Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
01 Aug 2023, 4:49pm
Hello, there was an option to show star system gallery images in the past but it was barely used and it complicated some things so I removed that. But, I would like to add a search option there which will go through the image names, descriptions and locations, so there will be possible to find stuff this way.

Thanks for your reply
I think a search option on the gallery would be awesome
02 Aug 2023, 12:48am
Guys, just to set the points for the new Thargoid Scythe right - how is your experience with it? How hard it is and how quickly it can be killed, compared to Glaive and/or Interceptors?
02 Aug 2023, 6:29am
ArtieGuys, just to set the points for the new Thargoid Scythe right - how is your experience with it? How hard it is and how quickly it can be killed, compared to Glaive and/or Interceptors?

I haven't fought it yet, but from what I've heard from my squadron, this new thargoid doesn't destroy guardian equipment and is worth 4.5m a kill.

He is annoying if you are doing passenger missions because he will chase you until you deliver the passengers. But I found a way to counter it. After submitting i was just jumping to supercruise before you get hit by fsd disruptor missile. Then just jumping to system.

There is clip encounter him for first time

I think it's like a glaive but weaker
02 Aug 2023, 7:47am
I haven't fought it yet, but from what I've heard from my squadron, this new thargoid doesn't destroy guardian equipment and is worth 4.5m a kill.

He is annoying if you are doing passenger missions because he will chase you until you deliver the passengers. But I found a way to counter it. After submitting i was just jumping to supercruise before you get hit by fsd disruptor missile. Then just jumping to system.

Thanks! It's unfortunate it has the same value as Glaive so it's a problem to track it separately, but as it seems somewhat at the similar difficulty, there is probably no harm.
02 Aug 2023, 7:56am
new commodities/salvage from the game update 16 were added and also new Thargoid hunter (Scythe) is being tracked. As it has the same bounty value as Glaive and thus there is not possible to differentiate between them, it's under the same category. If you didn't notice in the game's patch notes, there should be also fixed a bug with Thargoid kills not being recorded into the journal correctly, so there should be none or at least fewer troubles with that now.

Also, it is worth to be mentioned I fixed two nasty minor bugs nobody noticed or reported before:
  • Fixed a problem that commanders without a squadron were unable to support or cancel the support of any squadron (the button was missing).
  • Fixed a problem with the commodity detail pages where the best sell/buy list was utilizing the stored commodity search filter settings, which may have resulted in not listing anything sometimes (for example with the very restrictive filter settings). It was not an intended behavior.
04 Aug 2023, 1:37pm
Just a thought: maybe we could have some tiny indication on our ship list that specific ship build isn't finished (does not match the target loadout)
04 Aug 2023, 5:43pm
Hey Artie,
Owusu Munitions Installation - Timbalderis is listed as having Large does not.
05 Aug 2023, 2:51pm
ArtieGuys, just to set the points for the new Thargoid Scythe right - how is your experience with it? How hard it is and how quickly it can be killed, compared to Glaive and/or Interceptors?

For all that run passenger missions - the ECM works for the FSD Disruptor missile and for their hatch breaker people stealers. It can be tricky to use as the Hardpoints must be out and the FSD won't charge with HP out.... but I have run successful missions without FSD disable and passenger loss since trying this.

Also, Great Site! Keep up the good work, commander o7.

Possible bug - rescue missions are not being logged 100% in the Conflicts and Commander stats.... could be a FDEV problem though...
{Saw this reported already on Discord }

CMDR Falkhan

Last edit: 05 Aug 2023, 2:57pm
05 Aug 2023, 7:33pm
FalkhanPossible bug - rescue missions are not being logged 100% in the Conflicts and Commander stats.... could be a FDEV problem though...
{Saw this reported already on Discord }

CMDR Falkhan

Im just taking notice to this too. No passengers are being counted anywhere. Wonder if its on Fdevs side or not because the codex is still counting off my runs on all accounts
07 Aug 2023, 10:39am
-VIPER-Hey Artie,
Owusu Munitions Installation - Timbalderis is listed as having Large does not.

Hello, by the very recent data received, it should have two small and one large landing pad. Are you sure the large pad was not there? Wasn't just occupied by NPC ship when asking for the docking request or so?

For all that run passenger missions - the ECM works for the FSD Disruptor missile and for their hatch breaker people stealers. It can be tricky to use as the Hardpoints must be out and the FSD won't charge with HP out.... but I have run successful missions without FSD disable and passenger loss since trying this.

Also, Great Site! Keep up the good work, commander o7.

Possible bug - rescue missions are not being logged 100% in the Conflicts and Commander stats.... could be a FDEV problem though...

About the missions - the new rescue mission should count towards the Thargoid war on Inara (it was added during the weekend), but I am not sure about the Codex stats though as it's Frontier's thing.

Jack'lulJust a thought: maybe we could have some tiny indication on our ship list that specific ship build isn't finished (does not match the target loadout)

I am afraid it's not very likely, as it means to scan through the loadouts either in the list or for every tiny loadout update, so the "cost" isn't exactly on par with the benefit. But I will put it onto the list of feature requests.
08 Aug 2023, 10:02am
I would like to request an Odyssey filter for the Search nearest -> bodies page. Or at least some mark for Odyssey-only bodies.
08 Aug 2023, 11:59am
Would it somehow be possible to include an amount when searching for commodities? This would be especially useful when searching for multiple commodities and their individual "amount available" is not immediately visible.

This way you could easily filter out those stations who have 34 "water" when your mission need you to fetch 50.
08 Aug 2023, 12:29pm
I would like to request an Odyssey filter for the Search nearest -> bodies page. Or at least some mark for Odyssey-only bodies.

Hello, just set the "Atmosphere" option to "None", that should filter out all planets landable just in Odyssey. But I may add some visual clue there, not a bad idea.

Pauley MccoyWould it somehow be possible to include an amount when searching for commodities? This would be especially useful when searching for multiple commodities and their individual "amount available" is not immediately visible.

This way you could easily filter out those stations who have 34 "water" when your mission need you to fetch 50.

Not so easily I am afraid, to keep the query sufficiently fast with all the possible search conditions (I was playing with that before). But I may take another pass over it later on, maybe there can be some way (which will require refactoring of some stuff plus performance testing).

Last edit: 08 Aug 2023, 12:35pm
08 Aug 2023, 1:29pm
I would like to request an Odyssey filter for the Search nearest -> bodies page. Or at least some mark for Odyssey-only bodies.

Hello, just set the "Atmosphere" option to "None", that should filter out all planets landable just in Odyssey. But I may add some visual clue there, not a bad idea.

Sorry, I wasn't clean. Let me explain.
I did search on Inara for nearest metal-rich ring. One of results was the ring around Merope 6 planet in system Bevan's Hope (
But when I jump to the system I only found 3 bodies there - Bevan's Hope A Belt, Ithica and Bevan's Hope 2. There's no Merope 6 nor any other bodies besides these three. I did FSS then I've checked EDSM site and there also only 3 bodies which I've seen -
So, I suppose these missing bodies are for Odyssey only and don't exist for me at all as I don't have the Odyssey. Am I wrong?
08 Aug 2023, 2:02pm
Sorry, I wasn't clean. Let me explain.
I did search on Inara for nearest metal-rich ring. One of results was the ring around Merope 6 planet in system Bevan's Hope ...
So, I suppose these missing bodies are for Odyssey only and don't exist for me at all as I don't have the Odyssey. Am I wrong?

Ah, this is just some old mess, there shouldn't be such bodies, thanks for the details. They were added by some incorrect EDDN updates long time ago and nobody noticed that before. The bodies between Horizon and Odyssey should be always same, so you can use that filter mentioned. The excessive planets were removed.

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