Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
25 Jun 2023, 5:14pm
Hello, is there a way to easily transfer target loadouts to crafting lists? It seems I have to create each upgrade manually?

29 Jun 2023, 10:58am
Would it be possible to do some statistics on what paint jobs are most/least used/popular based on the loadout event that includes them?
30 Jun 2023, 8:40am
Sir.riceHi, was wondering if it would be possible to add the filter for search results to not include systems that have any faction of given allegiance. Can be useful if you need interstellar factors to pay out interstellar bounty from certain power.

Hello, although it's relatively easy to do, I am not very inclined to clutter the search forms for rarely used options (it's already pretty complicated as it is). I understand that may be handy sometimes, but as there can be similar results achieved by simply limit the search results for independent star systems or so, I don't think adding such option is worth the complications mentioned at the moment.

Filter by independent systems will not help to achieve the similar results, cause system owned by indipendent factions will often still have fed or imp factions there. Which makes it impossible to pay out power bounties in the interstellar factors. Additionally this can help a lot with grinding rank, especially if it would be possible to actually specify the number of power factions in the system. Or plan expansions for the squadrons that care about powerplay, cause systems with multiple power aligned factions can be more attractive to them.

Both these things are still niche, but as you said, the form is already cluttered, we just thought adding some extra criteria wouldn't really harm

Thanks for the response!
03 Jul 2023, 6:20pm
Hello ;-)

Does anyone know if Inara provides a trade log (e.g. like mission log), which shows traded commodities, quantity and price?

Thank you in advance!
03 Jul 2023, 9:37pm
Green SkinHello, is there a way to easily transfer target loadouts to crafting lists? It seems I have to create each upgrade manually?


Hello, not at the moment, but I have it on the list.

DisgoWould it be possible to do some statistics on what paint jobs are most/least used/popular based on the loadout event that includes them?

It is not, I am not storing the cosmetics modules (the ship modules table is already quite large as it is, so I am storing just the necessary things in there).

TaipandotHello ;-)

Does anyone know if Inara provides a trade log (e.g. like mission log), which shows traded commodities, quantity and price?

Thank you in advance!

Hello, no detailed trade log, but you can utilize the transaction log to get some general overview. I was thinking about some detailed trading log earlier, but as it's problematic to pair sells/buys in regard of profit as the commodities may be originating from various sources and for various prices, I think just a list of things bought/sold has not a much use.
04 Jul 2023, 8:35am
Hi Artie
We have expansion pending from Maridal. Possible destination system is G 126-31
But this system is not shown in theExpansion Targets tab.
Distance to Maridal is 23.80 Ly.
04 Jul 2023, 8:51am
Floyd 09Hi Artie
We have expansion pending from Maridal. Possible destination system is G 126-31
But this system is not shown in theExpansion Targets tab.
Distance to Maridal is 23.80 Ly.

Hello, please click the "view expanded range" below the list, so it will list the systems in the 40 Ly expansion cube instead of the default 20 Ly cube.
04 Jul 2023, 11:51am
TaipandotHello ;-)

Does anyone know if Inara provides a trade log (e.g. like mission log), which shows traded commodities, quantity and price?

Thank you in advance!

Hello, no detailed trade log, but you can utilize the transaction log to get some general overview. I was thinking about some detailed trading log earlier, but as it's problematic to pair sells/buys in regard of profit as the commodities may be originating from various sources and for various prices, I think just a list of things bought/sold has not a much use.

Maybe I was not specific enough what I would like to see in such a trading log.. :-)

Raw data from player journal:

{ "timestamp":"2023-07-03T08:19:46Z", "event":"Market", "MarketID":3226974208, "StationName":"Oltion City", "StationType":"Orbis", "StarSystem":"Catucandit" }
{ "timestamp":"2023-07-03T08:19:55Z", "event":"MarketSell", "MarketID":3226974208, "Type":"biowaste", "Count":720, "SellPrice":621, "TotalSale":447120, "AvgPricePaid":98 }
{ "timestamp":"2023-07-03T08:20:33Z", "event":"MarketBuy", "MarketID":3226974208, "Type":"slaves", "Count":720, "BuyPrice":10320, "TotalCost":7430400 }

Inara trading log table (..maybe sortable):

[System]|[Market]|[Faction]|[TransactionType: Buy/Sell]|[Commodity]|[Count (e.g. 720t)]|[Buy/SellPrice]|[TotalCost/TotalSale]

This provides valuable data for traders & bgs people concerning their trades :-)
04 Jul 2023, 2:09pm
Floyd 09Hi Artie
We have expansion pending from Maridal. Possible destination system is G 126-31
But this system is not shown in theExpansion Targets tab.
Distance to Maridal is 23.80 Ly.

Hello, please click the "view expanded range" below the list, so it will list the systems in the 40 Ly expansion cube instead of the default 20 Ly cube.

Hm, ok. This is working. But id did already show systems up to 28 Ly without pressing the button. But not G+126-31 with a distance of 23.8 Ly.
04 Jul 2023, 9:19pm
Floyd 09Hm, ok. This is working. But id did already show systems up to 28 Ly without pressing the button. But not G+126-31 with a distance of 23.8 Ly.

You are thinking of range as radius of a sphere. That's not how the game works, it uses cubes. So some systems in the corners will be over 20ly away but inside the expansion cube but a system fewer lightyears away (but over 20ly) might be on a similar plane to your system and could be outside the expansion cube.

If that makes anyone's brain hurt look at this image, the grey area is where your missing system lives.

Now imagine that is a sphere and a cube and things get worse.

note: image is a fairly random one nicked off the internet, so ignore the question it asks.
05 Jul 2023, 8:10pm
Floyd 09
Hm, ok. This is working. But id did already show systems up to 28 Ly without pressing the button. But not G+126-31 with a distance of 23.8 Ly.

Exactly as Aunty wrote, the primary expansion targets are within the 20Ly cube (so any suitable star system with XYZ coordinates +/- 20Ly from the reference star system, thus the "real" distance may exceed 20Ly in some cases). If there is no suitable star systems within that cube, the game will consider star systems in a bigger 40Ly cube as targets. As there usually are targets within the "default" 20Ly cube, I am displaying the extended range on click.

Maybe I was not specific enough what I would like to see in such a trading log.. :-)
This provides valuable data for traders & bgs people concerning their trades :-)

Yes, that's what I meant - I believe that displaying such thing without profits won't tell much in regard of BGS as you need to sell with a profit, only the buying may tell something as it affects the selling station owner/faction? Please correct me if I am wrong.
06 Jul 2023, 6:15am
Maybe I was not specific enough what I would like to see in such a trading log.. :-)
This provides valuable data for traders & bgs people concerning their trades :-)

Yes, that's what I meant - I believe that displaying such thing without profits won't tell much in regard of BGS as you need to sell with a profit, only the buying may tell something as it affects the selling station owner/faction? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Oh it tells me what trades I did last 7 days or since last bgs tick. It provides me that sort of raw data for my own analysis in a nice sortable/filterable table. I think it would be a great addition to personal logs section (e.g. mission log) :-)

Another great addition would be redeemed bounty vouchers log:

{ "timestamp":"2023-07-04T15:47:26Z", "event":"RedeemVoucher", "Type":"bounty", "Amount":1600972, "Factions":[ { "Faction":"Brotherhood of Terra Mater", "Amount":1600972 } ] }

[Timestamp]|[System]|[Faction]|[Bounty amount]

Last edit: 06 Jul 2023, 6:37am
07 Jul 2023, 8:48am

When looking for a G3 weapon, if I visit the site it rightly inserts the new time being updated, but even if the weapon is no longer present in the G3 version it still remains in the list.

Isn't it possible to make sure that with the update, if it is no longer present, it is deleted?
07 Jul 2023, 2:44pm
Oh it tells me what trades I did last 7 days or since last bgs tick. It provides me that sort of raw data for my own analysis in a nice sortable/filterable table. I think it would be a great addition to personal logs section (e.g. mission log) :-)

Another great addition would be redeemed bounty vouchers log:

{ "timestamp":"2023-07-04T15:47:26Z", "event":"RedeemVoucher", "Type":"bounty", "Amount":1600972, "Factions":[ { "Faction":"Brotherhood of Terra Mater", "Amount":1600972 } ] }

[Timestamp]|[System]|[Faction]|[Bounty amount]

I see, so it's not so much about trading rather about a detailed transactions log. I will think about that.

Ghost_Deep_SpaceSEARCH - PERSONAL EQUIPMENT[]=equip59

When looking for a G3 weapon, if I visit the site it rightly inserts the new time being updated, but even if the weapon is no longer present in the G3 version it still remains in the list.

Isn't it possible to make sure that with the update, if it is no longer present, it is deleted?

The personal gear is problematic and that's why is there the "Equip chance" column to indicate a chance that desired piece of equipment is there. In general, people want to see also when it's not worth to go to a certain station and that's why the very recently updated stations are displayed (but with the "Very low" chance). When looking for a gear, the best chance is in stations with "Average" equip chance - the gear was there before (the traders have a limited pool of stuff), it was updated long time ago and was not visited recently, so there is a solid probability the stuff may be (still) there.
12 Jul 2023, 10:37pm
LukozerThis may be a VERY minor issue but it helps with the professional look of the site. Caustic shards are capped at 200 in the game, not 250 as it shows on our inventory pages.

Hmmm, are Caustic Shard now grade 3 (as it will correspond to the inventory limit) or it's again some oddity in the game and although they are still grade 2, they have a limit as grade 3?

I've no idea how, but this somehow managed to sort itself out in-game and I was able to get 250 caustic shards. This happened again with all the Titan materials. Initially in-game the cap for all of them was 100... and then somehow two of them had their caps raised to those within the inventory section here. I wish I could remember what I did to get the correct quantities to work within the game because it's happened again tonight, this time with tactical core chips. On the site here it shows as being 250, just like all other grade 2 materials. However, in game at the moment... cap of 100.

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