Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Oct 2023, 10:24am
Disgothe now-obtainable Xenobiological Prison Pods:
Were renamed to
Thargoid Bio-Storage Capsule
in game

Updated, thanks!

Aunty Sledge The tooltip is great. Range would also be really useful on the table. Rate of Fire doesn't seem that important, perhaps RoF could be demoted to the tooltip and range added in it's place?

Hmmm... I will think about that, thanks for the feedback.
06 Oct 2023, 1:35pm
confused what does related mean in the system faction mean? player status

Last edit: 06 Oct 2023, 1:43pm
06 Oct 2023, 3:38pm
dizzy rascalconfused what does related mean in the system faction mean? player status

According to the tooltip it is "An existing NPC faction related to players". So players have adopted an NPC faction instead of creating their own (which I don't they FDev supports any more).
06 Oct 2023, 4:29pm
thanks aunty sledge
08 Oct 2023, 3:41pm
Good evening all, hello Artie o7

Encountered something strange. For whatever reason, at times EDO Settlements get wrongly marked as EDH ones on Inara. Flying there and updating corrects that issue normally, but today I've come across something even more mindboggling.

In the Kikua System, one of the Planetary Outposts (Elder Camp) was listed as EDH Settlement, so I landed there for a correct Update. To my surprise it went to be listed as EDO Settlement instead. Any chance you could look into this and correct it?
09 Oct 2023, 8:31am
The gallery section "in trend" does not work correctly! Previously, images with 4+ likes went there, but now everything is in a row!
Are there any plans to fix this?
09 Oct 2023, 9:59am
The gallery section "in trend" does not work correctly! Previously, images with 4+ likes went there, but now everything is in a row!
Are there any plans to fix this?

Hello and thanks for the report! It somehow flew under my radar unnoticed and is now fixed.

Ryan MurdocGood evening all, hello Artie o7

Encountered something strange. For whatever reason, at times EDO Settlements get wrongly marked as EDH ones on Inara. Flying there and updating corrects that issue normally, but today I've come across something even more mindboggling.

In the Kikua System, one of the Planetary Outposts (Elder Camp) was listed as EDH Settlement, so I landed there for a correct Update. To my surprise it went to be listed as EDO Settlement instead. Any chance you could look into this and correct it?

Hello, some old outposts nobody visited/updated since the Odyssey release may still be marked as non-Odyssey indeed. They changed their properties with the game update, but as nobody was there it may have not been updated on Inara (and other sites) yet. The Elder Camp seems to be alright, the journal is saying CraterOutpost, which as far as I know is a type of the Odyssey settlement, but correct me if I am wrong.
09 Oct 2023, 10:28am
The gallery section "in trend" does not work correctly! Previously, images with 4+ likes went there, but now everything is in a row!
Are there any plans to fix this?

Hello and thanks for the report! It somehow flew under my radar unnoticed and is now fixed.

Ryan MurdocGood evening all, hello Artie o7

Encountered something strange. For whatever reason, at times EDO Settlements get wrongly marked as EDH ones on Inara. Flying there and updating corrects that issue normally, but today I've come across something even more mindboggling.

In the Kikua System, one of the Planetary Outposts (Elder Camp) was listed as EDH Settlement, so I landed there for a correct Update. To my surprise it went to be listed as EDO Settlement instead. Any chance you could look into this and correct it?

Hello, some old outposts nobody visited/updated since the Odyssey release may still be marked as non-Odyssey indeed. They changed their properties with the game update, but as nobody was there it may have not been updated on Inara (and other sites) yet. The Elder Camp seems to be alright, the journal is saying CraterOutpost, which as far as I know is a type of the Odyssey settlement, but correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you for efficiency! Now the minimum number of likes is 3? Previously there were 4!
09 Oct 2023, 10:49am
Thank you for efficiency! Now the minimum number of likes is 3? Previously there were 4!

Yes, and it always was 3. There are multiple conditions for selecting the images for trending, so there is possible you may have not seen such images there often (or at all, depending when you visited the gallery).
09 Oct 2023, 11:51am
fwiw that elder camp is horizons aka crateroutpost is for both types but the map clearly indicates it is an ancient Horizons planetary station.
plus, I've been there and I have been keeping records of systems, etc.. for longer than eddb.
a nightmare of programming when edo released in order to keep tracking all the new stuff too.

you can easily see the horizons vs edo types in the map. edo stations are very clearly marked as edo only

the only problem afaik is that many edo stations bleed into horizons both 4.x and 3.8 and many still exist in legacy 3.8...
keeping a database makes a world of difference

fwiw during the first year of edo was the only time in my memory that the market indicators were a total fail and a database was required to trade effectively.
contrary to popular belief, the market knows and shows more than eddb or inara. but understanding it seems to be where everyone fell and required 3rd party apps to help them make sense of it.

play the BGS and experiment with materials/cargo see what station market tells you.
This single BGS task taught me more about the market and cargo than anything else could have.
it made me a very capable BGS pawn.
things in the market that are totally missed by most players.
point = the game teaches you what you need to know, if you know how to ask.
the question I asked back in 2014 was, are there any market items that are bad to trade, as in is anything toxic or poisonous or radio-active ?
The answer I was given by another cmdr was 100% wrong, yet he was adamant.
What I learned I shared with many other player groups, it was huge and made a huge difference in our BGS play.

eventually people made lists of all the BGS things that have power.
But No-one spelled out the market. some secrets are best kept secret......heh.

Last edit: 09 Oct 2023, 11:58am
09 Oct 2023, 12:44pm
Artie, can we search by squadron tags? I have not seen such options, so if I have tag only it's difficult to find out what playergroup it is.
09 Oct 2023, 1:34pm
CMDR Milesredfwiw that elder camp is horizons aka crateroutpost is for both types but the map clearly indicates it is an ancient Horizons planetary station...

Well, that's entirely possible, I will re-check that, thanks.

A.G.DuranArtie, can we search by squadron tags? I have not seen such options, so if I have tag only it's difficult to find out what playergroup it is.

It already search in squadron tags by default (assuming the squadron is present on Inara and has the tags properly set).
09 Oct 2023, 2:46pm
Oh, I mean field in the menu. Forgot about we have universal search field already.
09 Oct 2023, 7:19pm
Hello, some old outposts nobody visited/updated since the Odyssey release may still be marked as non-Odyssey indeed. They changed their properties with the game update, but as nobody was there it may have not been updated on Inara (and other sites) yet. The Elder Camp seems to be alright, the journal is saying CraterOutpost, which as far as I know is a type of the Odyssey settlement, but correct me if I am wrong.

Guess I'll book this under FDev Shenanigans then. Definitely a regular landable EDH Port, and not a Settlement.
10 Oct 2023, 1:55am
Is there an option or a way to find Tourist Beacons/Exploration locations using Search Nearest or something else?
Or am I missing something?

As I've been thinking about visiting them for my Codex entries.

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