Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Mar 2023, 12:37am
ArtieWell, as there are hundreds of thousands players registered (and with their stats imported) and only less than ten has all T5 medals at the moment, I wouldn't say it's easy and that the medals lost its purpose with the lower requirements. Even if I take first 100 commanders in the rankings as those that may complete all the medals "soon", all of them are having thousands of hours in the game. Definitely not rookie numbers.

I'm in that top 100 and spent months in the black getting 5000 bios and 100 uniques, I feel it was time wasted now.
Exactly what I was talking about.

I am sure many in the top 200/300 players will feel the same as you do.
28 Mar 2023, 12:44am
Sampi Ogonek
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

While I am generally OK with the rebalancing, there are a couple of things that seem off:
  • I am pretty sure you are mistaken about the “Level 3 detailed scans” stat. I have been tracking this stat for my ED account and it is clear it is tracking the FSS scans, not the DSS ones. (As I said earlier, there does not seem to be any stat for the DSS scans, although there is one for efficiency bonuses received, which at least for me is a very good approximation of the number of DSS scans I have made.)
  • 100 planets with organic life and 75 unique species for level 5 do not match each other well. The typical number of life-bearing planets one has to visit is likely to be more than twice the number of unique species encountered, as there is bound to be a lot of repetitions.
  • Market network numbers (for the Trader medals) seem to be too low relative to the commodities traded now. Previous ratios seemed to be better balanced to me.
  • Likewise, 25 settlements rebooted for Samaritan tier 5 is laughably low, given that rebooting offline settlements is the only method of gathering chemicals & tech for engineering that does not involve theft or mass slaughter.
  • 100 VIPs delivered for Captain tier 5 is also too low. (Keep in mind that the (in)famous Robigo–Sothis runs are all about hauling VIPs around.)

Finally, a request: could you please always display the actual value, even when the relevant tier level is exceeded (in blue) and tier 5 is not reached? I would like to be always able to see how much above a particular level I am, without having to hunt for the relevant stat on the Personal Logs / Statistics page.
I am in agreement with what you have referred.


> Level 3 detailed scans >>> They are really FSS scans. I track these very specifically too.
> Market network numbers >>> Numbers way too low.
> 100 VIPs delivered for Captain tier 5 >>> Ridiculously small number !!! I have way over 5000 VIPs and I was never particularly dedicated to this activity.
28 Mar 2023, 12:47am
Gaz UbermickI dunno. I just feel that if completely unofficial pretend medals are somehow ruining things for people, then they might need to go outside for a walk and "touch grass" as the kids are saying these days.
28 Mar 2023, 2:56am
> 100 VIPs delivered for Captain tier 5 >>> Ridiculously small number !!! I have way over 5000 VIPs and I was never particularly dedicated to this activity

Seconded, specially now when you can stack these missions to rescue ships, 100 can be done in about three days. But that total passenger number is indeed some tough bus driving, it might still be doubled.

The market network value also needs adjusting, ok, I've called three places a home system and had 'temporary residencies' in at least three more, but that value might be ok for a player that sticks to one area of operation.

Last edit: 28 Mar 2023, 4:47am
28 Mar 2023, 4:32am
Pausanias I'm in that top 100 and spent months in the black getting 5000 bios and 100 uniques, I feel it was time wasted now.

Time enjoyed is not time wasted.

And if you didn't enjoy it, then why the fuck were you doing it?
28 Mar 2023, 8:12am
I thought there was only 117 "Unique species:" (from what I counted in Codex). If you find the same species in different sectors, the STATS -->Exobiology --> Unique species encountered count doesn't go up.

So, I'm not sure how you can get the Inara figure past 117.
28 Mar 2023, 11:35am
Please revert the medal tiers back to the old numbers. With this recent update pretty much everything is at tier 5, without having to do anything for it.
Im Tier 5 with the exploration medals now despite i have not explored much in my entire elite career.
The medals no longer represent someones prefered playstyle.

Especially the xeno hunter medal nerf annoys me the most. The numbers to get high tiers are so tiny now. Its not fun to hunt higher tiers
28 Mar 2023, 12:16pm
501 General VenatorPlease revert the medal tiers back to the old numbers. With this recent update pretty much everything is at tier 5, without having to do anything for it.
Im Tier 5 with the exploration medals now despite i have not explored much in my entire elite career.
The medals no longer represent someones prefered playstyle.

Especially the xeno hunter medal nerf annoys me the most. The numbers to get high tiers are so tiny now. Its not fun to hunt higher tiers

Quite spot on

However there seem to be some issues with The Samaritan and The Captain - the requirements are rather weird and those requirements made me lose a lot of rank after the nerf

The Samaritan >> T2 requiring 5 settlements rebooted, 50 (??) fires extinguished and 10000 (???) civilians rescued
The Captain >> T2 requiring only 25 VIPS but 15000 (???) plebs
28 Mar 2023, 12:19pm
Uiros Ueramos
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.

Thank you

My first post here, although I have been an Inara member since 2016.

I do apologize if I may sound harsh, but this decision is very silly, if not plain ridiculous.

The idea to have "ranks" is to have proper differentiation between high-lvl / high free time CMDRs and others who are not so skilled or do not have the time to engage in the game sufficiently to attain high rank.

Making it easy for everyone to obtain the highest ranks, defeats the purpose of ranks entirely and makes them worthless.

Additionally, it makes it so that the players have less incentive to reach the goals, since they have already been attained or a few game sessions will maximize those ranks. In my case, I went from Tier 2 Bounty Hunter to Tier 4. That undermines terribly the high-lvl players that have scored 100x more bounties than me. And this goes for all activities /professions in the game.
All in all, a very poor and not thought out decision.

In my opion some badges, especially T5 were like "you did X activity for years". And to be fair I was fine with fact, that after 4 years (2 in deep space) I still needed more than 600k ly to last traveller tier. And even not sayin about visited systems. Ok, some badges were bad (some still are, delivering 10 VIPs, and 5000 regular passengers?), but it wasnt reason to cut off all requirements, often multiple times.

Because I'm to lazy, my meme will be short text.

"I travelled 1,9m lys because I'm explorer. You grinded website badge. We are not the same.
28 Mar 2023, 1:16pm
Thank you for all the feedback! There are some changes made right now:
  • Post-T5 over-levelling now provides more points to the score (principally it's still more or less the same, but "visually" it feels better).
  • The Exobiologist unique species requirement will not hinder the post-T5 levelling anymore (it's set for one extra specie above the T5 requirement, per post-T5 "tier").
  • The Samaritan and The Captain medals were rebalanced.

In general, I do not want to put the requirements anywhere near the previous levels, because as mentioned earlier, when more than 90% of the commanders were unable to get anywhere near a tier 3 medal requirements, you know there is something wrong. I was however thinking about adding some "medal of medals", let's say named The Decorated Hero that will level up only by reaching T5 medals. So, for tier 1 you need to have 10 tier 5 medals (including post-T5 "tiers") and it will be increasingly difficult, so tier 5 of such medal will require something like 75 T5/post-T5, which is something nobody at the moment have. Yay or nay?

Last edit: 28 Mar 2023, 1:23pm
28 Mar 2023, 1:38pm
501 General Venator(snip ... ) Especially the xeno hunter medal nerf annoys me the most. The numbers to get high tiers are so tiny now. Its not fun to hunt higher tiers

Well, this kind of highlights part of the problem - there will be no pleasing everyone.

I've been playing AX for a long time, and was still relatively low-ranked because I usually focus on interceptors rather than thousands of scouts. If you consider it "fun to hunt higher tiers" that involve lots of hours grinding thousands of absolutely trivial scouts, be my guest. I don't think that's an accurate representation of skill.

By the same token, I DO think that having a scout component encourages players to consider different play styles. Killing scouts with gauss canons did wonders for my accuracy. I never would have killed a Basilisk with a big, fat, slow, stupid, lumbering Type 10 if I hadn't already build one for scouts.

Like I said, there will be no pleasing everyone.

With that said, I know this is painful for people who have achieved Tier 5 under the old system. Just a thought - is there a way to currently identify the pre-update tier 5 holders? My thought is to give them a distinctive Tier 5 badge, maybe something with a highlight like this:

That way there would be recognition for the "OG" tier 5 holders while still retaining the benefits of the rebalance.

Of course, on the back end that just might not be possible without epic levels of re-coding. One might argue that's just creating more tiers, and one might also ask whether that would be available to other players who later hit that same tier, etc etc.

Just a thought

Edit: Looks like while I was fumbling with GIMP, Artie more or less ninja'd me.
Second edit: I guess I'm basically advocating for a new Epic-level tier set where the old Tier 5 used to be.

Last edit: 28 Mar 2023, 1:49pm
28 Mar 2023, 2:25pm
Captain numbers look way better now, I think I now need to get enough money for a Beluga to get the commoners moving. I've been doing quite a lot of short trips for VIPs while searching a place to settle, so the low tier 4 could be ok.
28 Mar 2023, 4:07pm
Should it be a Beagle Point medal or some sort of addon to the travel one?
28 Mar 2023, 5:21pm
Artie[...] Yes, the level 3 scan is FSS, but that's not important (the factor for adjustment was how the numbers for those scans are now counted towards the game stats).

Actually it is quite important — FSS scans can be easily clocked at a rate of 100+ per hour as they only require one to jump between systems and use the FSS, so 7,500 for tier 5 is ridiculously low. (DSS scans, OTOH, require one to actually fly between bodies.)

Just look at my stats — right now I have clocked 88,555 level 3 scans (this does not include more than a hundred I intend to deliver to UC today) and only 8,407 efficiency bonuses (almost equal to the number of DSS scans I have done — there have been only a handful of instances where I missed the efficiency target).

ArtieUncapped numbers for the stats displayed - maybe, experimentally. As far as I remember it was there some time ago and it was confusing people, but I can try that again.

Confusing?? I think it is more confusing if the numbers do not reflect my actual stats. The blue colour is fully adequate to convey the ‘completed’ meaning, IMNSHO. (It would be also consistent with how crafting lists work.)

Artie[...] I was however thinking about adding some "medal of medals", let's say named The Decorated Hero that will level up only by reaching T5 medals. So, for tier 1 you need to have 10 tier 5 medals (including post-T5 "tiers") and it will be increasingly difficult, so tier 5 of such medal will require something like 75 T5/post-T5, which is something nobody at the moment have. Yay or nay?

OK to me, not that I am anywhere close to having 10 tier 5 medals
28 Mar 2023, 5:54pm
501 General Venator(snip ... ) Especially the xeno hunter medal nerf annoys me the most. The numbers to get high tiers are so tiny now. Its not fun to hunt higher tiers

Well, this kind of highlights part of the problem - there will be no pleasing everyone.

I've been playing AX for a long time, and was still relatively low-ranked because I usually focus on interceptors rather than thousands of scouts. If you consider it "fun to hunt higher tiers" that involve lots of hours grinding thousands of absolutely trivial scouts, be my guest. I don't think that's an accurate representation of skill.

So, just for AX badge...maybe some point based progress?
Let's say scout 1 point, cyclop x points, basil y points etc.
In general, I do not want to put the requirements anywhere near the previous levels, because as mentioned earlier, when more than 90% of the commanders were unable to get anywhere near a tier 3 medal requirements, you know there is something wrong.

It depends. When we look at medals as something, what "should be" in range of all people? Yes.
If it should be true mark "he is truly dedicated to one, certain field"? Not much.
To be fair, I don't know, what to say. "grinding" t5 badge is bad, but grinding same, t5 badge, but 10 times (because lower requirements) is ok, because some weird ranking and points
But as I said, don't look at me, I'm weirdo, which had ZERO issues with fact, that after few years still hadnt T5 on 1 field, which, to be fair, is main activity (even if it could be 49%, it still means, that in 51% I have few different loops )

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