be lowered right ;-)

Cheerrs Japes
02 Jan 2023, 8:59am
Hi, for some reason my timezone has reset to UTC and I don't have an option to change it under Commander settings anymore.
02 Jan 2023, 2:37pm
Psychodaddyhello, I have a small problem.
After my change from Xbox to PC, all data was also transferred to INARA.
However, no data was taken over at the Thargoid medal. I had shot over 1000 Thargoids on the Xbox and the counter on the PC is at 0. On the Xbox it still shows over 1000 kills.

in the last 3 days I have also shot down Thargoids with the PC account, but they do not appear in INARA.

In case of moving to another game platform it's always better to simply continue using the original account and just link the new (PC) game account there. Either way, the kill records were moved to your recent account.

DunroaminHi Artie
my problem is that somehow my two cmdrs have been mixed together and i am not sure what to do.
It also will not update my main carrier stats. Hope you can help.

Hello, please double-check you are linking a correct game account. It should ask for your credentials during the linking, so you can verify that, but in case it's not asking, try to logout on the game plarform first (Frontier/Steam/Epic) in the browser you are using for Inara as there may be some auto-login involved.

Rubem Livingston (Japes)My Xeno-Hunter badge is showing tooo many kills. I think its held over the number of kills from the previous CMDR. I only have 578 combat bonds right now and apart from 17 skimmers, they are all Scouts. So approix 1250 too many.

Thargoids killed: 1,839/2,500
Thargoid Interceptors killed: 1/50

I know odd someone asking for a number to be lowered right ;-)

Cheerrs Japes

Yeah, it's not very usual.
I have removed most of the older records, but as there is a bug in present in the journal and not all recent kills may have been present there, I have kept some of them to keep your number roughly on par with your recent kills, to compensate it.

Hygh 7ekHi, for some reason my timezone has reset to UTC and I don't have an option to change it under Commander settings anymore.

Hello, please set that in your user settings, it's taken from the general account settings now.
03 Jan 2023, 1:53pm
Is there a way to search for the nearest system that has a station controlled by a particular faction?

Last edit: 04 Jan 2023, 11:00pm
03 Jan 2023, 2:04pm
Cmdr SharkyIs there a way to search for the nearest system that has a station controlled by a particular faction?

Yes, search for the nearest station and set the station owner in the additional options (plus any other options to further refine the search as you prefer).
04 Jan 2023, 2:10am
For wanting to use combat at a CNB to raise minor faction reputation gain. In my case, I've gotten allied with a few local minor factions already and so fighting at local CNBs doesn't accomplish as much where they control the system - I may as well look for systems controlled by factions I'm not yet allied with, y'know?

Just convenience's sake, and it appears to me as though there's more than enough room in the results table for it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Thanks for the addition & happy new year!
04 Jan 2023, 11:25am

Please tell me how I can link my PSN account to Inara...
04 Jan 2023, 10:10pm
Pssssst... Artie... the French invaded GALNET again

(La rétrospective de l'an 3308 (troisième partie))
04 Jan 2023, 11:03pm
Thanks Artie.

How about rare goods? There doesn't seem to be a "rare goods for sale near system X" search. I'm out at Shenve and wondering if there's anything interesting for sale in that cluster.
04 Jan 2023, 11:36pm
Amata LireinPssssst... Artie... the French invaded GALNET again

(La rétrospective de l'an 3308 (troisième partie))

Ha! Thanks, and here I thought Frontier fixed the problem long time ago.

Cmdr SharkyThanks Artie.

How about rare goods? There doesn't seem to be a "rare goods for sale near system X" search. I'm out at Shenve and wondering if there's anything interesting for sale in that cluster.

Please refer this page for the rare commodities. I think there was/is some problem with the regular market listings provided by the game regarding the rare commodities availability so it's no present in the commodity searches. I do not remember it exactly, but it may worth checking again if something has changed, thanks for reminding.

Please tell me how I can link my PSN account to Inara...

As Inara now supports the Live game version only, the Horizons 3.8 and console game versions are no longer supported. But, I am currently in the middle of assessing options in regard of the commander data imports and thus I didn't change the texts yet. Either it will work again or not (as various data are heavily related to each other, the complete version isolation is quite a complex task). I will announce the conclusion here later on.
05 Jan 2023, 1:26am
Amata LireinPssssst... Artie... the French invaded GALNET again

(La rétrospective de l'an 3308 (troisième partie))

Ha! Thanks, and here I thought Frontier fixed the problem long time ago.

Not sure if any others managed to sneak through as I took a longer hiatus on E:D... sticking with one game for too long can make it too repetitive after all.
06 Jan 2023, 6:52pm
Hi Commander O7 !

since 27/12/2022, it's impossible on my account to import game data to Inara :
Game log import 2022-12-27 failed download
The Frontier service is offline or did not return useful information, try again later.
[httpCode: 200, fetchCode: 0]

did someone know how I can solve it or if it's possible to manually import this data ?

i've deauthorize applications on my frontier account, change api key etc... always the same problem

thanks for helping

06 Jan 2023, 7:24pm
FredSkaut [RADK]Hi Commander O7 !

since 27/12/2022, it's impossible on my account to import game data to Inara :
Game log import 2022-12-27 failed download
The Frontier service is offline or did not return useful information, try again later.
[httpCode: 200, fetchCode: 0]

did someone know how I can solve it or if it's possible to manually import this data ?

i've deauthorize applications on my frontier account, change api key etc... always the same problem

thanks for helping


Qu'est ce que tu parles bien Anglais Fred :o

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