Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
11 Jun 2023, 4:46pm
KissamiesA very minor thing: In the system LHS 1167 the faction Long Embedded Systems is native despite the name as evidenced by the civil war it's currently having and the fact that it's not present in any other system. When I try to edit it to native to LHS, Inara doesn't let me save the changes probably because it trusts its determining the NPC faction origin by its name more.

Thanks for the report, fixed.

EekaHey Artie, I hope you're doing well!

As always, I want to first thank you for the amazing platform we have here in Inara. It provides a lot of fun and meaning to my ED gameplay.

I have a suggestion. It's regarding the Commander Hangar -> Ship List. We can filter ships by their roles there.

The context is, in case a ship has more than one role, for example Mining and Cargo Hauling or Exploration and Rescue or Exploration and Research it will not be filtered with other ships that share that role, for example one that is only for Exploration. Instead it creates the new role "Exploration and Research". You can check my Hangar to see where I'm coming from.

My suggestion is that the ship roles work like tags. What if we could use a comma to separate the roles? So a ship with different roles could be setup like "Exploration, Research" or "Exploration, Rescue".

I believe that the filter would work more efficiently through those tags and plus some more usual roles could be suggested when filling that field, for example "Combat" or "Exploration" or "Trading" or "ones that are most commonly used" etc. Those suggestions could help players define clearer roles and interact more with this feature.

What you think?


Hello and thank you for the suggestion! Yes, it makes sense and it will be certainly more flexible. I have hooked it to the original "old-fashioned" text field and left it as that when revamping the site, but I have put it onto to-do list for the future improvements (it requires multiple internal changes).
12 Jun 2023, 1:51pm
Just a note: I noticed a bug with the Patreon pledges being added multiple times in some cases (on Inara's end, it was not affecting your Patreon any way). The bug was fixed and the pledges were recalculated to the expected amounts and also the supporter badges and benefit times were adjusted accordingly. My apologies for the possible confusion. I have added a bonus benefit time for all Inara supporters affected by this bug, as a compensation. Thank you for the understanding.
12 Jun 2023, 4:51pm
Hello, What language is Inara programmed in? Php or React?
12 Jun 2023, 5:44pm
UbereizenHello, What language is Inara programmed in? Php or React?

Hello, in PHP.
12 Jun 2023, 11:04pm
Minor thing I noticed just now on the news front page… for the most recent GalNet, in the first few lines(?) of it, it says ‘Prime Minister Zachary Hudson’, when it should be ‘President Zachary Hudson’.

Just figured I’d point out, as amusing as that would be for the lore.
13 Jun 2023, 12:50pm
Kira GotoMinor thing I noticed just now on the news front page… for the most recent GalNet, in the first few lines(?) of it, it says ‘Prime Minister Zachary Hudson’, when it should be ‘President Zachary Hudson’.

Just figured I’d point out, as amusing as that would be for the lore.

Thanks, fixed, it was there originally and Frontier adjusted that quickly, how it seems.
13 Jun 2023, 12:50pm
ArtieHello and thank you for the suggestion! Yes, it makes sense and it will be certainly more flexible. I have hooked it to the original "old-fashioned" text field and left it as that when revamping the site, but I have put it onto to-do list for the future improvements (it requires multiple internal changes).

Hey Artie,

Glad you find the suggestion helpful! As everything in the platform is loved to the details, this one will certainly add to the amazingness!

13 Jun 2023, 9:11pm
Under System information, there's a number for "Traffic", defined as "Traffic in the last 24 hours, based on the Inara commanders updating their profile via journals or inAPI. It may not reflect the actual traffic".

So I can understand why this value might be a lot lower than reality; however for clarity - if an Inara-updating commander enters the same system multiple times in the period, will that record as "1" or as ">1" ?
13 Jun 2023, 9:39pm
User416829Under System information, there's a number for "Traffic", defined as "Traffic in the last 24 hours, based on the Inara commanders updating their profile via journals or inAPI. It may not reflect the actual traffic".

So I can understand why this value might be a lot lower than reality; however for clarity - if an Inara-updating commander enters the same system multiple times in the period, will that record as "1" or as ">1" ?

As "1", it counts unique commanders multiplied by a "magic number", so it should be typically somewhat close to the actual traffic, but certainly not accurate.
13 Jun 2023, 10:08pm
As "1", it counts unique commanders multiplied by a "magic number", so it should be typically somewhat close to the actual traffic, but certainly not accurate.

In the system I'm looking at, Inara was reporting "20+" and in-game reported "21 ships", so that magic number seems to work at this scale :-)

We were reasonably sure there were <10 players in there during that time, but visiting multiple times (mission running) and sometimes in different ships. But counting actual players is outside the scope of in-game tools of course.
14 Jun 2023, 7:14am
Hi, I have an issue with my carrier.
it i stationed in Magellan system. Market data is available to be seen by anyone:
However, when I do a search for Tritium near Magellan system, I see no info about it being available on my carrier:

What is wrong? Or what do I do wrong?
14 Jun 2023, 9:21am
Cortez InvestmentsHi, I have an issue with my carrier.
it i stationed in Magellan system. Market data is available to be seen by anyone:
However, when I do a search for Tritium near Magellan system, I see no info about it being available on my carrier:

What is wrong? Or what do I do wrong?

Hello, please update your commander data, including fleet carrier properties, via "Import game data" button on your commander page. As only the fleet carriers with docking privileges set to "All" are listed, you need to have your carrier privileges up to date.
16 Jun 2023, 6:48am
"Am I right in thinking that the numbers for contributors in a community goal shown on Inara etc. are taken from the game ....and are not just the number of people reporting to Inara?

So they're accurate - thats the total number of contributors?"
16 Jun 2023, 11:47am
Gen. Zoff"Am I right in thinking that the numbers for contributors in a community goal shown on Inara etc. are taken from the game ....and are not just the number of people reporting to Inara?

So they're accurate - thats the total number of contributors?"

That's correct, all the numbers like total number of contributors, progress, etc. should correspond to the numbers in the game, except the contributions breakdown table (that's based on Inara commanders only, but should be still fairly accurate).
17 Jun 2023, 2:32pm
ArtieJust a note: I noticed a bug with the Patreon pledges being added multiple times in some cases (on Inara's end, it was not affecting your Patreon any way). The bug was fixed and the pledges were recalculated to the expected amounts and also the supporter badges and benefit times were adjusted accordingly. My apologies for the possible confusion. I have added a bonus benefit time for all Inara supporters affected by this bug, as a compensation. Thank you for the understanding.

Btw... it would be nice to ALSO have information about since when we are Patreons

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