Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Apr 2023, 9:09pm
Hello Commanders:

I was curious to know if there is a way to see which journal file location on your computer that Inara uses to import data for each commander.

I have 2 different Commanders - (1 on Steam, the other on Epic Games). In the past, I've obviously set both of them up correctly.. as both seem to be importing data fine.. but I can't for the life of me remember where the 2nd commander account (from Epic Games) imports the journal files from, and I've so far not been really able to find it looking for it on my own computer (the primary account on Steam uses the default ED data location that one I'm not too concerned about).

(The reason I am trying to find this is that I'm trying to set up the 2nd Epic Games Commander on Ed Discovery.. but I need the correct journal file location for it so its reading the proper files for the correct commander.
17 Apr 2023, 9:16pm
I didn't ask them, but I can think of at least one purpose off the top of my head: you're carrying a load of questionable goods and forgot to refuel, now you have to check if nearby stations you can dock at will penalize you if you get scanned.

Hmmm, I am not sure about that, it requires extra search options, because click on the star system map is faster than going through station details on any website. Either way, I will keep it in on the list, but not a priority at the moment.

Brantford-2Hello Commanders:

I was curious to know if there is a way to see which journal file location on your computer that Inara uses to import data for each commander.

I have 2 different Commanders - (1 on Steam, the other on Epic Games). In the past, I've obviously set both of them up correctly.. as both seem to be importing data fine.. but I can't for the life of me remember where the 2nd commander account (from Epic Games) imports the journal files from, and I've so far not been really able to find it looking for it on my own computer (the primary account on Steam uses the default ED data location that one I'm not too concerned about).

(The reason I am trying to find this is that I'm trying to set up the 2nd Epic Games Commander on Ed Discovery.. but I need the correct journal file location for it so its reading the proper files for the correct commander.

Hello, as far as I know the local journals regardless the game version (Frontier/Epic/Steam) are in the same folder. The only way how to differentiate them is the CMDR name inside them (in some events). I think EDDiscovery should be handling it properly, so you can try to simply use the same path.

In any case, Inara is not importing your local journal files from your computer but Frontier's server, so there is only important to link a correct game account. But if you are using Inara API with EDDiscovery, then ensure each commander is having its own Inara API key, so you won't get their data mixed. To be extra sure, you can also check "Cancel update on commander name mismatch" in the API key settings on Inara.
18 Apr 2023, 12:58am

Hello, as far as I know the local journals regardless the game version (Frontier/Epic/Steam) are in the same folder. The only way how to differentiate them is the CMDR name inside them (in some events). I think EDDiscovery should be handling it properly, so you can try to simply use the same path..

That seems to have done the trick. Thanks!
18 Apr 2023, 12:25pm
Quick question about the prices for trace calculations: I'M using EDD and an API key to import my things to Inara but while pricedata is popping up in the EDD client it doesn't seem to update inaras prices/trading caluclations. How can I distribute to that so the prices are updates to current version?

I'm "only" playing live-horizon (didn't buy odyssey yet) so just want to help out publishing more current data as I'm a trader at heart
18 Apr 2023, 12:39pm
Mirax TerrikQuick question about the prices for trace calculations: I'M using EDD and an API key to import my things to Inara but while pricedata is popping up in the EDD client it doesn't seem to update inaras prices/trading caluclations. How can I distribute to that so the prices are updates to current version?

I'm "only" playing live-horizon (didn't buy odyssey yet) so just want to help out publishing more current data as I'm a trader at heart

Inara API is not updating market prices, etc. as it serves just for updating commander's data. The general galaxy information, markets, etc. are send via EDDN, so please ensure it's enabled in EDD. After checking your recent stations/markets, those appear to be updated (but not sure if by your or somebody else).
18 Apr 2023, 12:47pm
Artie[quote=Mirax Terrik]
Inara API is not updating market prices, etc. as it serves just for updating commander's data. The general galaxy information, markets, etc. are send via EDDN, so please ensure it's enabled in EDD. After checking your recent stations/markets, those appear to be updated (but not sure if by your or somebody else).

Ah my bad. But that's weird, as EDD updates both, EDDN and Inara as per its logs. So shouldn't e.g. the systems I currently trade in be up2date instead of showing "2 days" with their data age? Will have a look at the client again if I'm missing something.
18 Apr 2023, 12:56pm
Mirax Terrik
Ah my bad. But that's weird, as EDD updates both, EDDN and Inara as per its logs. So shouldn't e.g. the systems I currently trade in be up2date instead of showing "2 days" with their data age? Will have a look at the client again if I'm missing something.

Yes, I see them up to date. If you see something different, please send me a direct link(s) to page(s) where you see those "2 days", so I can check where the problem may be.
18 Apr 2023, 1:05pm
Mirax Terrik
Ah my bad. But that's weird, as EDD updates both, EDDN and Inara as per its logs. So shouldn't e.g. the systems I currently trade in be up2date instead of showing "2 days" with their data age? Will have a look at the client again if I'm missing something.

Yes, I see them up to date. If you see something different, please send me a direct link(s) to page(s) where you see those "2 days", so I can check where the problem may be.

Ah perhaps a miscommunication on my part?
I was talking about the trade routes. If I look at e.g. the "best trade routes" it lists SOL to WOLF 424 (Daedalus to Readdy) which I flew today to test and it still shows the data was updated 2 days ago when I was there just a few hours ago and uploaded the data.
18 Apr 2023, 1:12pm
Mirax Terrik
Mirax Terrik
Ah my bad. But that's weird, as EDD updates both, EDDN and Inara as per its logs. So shouldn't e.g. the systems I currently trade in be up2date instead of showing "2 days" with their data age? Will have a look at the client again if I'm missing something.

Yes, I see them up to date. If you see something different, please send me a direct link(s) to page(s) where you see those "2 days", so I can check where the problem may be.

Ah perhaps a miscommunication on my part?
I was talking about the trade routes. If I look at e.g. the "best trade routes" it lists SOL to WOLF 424 (Daedalus to Readdy) which I flew today to test and it still shows the data was updated 2 days ago when I was there just a few hours ago and uploaded the data.

Aha! Indeed, there is some issue with the date used for those particular stations indeed. I will fix it ASAP, thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Edit: The issue was fixed.

Last edit: 18 Apr 2023, 2:23pm
18 Apr 2023, 1:33pm
Aha! Indeed, there is some issue with the date used for those particular stations indeed. I will fix it ASAP, thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Whee! Happy to help!
18 Apr 2023, 4:26pm
There were various improvements made today and in the past two weeks, so just to summarize:
  • Various improvements for trade routes search (A to B, A to many), especially to improve the clarity of the output and provide more information.
  • Added multistate minor faction search (you can utilize that for finding not-yet-known trade opportunities, for example).
  • The above also lead to a "discovery" of an old massacre mission stacking tool I completely forgot about, so it was finalized and is available to satisfy your need to... hmm... make things right.
  • Various improvements and fixes across the site.
18 Apr 2023, 4:53pm
  • Various improvements and fixes across the site.

Thanks for the damaged stations improvements, works a lot faster now and distance data is great.

Actually, I do have another little request, if a system has a Thargoid state could it be a link to the systems conflict page for that system? Would make it really easy to switch between the two pages then.

For example, in the text "Thargoid invasion" could be a link to

Last edit: 18 Apr 2023, 5:14pm
19 Apr 2023, 2:05pm
Is there any way to access my accepted mission logs through the API? I did check the documentation but can't see this listed.
19 Apr 2023, 2:55pm
Aunty Sledge
Actually, I do have another little request, if a system has a Thargoid state could it be a link to the systems conflict page for that system? Would make it really easy to switch between the two pages then.

That's a good idea, I will add something there.

Pugwash69Is there any way to access my accepted mission logs through the API? I did check the documentation but can't see this listed.

Not via API, but you can get these directly from your local journal files.
19 Apr 2023, 3:04pm
Yeah spotted this, but I can't find any existing plugins for the market connector or eddiscovery to upload to where I want them. I've written my own page to live-track my trade routes using edsm and was hoping to get the targets for all of my accepted missions into the itinerary without having to enter them manually.

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