Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
10 Apr 2023, 12:18pm
It is very important
Faction consequences from selling commodities are now based on satisfying available demand at the Commodity Market
It is just a bonus
When buying and selling, it's generally more positive to a faction to satisfy a higher supply and demand (green 3-bar icon) than a lower (red 1-bar icon)
Update 10 - Odyssey and Horizons
And yes, effectiveness of trade in BGS post that patch decreased about 4 times

And it would be great to also be able to search for a trade route of up to 4 goods at the same time from one station. Considering the demand, and profit first of all.

Artie, thank you so much for your wonderful website!
10 Apr 2023, 1:03pm
Kissamies, Veles: Thanks for the extra details. I will think about a possible solution as it's a little bit tricky (the trading search was primarily optimized for trading, so profit and as the BGS influence manipulation has a little bit different set of demands and conditions like that a low profit is perfectly acceptable, it would need some changes).
10 Apr 2023, 3:14pm
Artie, hi! Back to my question: I found an alternative solution to my problem. has something similar.
First of all, there is a night dump of Populated systems. But it is very large. It weighs 86Mb compressed and 537Mb unzipped! The information in it is complete, but in my opinion, it is very redundant.
It displays all stations and all bodies in the systems (this is not always necessary).
Secondly, you can create separate queries there.
For example, the query "GET"
gives the following output:

{"id":15038,"id64":20462163731865,"name":"Atagat","url":"https:\/\/\/en\/system\/id\/15038\/name\/Atagat","controllingFaction":{"id":236,"name":"Earth Defense Fleet","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate"},"factions":[{"id":236,"name":"Earth Defense Fleet","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","influence":0.629113,"state":"Expansion","activeStates":[{"state":"Boom"},{"state":"Civil liberty"},{"state":"Public Holiday"},{"state":"Expansion"}],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":true,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":49820,"name":"Atagat Galactic Network","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","influence":0.092722,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":386,"name":"C.O.N.T.R.A.I.L","allegiance":"Independent","government":"Democracy","influence":0.0668,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":true,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":10965,"name":"Independent Atagat Liberals","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Democracy","influence":0.064806,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":49818,"name":"Atagat Order","allegiance":"Independent","government":"Dictatorship","influence":0.055833,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":6337,"name":"Atagat Electronics Ltd","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","influence":0.053838,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[{"state":"Outbreak","trend":0}],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":49819,"name":"Freedom Party of Atagat","allegiance":"Independent","government":"Dictatorship","influence":0.036889,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":82250,"name":"Orden de Investigacion A-51","allegiance":"Independent","government":"Cooperative","influence":0,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":81923,"name":"Pilots' Federation Local Branch","allegiance":"Pilots Federation","government":"Democracy","influence":0,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"None","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":7160,"name":"LHS 1706 Group","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","influence":0,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"Happy","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310},{"id":1219,"name":"Ross 33 Gold Comms Partners","allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","influence":0,"state":"None","activeStates":[],"recoveringStates":[],"pendingStates":[],"happiness":"None","isPlayer":false,"lastUpdate":1681135310}]}

That's all well and good, but there's no population size. Hmmm, you have to create a separate request for that:
To which there will be an answer:

{"name":"Atagat","information":{"allegiance":"Federation","government":"Corporate","faction":"Earth Defense Fleet","factionState":"Expansion","population":57889081,"security":"High","economy":"High Tech","secondEconomy":"Refinery","reserve":"Low"}}

In principle, that's enough for me for now. But I would like to see something like that here as well.
Best regards, CDD_Juriy.
10 Apr 2023, 6:32pm
CDD_JuriyArtie, hi! Back to my question: I found an alternative solution to my problem. has something similar.
First of all, there is a night dump of Populated systems. ....

That's quite a lot of steps and problems just to get that.
I will make some output for the faction multiple states in the custom searches.
10 Apr 2023, 6:38pm
As EDDB was shutdown recently and many commanders moved to Inara (welcome aboard, guys!), I have also received a couple of questions regarding Inara's future. So, to make it clear - I have no intention to stop supporting Elite: Dangerous on Inara nor shut the site down completely anytime soon (and by "anytime soon" I mean at least several years). So you can be entirely calm and just enjoy the game.
10 Apr 2023, 6:46pm
I will make some output for the faction multiple states in the custom searches.

Thanks! That would be great!
10 Apr 2023, 7:42pm
ArtieAs EDDB was shutdown recently and many commanders moved to Inara (welcome aboard, guys!), I have also received a couple of questions regarding Inara's future. So, to make it clear - I have no intention to stop supporting Elite: Dangerous on Inara nor shut the site down completely anytime soon (and by "anytime soon" I mean at least several years). So you can be entirely calm and just enjoy the game.


10 Apr 2023, 7:46pm
Hi Artie, now for something serious:
we need a new synthesis type for our crafting lists — the caustic sink synthesis:

(Engineering uses exactly the same blueprints as heat sink launchers, so nothing to add there, I guess.)
10 Apr 2023, 11:36pm
Sampi OgonekHi Artie, now for something serious:
we need a new synthesis type for our crafting lists — the caustic sink synthesis:

(Engineering uses exactly the same blueprints as heat sink launchers, so nothing to add there, I guess.)

Thanks, added.
11 Apr 2023, 2:54pm
Thank you Artie. Was worried about all of the creative and science work I had placed towards my fan-fiction Logbook.
11 Apr 2023, 3:40pm
A question, if I may, in regards to The Trader badge here on Inara:

Does it only count cargo that is sold for a profit, or does it also include powerplay cargo shifted to where it needs to go, as well as mission-supplied cargo?
11 Apr 2023, 8:12pm
Hi Artie,
I just tried to unlock/buy an Engineered Frame Shift Drive. I searched for Nearest Outfitting, 5A Engineered Frame Shift Drive and Imperial Sanctum | Cemiess showed up. Flew there and the EFSD is not there. Not in the Tech Broker's Unlock list or in Outfitting. I updated ED Market Connector, waited a few and Nearest showed Imperial Sanctum | Cemiess as having the EFSD updated 1 minute ago.

As it's not there and Inara thinks it is, perhaps a bug?
11 Apr 2023, 8:43pm
Jarvis JamesonA question, if I may, in regards to The Trader badge here on Inara:

Does it only count cargo that is sold for a profit, or does it also include powerplay cargo shifted to where it needs to go, as well as mission-supplied cargo?

To be honest, I am not sure about the powerplay and mission cargo - the value is taken from the in-game stats, so better to check directly in the game if those will count towards the Codex stats or not.

Happy DazeHi Artie,
I just tried to unlock/buy an Engineered Frame Shift Drive. I searched for Nearest Outfitting, 5A Engineered Frame Shift Drive and Imperial Sanctum | Cemiess showed up. Flew there and the EFSD is not there. Not in the Tech Broker's Unlock list or in Outfitting. I updated ED Market Connector, waited a few and Nearest showed Imperial Sanctum | Cemiess as having the EFSD updated 1 minute ago.

As it's not there and Inara thinks it is, perhaps a bug?

Hello, the engineered FSD should be available to buy (not unlock) at the Human tech broker and I suppose there is one present in the Imperial Sanctum station, correct? It should be at the bottom of his list I believe, so please double check that and also if it is truly the Human tech broker (just for a case somebody set it wrong).
11 Apr 2023, 8:43pm
Thanks, I'll take a gander at that tomorrow. Will report back...
12 Apr 2023, 11:14am
The only items available were the Caustic Sink Launcher, Anti-Corrosion Cargo Rack and Meta Alloy Hull Reinforcements. You have to unlock the CSL before you buy it, but it was not there to unlock. I have a video.

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