Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
09 May 2023, 7:15pm
Ok, thanks for the clarification, and the quick update.
I did check that but only it only showed Shinrarta Dezhra (that's where I was), and searching nearest to Li Yong-Rui space was showing zero results with it checked. So I just assumed powerplay wasn't included in the search, my mistake.

I see. I guess you have searched for a combination of modules that was (as discounted) only available in ShinDez as it has everything.
10 May 2023, 6:34am
One bug left currently is broken FC tracking, unique systems is so unique now, cannot be reiterative.
10 May 2023, 9:32am
Suggestion: as we are adding famous people's Wikipedia article to stations named after them, add a description for Mies Van Der Rohe's Claim. He's regarded as one of the pioneers of modern Architecture.
10 May 2023, 12:54pm
Just a note: Glaive in-game is classified as Thargoid Hunter class, not as Scout variant.
10 May 2023, 2:03pm
If that class were able to recharge shield back on it's half lifetime it gonna be better. Since that slim yet dangerous ship still can be taken down quick enough.
10 May 2023, 8:08pm
Odion KhonsHm, it seems as if I can only have 12 pictures in my gallery -if I add more, the oldest gets removed. But I saw people with way more pics. What am I missing?

Uiros UeramosSorry to bother, Artie, but I have a question:
Why do all the images that I have uploaded to Inara, except one, are no longer in the gallery or in my area?

The images in the gallery that aren't used in the logbooks or have no/very-low number of likes may be a subject of removal after some time (several months). So, yes, the images may disappear as mentioned on the image upload page. There is no limit on a maximum number of images in the gallery though.
Thanks for the answer.

I guess I will have to treaten all Inara members to make them "like" my images !...
10 May 2023, 10:11pm
Note: All new known U15 commodities and components were added to Inara. I also want to warn that Thargoid war state auto-resolving won't be happening tomorrow at the end of the cycle, partly because I want to see how quickly will the changes populate via regular updates, partly because I want to double-check the resolver will work as expected with the live data. So the numbers may be temporarily a little bit mess/obsolete after the cycle end.

SiveenSuggestion: as we are adding famous people's Wikipedia article to stations named after them, add a description for Mies Van Der Rohe's Claim. He's regarded as one of the pioneers of modern Architecture.

Thanks! I will add him there.

Jack'lulJust a note: Glaive in-game is classified as Thargoid Hunter class, not as Scout variant.

Thank you. I thought it will be another type, but I do not want to create an extra category just for a single Thargoid type. I will probably rename it to "scouts & hunters", unless more Thargoids of this type will appear.
11 May 2023, 5:12am
Would be REALLY nice for us console players to have some sort of Legacy version of INARA…seeing as how y’all have left us in the lurch. Granted, it’s been roughly two years since I’ve flown and I’ve recently gotten the urge back, so I’ve no reason to be bitter, but…dammit, I put a lotta work into my PSN commander and I wanna share it. What’s killing me and making my blood get hot is that there’s still language in the auto-update doohickey that SAYS it supports PSN/XBOX.

Either fix the language in the auto-update or try and make a Legacy version of INARA.

(And if you try to salve my wounds with platitudes like “just play on PC,” my laptop CANNOT HANDLE E:D and it’d probably cost me several million kidneys, arms, and legs to find one that does, so don’t even try; and again, I put a full two years into getting my PSN commander to where he is, I am not at all eager to go through that rodeo a second time)

EDIT: I’m sorry if this comes off as unnecessarily rude and irrationally combative…I’m just frustrated beyond measure.

Last edit: 11 May 2023, 5:22am
11 May 2023, 7:36am
MAVERICKbirdyWould be REALLY nice for us console players to have some sort of Legacy version of INARA….

Not speaking for Artie, but this website pays his bills. He can't just double his overheads on a shrinking playerbase that isn't covering the cost. It's simple economics, if more console players supported him financially I'm sure he would have wanted to do it.

As for the two year investment, when your account is ported to PC you keep all your progress. So you wouldn't be starting from scratch. It's a duplicate of the existing account so you still play on the console seperately to your PC version. They even give you a free copy Elite on PC. Details can be found here.

The remaining issue is the cost of a PC, but I can't help you there. Best advice is to get your account ported, it costs nothing. If you find yourself with a PC ten years from now your Elite account and it's progress to date will be there waiting for you.

I don't blame you for being annoyed, I feel bad for the entire console community, but at the end of the day it was FDev's doing, and nobody else.
11 May 2023, 8:45am
Ciao a tutti non riesco a sincronizzare l account inara con ps4 qualcuno mi sa aiutare?? Grazie
11 May 2023, 10:16am
Giardy_1Ciao a tutti non riesco a sincronizzare l account inara con ps4 qualcuno mi sa aiutare?? Grazie

Spero che questo si traduca tramite Google Translate. PS4 non può più sincronizzarsi con Inara poiché il creatore del sito Web supporta solo la versione live di Elite Dangerous. La versione live non è disponibile su PlayStation 4.

English version:
I hope this translates via Google Translate. PS4 can no longer sync with Inara as the creator of the website only supports the live version of Elite Dangerous. The live version is not available on PlayStation 4.
11 May 2023, 2:54pm
MAVERICKbirdyWould be REALLY nice for us console players to have some sort of Legacy version of INARA…seeing as how y’all have left us in the lurch. Granted, it’s been roughly two years since I’ve flown and I’ve recently gotten the urge back, so I’ve no reason to be bitter, but…dammit, I put a lotta work into my PSN commander and I wanna share it. What’s killing me and making my blood get hot is that there’s still language in the auto-update doohickey that SAYS it supports PSN/XBOX.

Well, this has two aspects - Legacy galaxy data and Legacy commander data. The Legacy galaxy data never were in the cards (a huge amount of work required and mainly very low number of data updates for this version (<1% of Live galaxy updates), which will make it unusable anyway). The commander data for Legacy require also a non-trivial amount work (isolating the data, removing stuff like Legacy fleet carriers, to not have some data propagated into reports like traffic and security overviews, etc.), but it was something I was considering for implementation. Unfortunately, the amount of Legacy commanders on Inara before U14 wasn't exactly high, the numbers were still dropping since then and after the recent re-opening of the Frontier's Console account transfer portal it's only something like 2-3% of users. I know it may sound harsh, but the amount of work involved for a such small number of users with the perspective it will go even lower over time simply led to a conclusion it isn't worth it. It's better to simply dedicate the time/work for stuff that will have a "bigger impact" and will be beneficial to much larger group of users. I am sorry that I have no better news, but sometimes such painful decisions need to be made. All the stuff for the manual commander profile updates (like credits, ranks, fleet, etc.) are still present though.

Good point about the mentions of XBL/PSN in the texts, there were a few remaining (and were removed). Either way as Aunty said - the progress from console commander can be transferred to PC via the portal mentioned (it's best to do so when you are ready to move, as it will copy its progress only at the time of the transfer). For playing Elite on weaker PCs can be also used a service like GeForce Now, which works nicely as far as I heard.
11 May 2023, 4:37pm
Will revenants rack up towards total xeno kills?
12 May 2023, 2:11pm
Flow5tateWill revenants rack up towards total xeno kills?

Not yet, but I will add them there later today.
12 May 2023, 3:23pm
Hi Jarvis Jameson,

thank's for your answer, i think te problem isn' related at version.

Becuase since a few of months ago, my account it was connected to INARA but now not anymore.

I try with epic but isnt possible to connect.

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