Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
19 Mar 2023, 12:42pm
Hi Artie,

Is there a way to display all fleet carriers?
For example, that you can scroll through several pages to see the total stock? is not up to date, is not really up to date either and only shows me just under 4,000. INARA seems to me to be the most accurate and reliable.

With the search for the next station I only get one page but no complete list. Is there a link combination, also I imagine that the old INARA page had this option.

Thank you for the answer
19 Mar 2023, 3:21pm
Gen. ZoffDo we have a chance to see numbers on the Statistics page about ships (instead of % value of an unknown value)?

Probably not as there is not much reason to - the percentage is the % of totals and as I am tracking the ships of the active commanders only, the exact numbers will fluctuate quite a lot (in both directions), so the percentage is a better representation of the ship typess distribution.

Skaven Jerhi Artie

I was searching for a ground station under attack (excluding odyssey) one of the results was - Heng - Barnes Landing (planet A 1). The only place on planet A 1 that is being attacked is the -Webb industrial workshop - which i guess is Odyssey. I checked the in game galaxy map the only - Barnes Landing - is in - Lambi- i checked EDDB and -Barnes landing- is showing the same as Inara.

Any idea what's going on

Hello, there can be multiple stations of the same name, also in this case. There is Barnes Landing present in Heng, it should be currently under attack and it is on Odyssey-only planet. The search results on Inara seems to be alright to me, too (so it's filtered out with the "exclude Odyssey" settings)? If you see something different, please give me the exact link for the search.

Deltus InfiniumHey all! I'm working on my exploration badge on my INARA profile and was just wondering if I am seeing this correctly that lvl 4 requires an astounding 100,000 detailed surface scans with probes? Guess I have to go make a lot of craters on planets with probes now lol.

Heya, yes, some medal requirements need rebalancing. I wanted to make it after the upcoming game update, but as it's still a month (or so) away, I will very likely take a look at that next week.
19 Mar 2023, 3:32pm
DisgoAny chance of adding tissue samples sold to at rescue ships the war tracking somehow?

While it's impossible to track the system of origin from the sell, as long as it wasn't resold at a carrier (avgpricepaid is zero?) it should count a lot for the war effort. There is also a CollectCargo event while picking up the sample, but that doesn't guarantee that it'll be sold at the rescue ship.

The effect samples have on alert systems is massive - I think I've almost single handedly pushed Wolf 121 to over 50% completion with ~250 interceptor samples in the past few days.

Well, I was taking it as a "byproduct" of the Interceptors kills, but it's right that not everybody may collect and sell them, so it may worth to be tracked extra. As you mention, once the tissue sample is collected, the information of where it was collected is lost, so I can do that only on the collection event (to have it tracked for the respective star system). Of course, it's not entirely accurate as it may not be sold, but there isn't a better way. Please enlighten me (as I don't know how it works exactly) - what will happen when the tissue sample is sold elsewhere? Must it be sold only on the rescue ships to have an effect on the war effort? Is it's possible to sell it on the fleet carrier and whoever then resell it to the rescue ship will contribute to the effort or such samples are not further counted?

Imperial Senator BluecrashArtie:

This is missing from Module search within the fleet ( this link


Please use the "Thrusters" option for that, it's under it, although it's not very obvious indeed.

HekatehHi Artie,

I often fly to, and update Odyssey settlements for my faction. So I go to the stations tab in the system view, and sort them. Once I dock at one ingame, I press refresh in the browser to see if the data is there. Sadly Inara doesn't track that I clicked the "Settlements" tab, and after the refresh it shows me *all* stations again (starports, FCs etc.). Could you add the settlement filter somehow to the URL so that when I refresh it just shows Odyssey settlements?


Hello, maybe, I need to think about that - the way how to do it is via URL anchors, but it will get complicated with the multiple filters present. So no promises at this moment.

Ni6h70wlHi Artie,

Is there a way to display all fleet carriers?
For example, that you can scroll through several pages to see the total stock? is not up to date, is not really up to date either and only shows me just under 4,000. INARA seems to me to be the most accurate and reliable.

With the search for the next station I only get one page but no complete list. Is there a link combination, also I imagine that the old INARA page had this option.

Thank you for the answer

Hello, it is not. There is a ten of thousands carriers so a static list is useless, there is simply too much of them to browse and find something "manually" (but maybe I do not understand the problem accurately). For what exactly are you looking for?
19 Mar 2023, 7:45pm
Deltus InfiniumHey all! I'm working on my exploration badge on my INARA profile and was just wondering if I am seeing this correctly that lvl 4 requires an astounding 100,000 detailed surface scans with probes? Guess I have to go make a lot of craters on planets with probes now lol.

No, it requires 100,000 level 3 detailed scans, which means FSS (or sensor) scans of objects that have level 3 astronomical data (AFAIR all astronomical bodies do, while asteroid clusters have only level 2 data). The concept of level 1/2/3 data is from the original discovery scanner implementation and has been obsoleted by the introduction of the FSS, but the distinction in the stats remains.

As for detailed surface scans, there appears to be no relevant stat in the journals, although there is an “Efficiency bonuses received” stat.
19 Mar 2023, 8:38pm
ArtiePlease enlighten me (as I don't know how it works exactly) - what will happen when the tissue sample is sold elsewhere? Must it be sold only on the rescue ships to have an effect on the war effort? Is it's possible to sell it on the fleet carrier and whoever then resell it to the rescue ship will contribute to the effort or such samples are not further counted?

I believe it works similar to mining CGs where it loses the mined (salvaged? in this case) internal tag if it's sold to a carrier, but not if you transfer it to your carrier and back without using the market. I've been storing samples on my carrier to sell a bunch at the rescue ship at once. I'm not sure what happens on the edge case of buying samples from a carrier in that has pre-parked an alert system.

I think selling only counts at rescue ships because sampling also helps in unpopulated systems (not mentioned in the game activities list), but I haven't tested selling elsewhere or sampling in unpopulated systems personally.

Tracking just samples collected and having a total sold every rescue ship (showing the closest rescue ship/total on the system conflict page somewhere maybe to be informative) would be a really good to have even if only a fraction are sold/sold in the right place.
20 Mar 2023, 2:26pm
Hey Artie thanks for your answer.

I would be interested to know the number of dead carriers in the game. I'm working with another commander on a proposal for Frontier to reduce the "unused" wild growth and to make some blocked systems, e.g. Rackham's Peak, visitable again.
As a guideline, the number of carriers older than 6 months without use or where the commander has already stopped and left us the scrap metal.

20 Mar 2023, 3:13pm
Ni6h70wlHey Artie thanks for your answer.

I would be interested to know the number of dead carriers in the game. I'm working with another commander on a proposal for Frontier to reduce the "unused" wild growth and to make some blocked systems, e.g. Rackham's Peak, visitable again.
As a guideline, the number of carriers older than 6 months without use or where the commander has already stopped and left us the scrap metal.


Well, I don't know the total numbers of the fleet carriers since they were introduced as they are a subject of pruning, but there was ~38.5k fleet carriers registered on Inara in the last 6 months. Let's consider as the active carriers those seen in the last month (30 days) and in that period, ~31k carriers were seen (and ~7.5k carriers were either decommissioned or nobody seen them). For these active, I know about ~60% of their owners whilst ~50% of them were active on Inara in the same period. If I should guess from these numbers, I would say that AT LEAST 30% of the fleet carriers seen are active for sure and with that percentage applied on the rest of the carriers (including unknown owners) it will indicate that AT LEAST 50% of them is active. But that's just a speculative number, of course.

I believe it works similar to mining CGs where it loses the mined (salvaged? in this case) internal tag if it's sold to a carrier, but not if you transfer it to your carrier and back without using the market. I've been storing samples on my carrier to sell a bunch at the rescue ship at once. I'm not sure what happens on the edge case of buying samples from a carrier in that has pre-parked an alert system.

I think selling only counts at rescue ships because sampling also helps in unpopulated systems (not mentioned in the game activities list), but I haven't tested selling elsewhere or sampling in unpopulated systems personally.

Tracking just samples collected and having a total sold every rescue ship (showing the closest rescue ship/total on the system conflict page somewhere maybe to be informative) would be a really good to have even if only a fraction are sold/sold in the right place.

Thanks, so it seems that just collecting them may be somewhat an indication, the question only is how precise it may be (as people may be selling it elsewhere than rescue ships). If it can be confirmed that selling the tissue samples anywhere (not just rescue ships) is or is not contribution to the war effort, that would be great (not just for the numbers on Inara, but also for the in-game activities as people won't need to fly to the rescue ships). I will put its tracking on my ToDo list meanwhile.
20 Mar 2023, 3:25pm
Sampi Ogonek
Deltus InfiniumHey all! I'm working on my exploration badge on my INARA profile and was just wondering if I am seeing this correctly that lvl 4 requires an astounding 100,000 detailed surface scans with probes? Guess I have to go make a lot of craters on planets with probes now lol.

No, it requires 100,000 level 3 detailed scans, which means FSS (or sensor) scans of objects that have level 3 astronomical data (AFAIR all astronomical bodies do, while asteroid clusters have only level 2 data). The concept of level 1/2/3 data is from the original discovery scanner implementation and has been obsoleted by the introduction of the FSS, but the distinction in the stats remains.

As for detailed surface scans, there appears to be no relevant stat in the journals, although there is an “Efficiency bonuses received” stat.

Thanks for the answer! I am very happy to hear I won't need to do so much probing now!
20 Mar 2023, 4:19pm

Well, I don't know the total numbers of the fleet carriers since they were introduced as they are a subject of pruning, but there was ~38.5k fleet carriers registered on Inara in the last 6 months. Let's consider as the active carriers those seen in the last month (30 days) and in that period, ~31k carriers were seen (and ~7.5k carriers were either decommissioned or nobody seen them). For these active, I know about ~60% of their owners whilst ~50% of them were active on Inara in the same period. If I should guess from these numbers, I would say that AT LEAST 30% of the fleet carriers seen are active for sure and with that percentage applied on the rest of the carriers (including unknown owners) it will indicate that AT LEAST 50% of them is active. But that's just a speculative number, of course.

Thank you very much, that helps me, at least it gives me a rough guide. Many thanks
20 Mar 2023, 10:19pm
I've noticed recently that some Surface Stations are being reported on the site with the Odyssey tag even though they have been around since Horizons. Darnielle's Progress - Maia as an example, and it is confusing a lot of people.
21 Mar 2023, 12:00am
Easy GliderI've noticed recently that some Surface Stations are being reported on the site with the Odyssey tag even though they have been around since Horizons. Darnielle's Progress - Maia as an example, and it is confusing a lot of people.

Thank you for the report, I think I know where the problem is on a quick check and I will fix that first thing tomorrow.
21 Mar 2023, 5:43am
Game data import do not match my in game data and fleet carrier import is always failed.

Game journal import 2023-03-21 OK
Fleet carrier update Failed

Your commander profile and data were updated successfully!
21 Mar 2023, 7:12am
G'day Artie,

When I checked my 'Items and civilians rescued' figures after today's runs, it look like I have lost 220 civilians.

I start the week with at 'Items and civilians rescued: 61,580'. According to the Thargoid conflict detail pages, I have completes Total rescues: 5,523 @ Cabarci and Total rescues: 5,500 @ Haitchane. Which should give me 72,603. But my The Samaritan 'Items and civilians rescued' is only 72,383.

But, I had an unusual experience this morning. When I delivered the first run of 220 civilians, there has still a uncollected mission of 23 civilians at the Ingstad Mines station. I want back and completed this mission. I don't know where this 23 mission came from as my ship only holds 220 civilians at one time. This may not be related but who knows....
21 Mar 2023, 4:32pm
M_J_SG'day Artie,

When I checked my 'Items and civilians rescued' figures after today's runs, it look like I have lost 220 civilians.

I start the week with at 'Items and civilians rescued: 61,580'. According to the Thargoid conflict detail pages, I have completes Total rescues: 5,523 @ Cabarci and Total rescues: 5,500 @ Haitchane. Which should give me 72,603. But my The Samaritan 'Items and civilians rescued' is only 72,383.

But, I had an unusual experience this morning. When I delivered the first run of 220 civilians, there has still a uncollected mission of 23 civilians at the Ingstad Mines station. I want back and completed this mission. I don't know where this 23 mission came from as my ship only holds 220 civilians at one time. This may not be related but who knows....

if you have been importing your game data immediately/shortly after the missions completed, there is possible that some mission weren't marked (and their numbers calculated) as the event for the mission completion may not have been written into the journal (on Frontier's server side) yet. So it got marked at a later import, with all the information received. The total numbers of refugees, etc. should be adjusted on your next mission completion (and its import), I just made a general fix for the number sums of the Thargoid war activities.

Cmdr XmikeyXGame data import do not match my in game data and fleet carrier import is always failed.

Game journal import 2023-03-21 OK
Fleet carrier update Failed

Your commander profile and data were updated successfully!

As your OAuth tokens expired, I cannot verify further what data are coming in exactly, but I guess you may have linked an incorrect game account by accident, so please verify that (also note that there are only Live game data imported, no Legacy).
26 Mar 2023, 8:29pm
Where can I find a list of squadrons I support?

I wanted to support a squadron and saw the following message:
(Too many squadrons supported)

Maybe there could be a button to take me to the list of squads I support?

By the way, what does supporting a squad mean? Why is there a limit? What's the limit?

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