Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
22 Feb 2023, 5:22pm
Joku24The idea was rather to utilize the trading bonuses. If you are aligned to Mahon or Torval you can get trade bonuses by selling to one of their stations. So if you are looking for a place to sell the PP info would be valuable. At the moment the best I can do is use Gateway as a reference system and then guesstimate if the system belongs to Mahon depending on distance to the HQ. But you always have to make two clicks to verify if the system is indeed a part of Mahons (or Torvals) realm.

Hmmm... and the reason is to get the best profit possible in general or something else? As for the best possible profit it's better to simply use the Best trade routes section (which is already utilizing the PP bonuses), I may be missing some other use-case scenario.

No, this is actually an alternative to normal trade routes using PP features.
If you have high priced goods you can utilize the profit bous of Mahon/Torval to get that on top of whatever you are selling. THis aims at bulk sales, preferraböy wioth carriers and/or squad activities. The route is not important, but the allegiance of the system you are selling in is.
Example: you have 10kt of Platinum or Meta-Alloys or whatever high-end commodity. You transfer them (or even better: buy them from your carrier for min price) and then sell them at a Mahon station for say 300k. If you are grade 2 or better you now get 20% on top of your profit. So if you sold to yourself at 1k and sell to the station at 300k you are effectively making it a ~360k sell price. But these boni only work within the sphere of influence of Mahon/Torval. And so far there is no option to include it in the search pattern for commodities. I can easily find high demand/high price stations with the commodity search option (thanks a lot for that!), but I have to guess what PP faction they belong to as that attribute is missing in the search.
23 Feb 2023, 5:54pm
Ulon Yuanshi
Especially since the Galactic Census is no longer available, there currently is no ressource for this data, short of the database itself. The influence calculated population numbers are not commonly used in the BGS community.

Could the tooltip be changed into an <extend> or the information otherwise be displayed in a table, for example on the factions report page?

Well, as nobody care much about it anyway, I have reconsidered the numbers displayed and it now shows the total controlling system population, same for the reports page, so you can use that.

I am nobody :-(

I think the people voting for our factions is a very good overall display of our real influence.

BUT I absolutely don't want to ask Artie to reverse the change, I am totally OK with the pop-up/tooltip where I can see the old number.

I also liked to have both numbers, but then again... Who counts the votes in a dictatorship?

The game's system is flawed, but overall I think the new numbers are what more people like to use. At least whenever I talked to them.

Showing the supporters in the tooltip may be a good solution, although then what would be interesting to me is the numbers within each system.
23 Feb 2023, 6:03pm
Thanks for bringing the old numbers back. This makes up for the loss of the Galactic Census a bit.

The BGS's players dick measuring contest can resume like in the good old days now

Last edit: 23 Feb 2023, 10:05pm
23 Feb 2023, 6:06pm
Hi Artie,

Thanks for changing the way the population is calculated.

Much appreciated
23 Feb 2023, 7:08pm
Hey, is there maybe a tracker or graph for the traffic a system gets? Some easy way to track if more CMDRs have visited a system compared to a few days ago. Inara shows the last 24 hours but I haven't found a way to compare that to the past.
23 Feb 2023, 10:10pm
ZenlouHey, is there maybe a tracker or graph for the traffic a system gets? Some easy way to track if more CMDRs have visited a system compared to a few days ago. Inara shows the last 24 hours but I haven't found a way to compare that to the past.

The challenging part here is to get the data reliably every 24 hours. In-game they only take the last 24h into account, even if they belong to the last day.
So the numbers will depend on the time of the report. A daily max traffic might work, though as said it may be distored by a report early in the tick, which still measures traffic from the last cycle.

There could also be plenty of dates without reported numbers, at least in areas with lower player population.
23 Feb 2023, 11:07pm
No, this is actually an alternative to normal trade routes using PP features.
If you have high priced goods you can utilize the profit bous of Mahon/Torval to get that on top of whatever you are selling. THis aims at bulk sales, preferraböy wioth carriers and/or squad activities. The route is not important, but the allegiance of the system you are selling in is.

So basically looking where to sell commodities you already have (mined or stored on your carrier) best, not looking for any profitable trade opportunity in general, right?

ZenlouHey, is there maybe a tracker or graph for the traffic a system gets? Some easy way to track if more CMDRs have visited a system compared to a few days ago. Inara shows the last 24 hours but I haven't found a way to compare that to the past.

It is not as the traffic numbers are just estimates and there is not possible to get any exact values from the journal (so although it may generally fit and sometimes it may be very precise, another time it may be quite off). For that reason I do not want to put such estimates into tables or graphs, because it will be perceived as game's genuine values and that will be very misleading (and people will be complaining the numbers are wrong, making wrong decisions based on that, etc.).
24 Feb 2023, 9:11am
No, this is actually an alternative to normal trade routes using PP features.
If you have high priced goods you can utilize the profit bous of Mahon/Torval to get that on top of whatever you are selling. THis aims at bulk sales, preferraböy wioth carriers and/or squad activities. The route is not important, but the allegiance of the system you are selling in is.

So basically looking where to sell commodities you already have (mined or stored on your carrier) best, not looking for any profitable trade opportunity in general, right?

yes, just with taking PP perks into account. And probably BGS, but I'm too far away from that to judge if adding minor factions would be worth the hassle. So PP as another search filter value would be awesome for the time being.
24 Feb 2023, 7:58pm
Artie(...)because it will be perceived as game's genuine values and that will be very misleading (and people will be complaining the numbers are wrong, making wrong decisions based on that, etc.).

That's actually a reasonable reason not to do it. Thanks for the reply.
27 Feb 2023, 4:03pm
Is there a fairly easy way to filter out player factions from results when searching for minor factions that meet my search criteria?

As a feature request, there's a "player faction? Yes/Any" search parameter. The "yes" option displays only player factions. The "any" option displays all factions. Could a "no" be added to list only NPC factions?

Last edit: 27 Feb 2023, 5:06pm
28 Feb 2023, 9:56am

Thanks for changing the way the population is calculated.

Well, with numbers linked to influence, the ranking gave a feedback about the overall success of a faction in the systems.
Now its just useless, as 1% of influence results in the same population count as 70%.
01 Mar 2023, 6:19pm
Hello Commanders, love the site it my go to for everything ED!
looks like my 2 pictures didnt post here- i reposted them in my gallery, but the short verion is I lost 20 ranks in one day (139 to 159) and 3 of my acheivment catagories now show no progress?

Last edit: 01 Mar 2023, 6:34pm
01 Mar 2023, 8:11pm
Jasper_LitHello Commanders, love the site it my go to for everything ED!
looks like my 2 pictures didnt post here- i reposted them in my gallery, but the short verion is I lost 20 ranks in one day (139 to 159) and 3 of my acheivment catagories now show no progress?

Hello, it seems you have imported your Horizons game session and it's missing some Odyssey stats. Once you will import an Odyssey game session again (and the Statistics event will be in the journal), you will get the numbers back.

Stanley BakerIs there a fairly easy way to filter out player factions from results when searching for minor factions that meet my search criteria?

As a feature request, there's a "player faction? Yes/Any" search parameter. The "yes" option displays only player factions. The "any" option displays all factions. Could a "no" be added to list only NPC factions?

Not at the moment, but it's a good idea to make it more flexible. Thanks for the suggestion.

yes, just with taking PP perks into account. And probably BGS, but I'm too far away from that to judge if adding minor factions would be worth the hassle. So PP as another search filter value would be awesome for the time being.

Alright, thanks for the clarification.
03 Mar 2023, 1:11am
This may be a VERY minor issue but it helps with the professional look of the site. Caustic shards are capped at 200 in the game, not 250 as it shows on our inventory pages.
03 Mar 2023, 1:52pm
I think I proposed this a while back, but I'll make another pitch for a "search along route" feature. I think it would be incredibly useful.

Example uses: I'm travelling to visit my friendly engineer to make some upgrades and need to stop at a material trader along the way. Or, I need to go visit a Guardian site to unlock Gauss cannons for fighting interceptors, and want to scan some ammonia worlds while I'm at it, say within the next two weeks...

Anyway, hoping that wouldn't be too hard of a thing to implement, I'd certainly get a lot of use out of it!


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