Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 Feb 2023, 7:44pm
Sickbacchus07Is there a better way to find info about FC vendors? Saw that you can finally search for stations, but still no info about any FC at all. Just where a bunch is located. I would like a little more details to maybe purchase one later on.

What do you mean exactly? You can search for FC vendors here since fleet carriers were introduced and for stations since... well, the Big Bang, so maybe do you mean something else?

Joku24Hi Artie,

quick reminder to an older question: is it possible to include system allegiance and/or factions as a n option in the commodity search? That would make it way easier to look for specific systems with regards to Powerplay/BGS.


There was added an option for the trade routes search to limit search for a specific minor faction with the new Inara version, which should help with trading for the BGS stuff. No such thing planned for the commodity search at the moment (as I guess the desire is to find the trade route primarily, not the commodities themselves).

Gen. ZoffI cant add a non-Odyssey surface installation (undockable) to the database. Its at Col 285 Sector XP-O d6-95 system, at body 6 A. Called "Cixin Horizons". EDDiscovery linked.

Please import your journals via "Import game data" button on your Commander page, it should very likely add the station to the database if some usable events are in the journal for that. As the station is undockable as you mention, there may be problematic to get it from EDDN like the markets, etc.

Ulon Yuanshi
Not really, since it does not list the controlled star system population that I asked about.
I am trying to come up with a list of factions by raw population of systems controlled, not the numbers divided by influence.
Since Inara does have these numbers (see screenshot), I would like to ctrl+c those.

I see... then Aunty's offer may be a better choice to avoid a manual work. Making the tooltips displayed there longer, etc. is not exactly a good choice for the general usability.
15 Feb 2023, 10:52pm
Found a Odyssey settlement in HR 913 that's registered as a planetary port (or "Starports") in Inara.

System: HR 913
Planet: ABC 2 B
Settlement Name: Vinet's Vista
Currently registered under: Starports
Suppose to be registered under: Settlements
16 Feb 2023, 9:34am
MuhhyFound a Odyssey settlement in HR 913 that's registered as a planetary port (or "Starports") in Inara.

System: HR 913
Planet: ABC 2 B
Settlement Name: Vinet's Vista
Currently registered under: Starports
Suppose to be registered under: Settlements

Fixed. o7
17 Feb 2023, 8:49am
The idea was rather to utilize the trading bonuses. If you are aligned to Mahon or Torval you can get trade bonuses by selling to one of their stations. So if you are looking for a place to sell the PP info would be valuable. At the moment the best I can do is use Gateway as a reference system and then guesstimate if the system belongs to Mahon depending on distance to the HQ. But you always have to make two clicks to verify if the system is indeed a part of Mahons (or Torvals) realm.

Joku24Hi Artie,

quick reminder to an older question: is it possible to include system allegiance and/or factions as a n option in the commodity search? That would make it way easier to look for specific systems with regards to Powerplay/BGS.


There was added an option for the trade routes search to limit search for a specific minor faction with the new Inara version, which should help with trading for the BGS stuff. No such thing planned for the commodity search at the moment (as I guess the desire is to find the trade route primarily, not the commodities themselves).
18 Feb 2023, 7:58am
/cmdr-craftinglist does not include Meta-Alloys & Thargoid Heart

if missing
18 Feb 2023, 11:56am
Hi Artie,

I love the new multi-commodity search. Exactly what I asked for. The only thing is, that I don't understand the logic of shown commodities in the table. Looks like some predefined order and takes the first to show the stats in table? In that case I think it will be better to take the commodity with the lowest supply/demand to see the worst case. And what means when that commodity name is in blue color?

My other question is about Galnet news. What about the ability to publicly create the translation to some other language? For example, I would like to create a Slovak translation for others.

19 Feb 2023, 2:20pm
I see... then Aunty's offer may be a better choice to avoid a manual work. Making the tooltips displayed there longer, etc. is not exactly a good choice for the general usability.

Especially since the Galactic Census is no longer available, there currently is no ressource for this data, short of the database itself. The influence calculated population numbers are not commonly used in the BGS community.

Could the tooltip be changed into an <extend> or the information otherwise be displayed in a table, for example on the factions report page?
19 Feb 2023, 2:37pm

Just an example why the different ways of couting population make a significant difference.

Almost all of this population lives on ELWs, so are completely within a faction jurisidiction. They should be conted as residents or citizens. The influence calculation distorts the numbers.
20 Feb 2023, 12:22pm
Sorry if this has been asked before but is there any way on Inara to see if a settlement is unpowered and deserted and if not is there a way this info can be brought in via the API?
Ingame it is usually shown by a small 'x' in a circle over the settlement icon and a greying out of the name. The same would work here.
20 Feb 2023, 8:44pm
Gen. Zoff
MuhhyFound a Odyssey settlement in HR 913 that's registered as a planetary port (or "Starports") in Inara.

System: HR 913
Planet: ABC 2 B
Settlement Name: Vinet's Vista
Currently registered under: Starports
Suppose to be registered under: Settlements

Fixed. o7

Thank you for the report and for the adjustment! It seems that some old Horizons stations (that were surface stations previously and turned into on-foot settlements) weren't properly set as they should, so I have fixed that as well.

SwingFish/cmdr-craftinglist does not include Meta-Alloys & Thargoid Heart

if missing

Hmmm... maybe I have missed something and it will need an update, they are used for some crafting now? Of what exactly?

QuillmonkeySorry if this has been asked before but is there any way on Inara to see if a settlement is unpowered and deserted and if not is there a way this info can be brought in via the API?
Ingame it is usually shown by a small 'x' in a circle over the settlement icon and a greying out of the name. The same would work here.

Unfortunately, there is no information about it in the journal and as far as I know, it's not possible to derive it from the other properties reliably (but if somebody knows a method, I can take a look at that).

Last edit: 21 Feb 2023, 7:35pm
21 Feb 2023, 2:52pm
I seem to have an issue with the amount of credits I have listed on my INARA profile. According to my INARA profile, I have 238,674,923CR. In game, however, I have considerably less, 176,140,351CR.

This is what is showing on INARA:

And this is what is in game:
21 Feb 2023, 2:54pm
Well, that was fast. I posted that and now it's reading correctly.
21 Feb 2023, 7:34pm
Ulon Yuanshi
Especially since the Galactic Census is no longer available, there currently is no ressource for this data, short of the database itself. The influence calculated population numbers are not commonly used in the BGS community.

Could the tooltip be changed into an <extend> or the information otherwise be displayed in a table, for example on the factions report page?

Well, as nobody care much about it anyway, I have reconsidered the numbers displayed and it now shows the total controlling system population, same for the reports page, so you can use that.

HuboHi Artie,

I love the new multi-commodity search. Exactly what I asked for. The only thing is, that I don't understand the logic of shown commodities in the table. Looks like some predefined order and takes the first to show the stats in table? In that case I think it will be better to take the commodity with the lowest supply/demand to see the worst case. And what means when that commodity name is in blue color?

My other question is about Galnet news. What about the ability to publicly create the translation to some other language? For example, I would like to create a Slovak translation for others.


It's primarily sorted by the number of commodities present (so N, N-1, etc. where N is a number of commodities in the search), the secondary sort is made by the option selected by the user (so distance, price, age, etc.). The commodity grouping is based on what it made first from the database (it's grouped by the station), so although it's correctly sorted by price or supply/demand, the sorting parameter is not determining what commodity is displayed primarily at the moment. I may consider adding some subquery/join for that if it won't be a big performance hit, but for now if you want to be certain there is some supply of the commodities desired, it's best to set the minimum supply parameter for the search. The blue color means the station has all the commodities selected, it's just a visual hint.

There is currently no stuff for the Galnet news translation and I have no plans for that - there were some attempts to provide localized Galnet news versions around the net years ago and all of them were quite short-lived, usually for the reason the people translating it simply lost an interest and stopped doing that. For that reason I do not want to do it.

Joku24The idea was rather to utilize the trading bonuses. If you are aligned to Mahon or Torval you can get trade bonuses by selling to one of their stations. So if you are looking for a place to sell the PP info would be valuable. At the moment the best I can do is use Gateway as a reference system and then guesstimate if the system belongs to Mahon depending on distance to the HQ. But you always have to make two clicks to verify if the system is indeed a part of Mahons (or Torvals) realm.

Hmmm... and the reason is to get the best profit possible in general or something else? As for the best possible profit it's better to simply use the Best trade routes section (which is already utilizing the PP bonuses), I may be missing some other use-case scenario.

TheDarkPreacherWell, that was fast. I posted that and now it's reading correctly.

I guess there was a journal update made meanwhile. In case it will happen again for any reason, an import of the journal with the game session start should correct it, as there are credits/assets written at the session start in there.
22 Feb 2023, 8:52am
Ulon Yuanshi
Especially since the Galactic Census is no longer available, there currently is no ressource for this data, short of the database itself. The influence calculated population numbers are not commonly used in the BGS community.

Could the tooltip be changed into an <extend> or the information otherwise be displayed in a table, for example on the factions report page?

Well, as nobody care much about it anyway, I have reconsidered the numbers displayed and it now shows the total controlling system population, same for the reports page, so you can use that.

I am nobody :-(

I think the people voting for our factions is a very good overall display of our real influence.

BUT I absolutely don't want to ask Artie to reverse the change, I am totally OK with the pop-up/tooltip where I can see the old number.
22 Feb 2023, 1:43pm
I think the people voting for our factions is a very good overall display of our real influence.

BUT I absolutely don't want to ask Artie to reverse the change, I am totally OK with the pop-up/tooltip where I can see the old number.

Yeah, I also think it was a better representation of the faction's influence. But, as this was not the first complaint, it seems the majority of BGS players perceive it differently, so I won't fight the bigger demand.

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