Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
13 Mar 2023, 11:10pm
UrsadonSuggestion: Add to table 'Galaxy->Thargoid war->Damaged stations' column 'ALLEGIANCE' with sorting.
Rescue missions are fastest way to maximize reputation with major factons, so it will be easy to find station with pax

Thanks for the suggestion, added.

FelaKutiHey Artie,

I saw that you put a marker on systems suffering thargoid influence (post-thargoid Recovery, Invasion, Alert, Normal).
Wouldn't it be nice if we could filter the systems through this criteria? So in addition to choosing to sort by influence, update, population, factions we could also sort by thargoid status.

Thank's for your time!

Hello, I would like to add the search option there this week.
15 Mar 2023, 10:16am
I can not update game data since yesterday.

Your access/update token has expired or a new authentication through the Frontier service is required. Please perform new authentication.
[httpCode: 400, fetchCode: 0]

I have access to my account and there INARA is entered as authorized app.

Why is this not working.
15 Mar 2023, 3:14pm
Artie, do you think you can implement a keyboard shortcut to focus the search box?

For example, a user could press ALT+Q or ALT+S (or whatever combination you deem appropriate) to open the search and allow the user to instantly begin typing their search query without having to use the mouse to move the cursor and click on the spyglass?
15 Mar 2023, 3:58pm
Unknown ZombieArtie, do you think you can implement a keyboard shortcut to focus the search box?

For example, a user could press ALT+Q or ALT+S (or whatever combination you deem appropriate) to open the search and allow the user to instantly begin typing their search query without having to use the mouse to move the cursor and click on the spyglass?

Yes, I can add '/' (slash) key shortcut there (like Youtube, Facebook, etc. uses), will be there later today or tomorrow.

PsychodaddyI can not update game data since yesterday.
Your access/update token has expired or a new authentication through the Frontier service is required. Please perform new authentication.
[httpCode: 400, fetchCode: 0]

I have access to my account and there INARA is entered as authorized app.

Why is this not working.

Please re-check the correct game account is linked, it seems like this one has no game associated with it and that's why it didn't work (as there are no commander data for it).
15 Mar 2023, 9:18pm
PsychodaddyI can not update game data since yesterday.
Your access/update token has expired or a new authentication through the Frontier service is required. Please perform new authentication.
[httpCode: 400, fetchCode: 0]

I have access to my account and there INARA is entered as authorized app.

Why is this not working.

ArtiePlease re-check the correct game account is linked, it seems like this one has no game associated with it and that's why it didn't work (as there are no commander data for it).

now it works, I don't know why

Last edit: 15 Mar 2023, 9:55pm
16 Mar 2023, 1:41am

What does the Exobiology medal count as "Organic scans" I just did a major expedition and unlocked Cataloger, with dozens species scanned, many of whom were first logs. I'm still seeing the 9/100 listed, despite the Cataloger rank showing up just fine.
16 Mar 2023, 8:05am

What does the Exobiology medal count as "Organic scans" I just did a major expedition and unlocked Cataloger, with dozens species scanned, many of whom were first logs. I'm still seeing the 9/100 listed, despite the Cataloger rank showing up just fine.

It is the number of completed (so 3 finds) scan of plants.

If you have things like ED:MC running on your PC the journal files are shared and updates are in near real-time. Otherwise it's down to data pulls from FDev logs which can take a few hours to be updated and shared with third parties such as Inara. Restarting your game session often speeds up this log updating.
16 Mar 2023, 3:02pm
now it works, I don't know why

Thanks for the update, it seems it was just some hiccup on Frontier's end then.


What does the Exobiology medal count as "Organic scans" I just did a major expedition and unlocked Cataloger, with dozens species scanned, many of whom were first logs. I'm still seeing the 9/100 listed, despite the Cataloger rank showing up just fine.

As Aunty mentioned, it should be a number of scans "sold". But, as Inara imports this number from the journal's Statistics event, it may not be updated immediately after you have sold the data but at your next session start (or after relog to the menu and back to the game) as this event is written into the journal during that.
16 Mar 2023, 10:11pm
Just to summarize recent minor updates on Inara:
  • Various commodities listings now display also the supply/demand bracket, as is in the game. Commodity listings also have small "PP+" icon for relevant Powerplay star systems with a trading bonus (if the player is pledged to such power).
  • Improved display of star systems state related to Thargoid war (alert, invaded, etc.) in various listings. The nearest searches now have an option to filter the star systems by those states.
  • The quick search in the top menu is now accessible via / (slash) key.
  • Other various minor updates here and there.
17 Mar 2023, 11:28am
Do we have a chance to see numbers on the Statistics page about ships (instead of % value of an unknown value)?
17 Mar 2023, 12:32pm
hi Artie

I was searching for a ground station under attack (excluding odyssey) one of the results was - Heng - Barnes Landing (planet A 1). The only place on planet A 1 that is being attacked is the -Webb industrial workshop - which i guess is Odyssey. I checked the in game galaxy map the only - Barnes Landing - is in - Lambi- i checked EDDB and -Barnes landing- is showing the same as Inara.

Any idea what's going on
17 Mar 2023, 11:20pm
Hey all! I'm working on my exploration badge on my INARA profile and was just wondering if I am seeing this correctly that lvl 4 requires an astounding 100,000 detailed surface scans with probes? Guess I have to go make a lot of craters on planets with probes now lol.
18 Mar 2023, 7:45pm
Any chance of adding tissue samples sold to at rescue ships the war tracking somehow?

While it's impossible to track the system of origin from the sell, as long as it wasn't resold at a carrier (avgpricepaid is zero?) it should count a lot for the war effort. There is also a CollectCargo event while picking up the sample, but that doesn't guarantee that it'll be sold at the rescue ship.

The effect samples have on alert systems is massive - I think I've almost single handedly pushed Wolf 121 to over 50% completion with ~250 interceptor samples in the past few days.
19 Mar 2023, 2:58am

This is missing from Module search within the fleet ( this link

19 Mar 2023, 10:49am
Hi Artie,

I often fly to, and update Odyssey settlements for my faction. So I go to the stations tab in the system view, and sort them. Once I dock at one ingame, I press refresh in the browser to see if the data is there. Sadly Inara doesn't track that I clicked the "Settlements" tab, and after the refresh it shows me *all* stations again (starports, FCs etc.). Could you add the settlement filter somehow to the URL so that when I refresh it just shows Odyssey settlements?


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