Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
23 Oct 2023, 9:00pm
as it is for this web site, no. I imagine only Artie can see who clicks what.

it works to see if they have a squadron.
I don't know about others, I use my squadron to indicate who I support. it is the only place in-game where you can attach your name to any faction.

the ones on inara tick me off because it is often passersby noting on a web page thats not in-game, that they support a faction.
for me, being the ONLY supporter of a certain specific 3 faction, I find it weak and irritating that others think they are also supporting them.
If you are supporting a faction, mark it as such on your squadron.

apparently many support my factions...i would be happier if they didn't advertise because they are terrible at the BGS and all they do is ruffle the systems on a regular basis.
and put everyone into conflicts all the time..
I'd be happier not being associated with such poor and weak BGS players.

it would please me if Artie could remove certain ones because it is false information and done by cmdrs very long ago and they don't even play the game.
But, it is not worth asking because it is meaningless.
that any faction has 10 to 1500 or more supporters is meaningless, unless they actually DO have control. There are many.
And because of conflicts, it is not wise to advertise unless you have the might to back it up.

Many factions or rather player groups have been smashed into dust because of failure to realise, they are NOT what they think they are..
I have even spent many many months doing just that to several factions, where the cmdrs are totally 100% NOn situational aware and have no clue they now reside in someone elses back yard.

FWIW it took a massive amount of complaints to fdev for them to learn to stop putting clueless or revengers into other cmdrs systems.
Then they also made it waaaay harder to even make a pmf.

it is more useful to ignore supporters that aren't you.
chasing them down for bad bgs or whatever is a waste of time and effort and takes YOUR focus away from what you do.

if they are too big or too powerful, ask for help.
The BGS is made in such a way that 1 cmdr can hit as hard as 100 cmdrs, if he knows what he is doing.
Also know that there is 1 tick for horizons portion of the game, and a totally different one for ody.
means you can affect system and stations once a day, you can affect settlements every few hours it seems...the so called 'Live' tick that caused sooooo much damage for 2 years(and still does).
that bit is probably the single most important thing to know about today's BGS..that it has more than 1 tick per day.
Ody is still so distant from horizons, so different, so destructive. imo for bgs that is all ody is, destructive.

Your first clue imo to weakness is the changing all stations controlling faction to the faction they support.
This is pure ego and actually destroys the economy and to me is proof enough they have no idea what the BGS can actually do for them.
If everyone worked for A & W, what would be fun??? what would be profitable?? why would you wake up every day??
as in, monopoly is a business failure unless you want war.
factions want to compete for your time and effort and credits.
the game is smart enough to understand depression, civil unrest, etc...
24 Oct 2023, 3:19am
There seems to be a bit of a problem with my profile regarding the Xeno-hunter badge. It's showing the Thargoids killed as 20,101, which is wrong. The kill count shown in the Thargoid War stats shows 17,571 in total, which is the correct amount. This could also explain why the progress bar is showing 0% (x1) when it should be x3 (or even x4 if it was following the kill count it displays). Is there a way of fixing this?
24 Oct 2023, 6:56am
This is the first place in the squadron. There is no information available to the commander. Clearly you can't reach the rank of The Wingman
24 Oct 2023, 8:37am
ZdyupikThis is the first place in the squadron. There is no information available to the commander. Clearly you can't reach the rank of The Wingman

The Wingman ribbon is calculated only from the squadron presence on Inara (as I don't know the membership duration in the game), if you mean that. So you need to have your squadron on Inara and be a member of it.

LukozerThere seems to be a bit of a problem with my profile regarding the Xeno-hunter badge. It's showing the Thargoids killed as 20,101, which is wrong. The kill count shown in the Thargoid War stats shows 17,571 in total, which is the correct amount. This could also explain why the progress bar is showing 0% (x1) when it should be x3 (or even x4 if it was following the kill count it displays). Is there a way of fixing this?

Looks to be correct, although it may be confusing - I am calculating the number from the Codex stats (which has a number of Thargoids killed in space) plus a number of Thargoids killed on foot (as tracked on Inara, because it's not in the game's Codex) and that's the number you see in the medal. It provides a better number of total kills, because the player may not been importing all the data and thus some kills may be missing on Inara (and that's also why you see the discrepancy on the TW page). For the ribbon rank up you need to fulfill all the conditions again (so for example Medusas, etc. killed), not just one condition.

HekatehIf a minor faction says: Supporters: 0 / 2, is there some way to figure out who those two commanders are that supporting this minor faction?

There is no way, it's intentionally hidden to keep the supporters' privacy - if they wish to do so, they can join the related squadron directly, otherwise it's supposed they do not want to be bothered by recruiters or be targeted by opposing faction supporters because they support the faction or so.

CMDR Milesred...
it would please me if Artie could remove certain ones because it is false information and done by cmdrs very long ago and they don't even play the game.
But, it is not worth asking because it is meaningless.
that any faction has 10 to 1500 or more supporters is meaningless, unless they actually DO have control. There are many.
And because of conflicts, it is not wise to advertise unless you have the might to back it up.

Yeah, the number of supporters and even the number of "direct" supporters in a form of squadron always need to be taken with a pinch of salt - for example a squadron may have hundreds of members, but a majority may be inactive or not interested in BGS so the "real" support is actually much smaller. Thus the number is just to get a rough idea how "popular" the faction is (or has been).

Kasumi GotoWe won’t know until next Thursday (the one coming up) what happens when a spire site is cleared of Thargoid control - three of them around Taranis are currently marked as complete. Maybe one or two at another Titan will follow, don’t know yet.

I’ll certainly be taking a look, though. And people will probably relay it somewhere on the Frontier forums.
LukozerI suspect control will revert to Thargoid on Thursday... The idea was that they couldn't be reclaimed from Thargoid control while they were Barnacle Matrix sites and I highly doubt this is supposed to have changed now that they have advanced and become something much more formidable. It's just sloppy coding from FDEV regarding the rescuing of human captives from Titans that has resulted in this happening, so they're having to manually override it every Thursday until (presumably) 17.01 when this will either be done automatically or Spire site systems will no longer be affected.

On a side-note, hopefully they'll include a fix to being able to fly right through Banshees at the same time.... oh and Thargoids constantly flying below the planet surface and getting stuck under planetary spaceport buildings in conflict zones. We live in (faint) hope.

Thanks, let's see then.

Last edit: 24 Oct 2023, 8:42am
24 Oct 2023, 8:37am
LukozerThere seems to be a bit of a problem with my profile regarding the Xeno-hunter badge. It's showing the Thargoids killed as 20,101, which is wrong. The kill count shown in the Thargoid War stats shows 17,571 in total, which is the correct amount. This could also explain why the progress bar is showing 0% (x1) when it should be x3 (or even x4 if it was following the kill count it displays). Is there a way of fixing this?

There are multiple requirements for the Xeno-Hunter medal, you only have multiples on three of the 5 requirement. You will need to kill more Medusa to move the needle and more Basilisk to get to x2.

Thargoids killed: 20,101/5,000
Thargoid Interceptors killed: 1,336/100
Thargoid Basilisk killed: 71/50
Thargoid Medusa killed: 25/25
Thargoid Hydra killed: 25/10

I'm in a similar position as you, killed lots of Cyclops and Hydra but the others are much harder to find (I only only do settlement battles as I hate the swarms).
24 Oct 2023, 5:48pm
Ah so the Xeno-hunter badge is the tough one then... the rest seem to only require the first stat for tier 5 multiples. With this one requiring everything I don't think I'll be getting to x2 anytime soon, heh
27 Oct 2023, 2:27am
how do i remove my squadron from my profile . i haven't been in it for a while since everyone in it quit nearly 3 years ago but it doesn't update ever unlike everything else
27 Oct 2023, 6:22am
VirtuallyGlacehow do i remove my squadron from my profile . i haven't been in it for a while since everyone in it quit nearly 3 years ago but it doesn't update ever unlike everything else

Leave the Squadron would be my guess.

Go to roster and hit leave
27 Oct 2023, 9:57am
Feature Request: Sub-categories of Private Discussions.

Main Discussion
    Sub discussion 1
    Sub discussion 2

28 Oct 2023, 6:34am
Would it be possible to create a reference page showing the weapon and equipment tiers?
eg. Base, Calibrated, Refined, Advanced and what they mean.

I want to use this site as my "one stop" main reference and also steer other users here.

Please and thank you sir.
29 Oct 2023, 9:16am
GOM.CollectiveFeature Request: Sub-categories of Private Discussions.

Main Discussion
    Sub discussion 1
    Sub discussion 2


Not at the moment (I want to make some other related changes first), but noted.

Would it be possible to create a reference page showing the weapon and equipment tiers?
eg. Base, Calibrated, Refined, Advanced and what they mean.

I want to use this site as my "one stop" main reference and also steer other users here.

Please and thank you sir.

As those are rather just "cosmetic" prefixes (they do nothing, just reflects the mods the weapon has installed), it was not a big priority. But it's right that I should add it there for the completeness. I will take a look at that, thanks for the suggestion.

Edit: I misunderstood the post (thanks Aunty Sledge!) and thought it's about the mod prefixes, not the prefixes related to the weapon quality/level. That's is a little bit more complicated in regard of the stats/values, so it may take more time to put it together, but I will put it there in a couple of days.

Last edit: 29 Oct 2023, 5:03pm
31 Oct 2023, 10:19pm
I hope
1: You know about this
2: You're getting some income from it.

Doesn't appear to be dangerous at all, just a bit intrusive. The total tracking attempts is why I use DuckDuckGo. 

01 Nov 2023, 1:42am
Happy DazeArtie,
I hope
1: You know about this
2: You're getting some income from it.

Doesn't appear to be dangerous at all, just a bit intrusive. The total tracking attempts is why I use DuckDuckGo. 

Everything on Inara is GDPR/CCPA compliant and the preferences for cookies can be set at on the first visit and then anytime later where required. So it shouldn't be a problem.
01 Nov 2023, 8:03pm
The wiki links for the patrons of stations with spaces are sometimes not right:

Points to "Antoine Louis", but it should point to "Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille" instead.

Proper link would be:
03 Nov 2023, 12:55am
Is there any way to retrieve missing ship loadouts without going and sitting in each one? I have ships spread all over the place. I've tried resyncing data but the Hangar only shows the loadouts for the ships I've been in recently. Thoughts?
*Edit I'm referring to the "The ship loadout is unknown" that shows up for all my ships on Inara with the exception of the ones I've flown recently. It seems the only way for Inara to recognize the ship loadout is for me to fly to each individual ship and sit in it.


Last edit: 04 Nov 2023, 5:52pm

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