Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Sep 2023, 2:13am
I went to a squadron's discord and they said "we are not returning to the game" is there a way to have their squadron removed?
17 Sep 2023, 6:08pm
My Fleet Carrier's outfitting inventory keeps losing the planetary vehicle and fighter hangars (after character imports I believe). They appear and disappear constantly (I think data network updates are adding them back but it's hard to sus timing on this site), while the rest of the outfits and ships remain correct always. In game they have been there the entire time. No other outfit seems impacted. No ships seem impacted. Carrier link:
19 Sep 2023, 2:29pm
Happy DazeSilly question; why can't we sort the Roster? It can be sorted if you are in the Officer Tab and if you are editing, just not the base Roster view.

Because of the pagination there, it's not entirely ready for sorting and paging.

Billy TuckerI went to a squadron's discord and they said "we are not returning to the game" is there a way to have their squadron removed?

Only the squadron owner can do that. Also, for smaller squadrons, there is an auto-disband when no squadron member is active for a long time.

EhlrhMy Fleet Carrier's outfitting inventory keeps losing the planetary vehicle and fighter hangars (after character imports I believe). They appear and disappear constantly (I think data network updates are adding them back but it's hard to sus timing on this site), while the rest of the outfits and ships remain correct always. In game they have been there the entire time. No other outfit seems impacted. No ships seem impacted.

Unfortunately, it seems to be one of the quirks with Frontier's endpoint for fleet carriers - its data may be missing some outfitting modules and salvage items. There isn't much I can do about it, but people aren't using outfitting on carriers very often anyway.
19 Sep 2023, 8:59pm
Can we have a column for Mass added to the Resources table please? It would allow us to easily calculate each item's value-to-mass ratio.
19 Sep 2023, 9:34pm
LordNipplusCan we have a column for Mass added to the Resources table please? It would allow us to easily calculate each item's value-to-mass ratio.

Yes, added. Value-to-mass column included.
19 Sep 2023, 10:09pm
I think I remember you saying something about deleting old player factions that have been inactive a long time, over a year or so, was that correct?

For BGS purposes; Does the Player Faction have to create their own Faction Page? If there is no faction page, how do I know the difference between it not being created by the Player Group vs being deleted for inactivity?

We expanded into a system who's Player Faction has no page. I have no way of contacting the PF to say "Hey, we expanded into your system, hello." So I'm trying to figure out if they're defunct or just never created a Player Function Page.
20 Sep 2023, 9:20am
Information for Bester Terminal in Jen Nik is inaccurate - information adjustments are as follows:

For the system:

Government: Corporate Communist
Controlling Faction: Jen Nik Advanced Services Workers of Manite Labour Union

For Bester Terminal:

Government: Corporate Communist
Minor Faction: Jen Nik Advanced Services Workers of Manite Labour Union
+ Vulture
+ Asp Explorer
+ Type-7 Transporter
+ Krait MK II
- Adder
- Type-9 Heavy
- Viper Mark III
- Viper Mark IV
- 1D Turreted Abrasion Blaster
- 3C Fixed Multi-Cannon
- 3C Gimballed Multi-Cannon
- 1G Turreted Multi-Cannon
- 3C Fixed Beam LASER
- 3C Gimballed Beam LASER
- 3D Turreted Beam LASER
- 1E Fixed Beam LASER
+ 2D Gimballed Beam LASER
- 4A Fixed Plasma Accelerator
- 3B Fixed Plasma Accelerator
- 1F Fixed Burst LASER
- 1G Turreted Burst LASER
- 1G Gimballed Burst LASER
- 3F Turreted Pulse LASER
- 3E Gimballed Pulse LASER
+ 2F Turreted Pulse LASER
- 1G Gimballed Pulse LASER
- 4B Gimballed Cannon
- 3C Gimballed Cannon
+ 2D Gimballed Cannon
- 3C Turreted Fragment Cannon
- 3C Gimballed Fragment Cannon
- 2D Turreted Fragment Cannon
- 2D Gimballed Fragment Cannon
+ 1E Turreted Fragment Cannon
- 3B Fixed Seeker Missile Rack
- 2| Fixed Mine Launcher
- 2D Turreted Mining LASER
- 1D Turreted Mining LASER
+ 1D Fixed Mining LASER
+ 2B Fixed Sub-Surface Displacement Missile
+ 1B Turreted Sub-Surface Displacement Missile
- 1D Turreted Sub-Surface Displacement Missile
- 2A Fixed Missile Rack
+ 2B Fixed Missile Rack
- 1A Fixed Missile Rack
+ 1B Fixed Missile Rack
- 2| Fixed Torpedo Pylon
[Utility Mounts]
- 0B Frame Shift Wake Scanner
- 0D Frame Shift Wake Scanner
+ 0E Frame Shift Wake Scanner
+ 0A Pulse Wave Analyzer
+ 0C Pulse Wave Analyzer
- 0C Kill Warrant Scanner
- 0A Manifest Scanner
- 0B Manifest Scanner
- 0C Manifest Scanner
+ 0D Manifest Scanner
+ 0E Manifest Scanner
+ 0F Electronic Countermeasure
+ 0I Heatsink Launcher
+ 0I Point Defense Turret
[Optional Internal]
+ 8B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
+ 7A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 7D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 5A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
+ 5B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 5C Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 4B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 4E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
+ 2D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
- 3E Mining Multi-Limpet Controller
+ 5D Module Reinforcement Package
- 3B Operations Limpet Controller
- 3C Operations Limpet Controller
- 5B Prospector Limpet Controller
+ 5E Prospector Limpet Controller
+ 3B Prospector Limpet Controller
+ 1B Prospector Limpet Controller
+ 1C Prospector Limpet Controller
- 8C Bi-Weave Shield Generator
+ 4B Refinery
- 3E Refinery
- 2A Refinery
+ 2E Refinery
+ 1D Refinery
+ 1E Standard Docking Computer
- 2A Frame Shift Drive Interdictor
- 2C Frame Shift Drive Interdictor
+ 1A Frame Shift Drive Interdictor
- 7A Repair Limpet Controller
- 7B Repair Limpet Controller
+ 7D Repair Limpet Controller
- 5A Repair Limpet Controller
+ 3B Repair Limpet Controller
- 8B Fuel Scoop
+ 2B Fuel Scoop
- 1D Fuel Scoop
- 6A Shield Cell Bank
+ 2A Shield Cell Bank
+ 7D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller
+ 5A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller
+ 3B Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller
+ 7B Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller
+ 8C Shield Generator
- 3B Shield Generator
- 2B Shield Generator
[Core Internal]
- 8A Power Plant
- 8B Power Plant
- 8C Power Plant
- 8D Power Plant
- 8E Power Plant
- 7B Power Plant
- 7C Power Plant
- 7D Power Plant
- 7E Power Plant
+ 6A Power Plant
+ 5C Power Plant
- 4A Power Plant
- 2A Power Plant
- 8B Thrusters
- 7A Thrusters
+ 7C Thrusters
+ 2B Thrusters
- 7A Frame Shift Drive
- 7B Frame Shift Drive
- 7D Frame Shift Drive
- 7E Frame Shift Drive
- 6D Frame Shift Drive
+ 5A Frame Shift Drive
- 4C Frame Shift Drive
- 3A Frame Shift Drive
+ 3B Frame Shift Drive
- 2B Frame Shift Drive
- 6A Power Distributor
- 6B Power Distributor
+ 6C Power Distributor
+ 4A Power Distributor
+ 4B Power Distributor

Market is a bit much data for me to collect, so I'll leave it here

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Sep 2023, 9:32am
20 Sep 2023, 9:31am
madamepestilenceInformation for Bester Terminal in Jen Nik is inaccurate - information adjustments are as follows:

For the system:

Government: Corporate Communist
Controlling Faction: Jen Nik Advanced Services Workers of Manite Labour Union

For Bester Terminal:

Government: Corporate Communist
Minor Faction: Jen Nik Advanced Services Workers of Manite Labour Union

Hello and thank you for the update! To have the station updated (I see the last update was 12 days ago), including outfitting and market, it's best to install some little tool like EDMC which will send the station's data to all 3rd party sites via EDDN (another option is to just import your game data on Inara, but that won't update the market and outfitting, just the station properties). This way it is effortless and will update all the stations you dock in (and markets/outfitting you open, etc.). Having all of this updated manually for all the stations will be an insanity.

Happy Daze@Artie,
I think I remember you saying something about deleting old player factions that have been inactive a long time, over a year or so, was that correct?

For BGS purposes; Does the Player Faction have to create their own Faction Page? If there is no faction page, how do I know the difference between it not being created by the Player Group vs being deleted for inactivity?

We expanded into a system who's Player Faction has no page. I have no way of contacting the PF to say "Hey, we expanded into your system, hello." So I'm trying to figure out if they're defunct or just never created a Player Function Page.

Hello, no minor factions are being deleted, only the squadrons may be a subject of auto-disbanding. The minor faction pages are made automatically as the information is coming from the game (journals) and the best way to judge how active supporters of any particular faction are it's best to evaluate its influence history, etc. But there is a relation between minor factions and squadrons - if any squadron sets some minor faction as related to them, the link to the squadron may appear on the minor faction's page. But otherwise, both are completely independent (in regard of data). So yes, if there is no squadron linked from the minor faction's page, it may be hard/impossible to find and contact the "owner".
20 Sep 2023, 9:39am
Artie's best to install some little tool like EDMC which will send the station's data to all 3rd party sites via EDDN (another option is to just import your game data on Inara, but that won't update the market and outfitting, just the station properties)...

That would be nice, but unfortunately I have the misfortune of being trapped to PS4 on account of poverty and my living situation; my laptop barely handles TF2 on low graphics, I don't think it could handle ED lol
20 Sep 2023, 12:18pm
Would it be difficult to pull from the game data files a list of our current pinned blueprints with engineers?
20 Sep 2023, 12:26pm
Artie's best to install some little tool like EDMC which will send the station's data to all 3rd party sites via EDDN (another option is to just import your game data on Inara, but that won't update the market and outfitting, just the station properties)...

That would be nice, but unfortunately I have the misfortune of being trapped to PS4 on account of poverty and my living situation; my laptop barely handles TF2 on low graphics, I don't think it could handle ED lol

I've visited your system to update Inara, but if you are playing the legacy version of the game you won't see your efforts in Inara as it shows the live version of the game.
20 Sep 2023, 12:34pm
Aunty SledgeI've visited your system to update Inara, but if you are playing the legacy version of the game you won't see your efforts in Inara as it shows the live version of the game.

Understandable; thank you for your effort, though, I appreciate it

I really wish Frontier hadn't left console versions in the dust... I hope in a future update they revert their decisions and reimplement console support, or (least likely, but best outcome) even create cross-platform compatibility
20 Sep 2023, 3:52pm
Pauley MccoyWould it be difficult to pull from the game data files a list of our current pinned blueprints with engineers?

It's not currently possible as there is no list of pinned blueprints in the journal, I am afraid.
21 Sep 2023, 4:18am
Hey gang, I am not sure if this is the correct place for this question but it seemed like it was!

I've noticed some information in the Starfield database is missing, particularly settlement module info.
I've been collecting some while I've been playing, and was wondering if this was the place to submit updates/how that works.

I had created this account in the hopes that I'd be able to update the info myself but I couldn't spot any way to do that.
21 Sep 2023, 8:17am
KalibratorHey gang, I am not sure if this is the correct place for this question but it seemed like it was!

I've noticed some information in the Starfield database is missing, particularly settlement module info.
I've been collecting some while I've been playing, and was wondering if this was the place to submit updates/how that works.

I had created this account in the hopes that I'd be able to update the info myself but I couldn't spot any way to do that.

Hello, there are no manual edits, but you can send me for example a link to your Google docs spreadsheet to . Although I have some data that I want to use to update the remaining outpost modules later on, this may be good to have for "just to be sure". Thanks!

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