Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 Sep 2023, 1:50pm
Reise LangArtie - Are you looking to add headshots of Starfield NPCs? I see there are records for them. If so, I'm happy to help gather them.

Yes, that is the plan, but I will certainly welcome a help with that. As the in-game camera suite cannot get close enough, my thinking was to take screenshots during dialogues (with no subtitles visible), at least HD resolution, at least high quality settings. So if you will want to take some pictures and send it to me, I will appreciate it.

Jps 1590Bonjour,
Ceci est mon premier post alors désolé si ce n'est pas au bon endroit
Je viens de prendre possession d'un FC et je me demande comment peut-on savoir les différents revenus des ventes sur le marche, sur le carburant, les réparations et l'armement
savoir si cela est vraiment utile de les avoirs ou non
je vous remercie de votre aide

Hello, such breakdown is not possible, I am afraid (a lack of data for it).
15 Sep 2023, 5:17pm
GhostOfLegionHello Artie, love the site, it helps a lot with Starfield. I was hoping that you would add Solvent to the list of resources present like what you did with adhesive.

Also a guide to outpost cargo link chain to craft high value xp or credits items for example the vytinium fuel rod would be greatly appreciated

thank you very much for all your help

Ah, yes, absolutely, that was my oversight, the Solvent is there.
I am not entirely sure what is meant by that guide, can you please clarify? Although this may not have been meant this way, it comes to my mind that I do not have the outcome of outpost Builder modules listed anywhere and it may be worth to look on.

Happy DazeHi Artie, sorry to bother,
A couple requests:

I have had to write a lot of messages lately that include historical data, including comments in our Discussion Tab which has HTML like tags you use for quoting and the tags above like Bolding, etc.

I don't have a way to review the message before sending it. So I'm requesting a "Review Message" button that will show what the message will look like when it sends, and gives me a way to edit the message before it sends. I know I can edit it after, but it would be better to edit it before.

When in a message, the title and recipients names don't show up. It would be great if that info showed up at the top of the first message.

Edit: It would also be nice to be able to save a message I'm writing to prevent losing the content if I inadvertently tab away from the message being edited. (my own fault, I know...)f

Thanks for your consideration Artie.

The message formatting can be previewed via the last icon on the toolbar, which will switch from plain text to wysiwyg edit mode. In the messages, the recipients and the subject it displayed in the reply, but it's right it may be better to show it also somewhere at the top. The rest noted.

Hello Artie, thank you for the quick response

to answer your question; what i meant by guide is a list of planets/moons to build outpost and the order in which the cargo link should be connected so that one would be able to carft high value xp and/or credit items without the constent need to travel, instead just sleep or wait at an outpost for the required resources to come in that will allow you to build a large amount of said high value xp and/or credit item
15 Sep 2023, 10:02pm
Can you share how you provide the percentage of players in-game and on Inara?

We have 165 players and the info says there are 12% active in-game. That's 19 pilots. If I edit our Roster and sort by last time in-game the 19th player hasn't been in-game in 99 days. I would think the last 30 days would be more appropriate?

16 Sep 2023, 2:12am
Feature Requests

Commodities Searches
Have the option to Ignore/Include location results where the commodity is prohibited when trying to sell.
16 Sep 2023, 10:47am
to answer your question; what i meant by guide is a list of planets/moons to build outpost and the order in which the cargo link should be connected so that one would be able to carft high value xp and/or credit items without the constent need to travel, instead just sleep or wait at an outpost for the required resources to come in that will allow you to build a large amount of said high value xp and/or credit item

Ah, I see. Well, I am not planning to write such guide personally (but anybody can do that via logbooks), but I may take a look on some automated "find recommended planet for this and that" tool later on.

Happy DazeArtie,
Can you share how you provide the percentage of players in-game and on Inara?
We have 165 players and the info says there are 12% active in-game. That's 19 pilots. If I edit our Roster and sort by last time in-game the 19th player hasn't been in-game in 99 days. I would think the last 30 days would be more appropriate?


It is set to the last 30 days and looking at your roster, the numbers for Inara activity fit, but the in-game value truly seems to be a little bit off. I will investigate the discrepancy, it's odd.

Titanium A SmithFeature Requests

Commodities Searches
Have the option to Ignore/Include location results where the commodity is prohibited when trying to sell.

Hmmm... any particular reason for that? Just to avoid fines from scans of prohibited cargo?
16 Sep 2023, 11:27am
Titanium A SmithFeature Requests

Commodities Searches
Have the option to Ignore/Include location results where the commodity is prohibited when trying to sell.

Hmmm... any particular reason for that? Just to avoid fines from scans of prohibited cargo?[/quote]

Correct, to avoid fines & getting your ship blown away by the station. Because you are not paying attention & miss [Illegal Cargo]
16 Sep 2023, 3:41pm
Sorry for dumping more things for todo... I don't know what this is, but it's been like this for, I'm not sure how long, but, long. Somehow never paid attention to it, but just realised it might not be a known issue. Looks like this on multiple iOS / iPadOS devices and on MacOS. Tried Safari and Chrome.
16 Sep 2023, 4:15pm
Hipster CutthroatSorry for dumping more things for todo... I don't know what this is, but it's been like this for, I'm not sure how long, but, long. Somehow never paid attention to it, but just realised it might not be a known issue. Looks like this on multiple iOS / iPadOS devices and on MacOS. Tried Safari and Chrome.

This is the first time I hear about it, thank you for the report! As I am looking onto the problem, it seems it may be a long-standing issue with iOS 14 and fallback fonts. I tried some workaround, please let me know if that helped.

Titanium A Smith
Correct, to avoid fines & getting your ship blown away by the station. Because you are not paying attention & miss [Illegal Cargo]

Ok, thanks for the clarification. Noted.
16 Sep 2023, 5:29pm seems it may be a long-standing issue with iOS 14 and fallback fonts. I tried some workaround, please let me know if that helped.

Tested it on MacOS Ventura 13.5.2 using Safari 16.6 (18615., the issue persists </3 The phone I tested earlier today runs iOS 16.6.1
16 Sep 2023, 6:35pm
Hipster Cutthroat
Tested it on MacOS Ventura 13.5.2 using Safari 16.6 (18615., the issue persists </3 The phone I tested earlier today runs iOS 16.6.1

... and here I was hoping for an easy way out.
Alright, if you don't mind, I will bother you via PM with some testing. As I have no suitable device, I will be making some changes and let's see if that will help. The first one was made right now.
16 Sep 2023, 7:06pm
Artie...I will be making some changes and let's see if that will help. The first one was made right now.

Damn, you work quick. Unfortunately there's no difference on my end :- (
EDIT: I don't mind DMs but I do feel sorry about dragging you into this.

Last edit: 16 Sep 2023, 7:23pm
16 Sep 2023, 7:36pm
I have noticed some… let’s call them, odd, artifacts on the site following that workaround. Feeling a bit lazy about pictures at the moment, but the search button, friend removing and the new message icon have turned into &#XE80C;(or variants thereof).

… whatever that means. Don’t know what my Mac has as current OS version(I’m terrible at keeping it updated), but my phone runs on some ios 15 sub-version. Was not the case beforehand.
16 Sep 2023, 7:56pm
Uh uh, fixed, thanks.
Well, I have a reliable workaround, but I just hoped that I will avoid it as it's not so elegant. I will deploy it as soon as possible.
16 Sep 2023, 8:47pm
Happy DazeArtie,
Can you share how you provide the percentage of players in-game and on Inara?
We have 165 players and the info says there are 12% active in-game. That's 19 pilots. If I edit our Roster and sort by last time in-game the 19th player hasn't been in-game in 99 days. I would think the last 30 days would be more appropriate?


It is set to the last 30 days and looking at your roster, the numbers for Inara activity fit, but the in-game value truly seems to be a little bit off. I will investigate the discrepancy, it's odd.

Are you perhaps including Squadron Supporters?
16 Sep 2023, 10:48pm
Silly question; why can't we sort the Roster? It can be sorted if you are in the Officer Tab and if you are editing, just not the base Roster view.

In any case, I would request low priority the ability to sort the roster in normal view.


Now I feel like I need to make another donation... Beer?

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