Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Nov 2023, 6:38pm
Please open your FC management screen in the game and then import your game data. This should link the FC to your account and then also import its docking privileges. I guess it's caused by the unknown docking privileges as FCs with non-all docking privileges are usually filtered out in trade listings, etc.

No problem I am aware of. But as the gear loadouts are written into the journal just on a change/edit you may need to fiddle with these in the game first. The discussion search is here, if needed in the future.

Once I imported the game data everything showed up correctly.
Thank you Artie!
09 Nov 2023, 9:44am
ParduzFeature Request:
could we have "additional options" fields in the "Nearest Outfittin Search" ?

My example case is hunting for Scorpion SRVs:
i need to search a station:
  1. with Station economy = Military
  2. in a System economy = Military
  3. with Outfitting
  4. selling Planetary Hangars

If i'm not wrong, I can search the nearest station for 1+2+3 but not 4, or nearest  outfitting for 4 but not 1+2+3

could it be possible to add the optional filters in the outfitting search?

Hmmm... that's a quite good point, I will think about that. Thanks.

Thanks to you!.
(I will rather go a route of adding "fictive" SRVs into the module options which will translate to hangars and other settings as mentioned, than to add a general option which won't work for any but one module.)

While i see your point, a "generic approach" could be useful for whatever purpose a player may have while looking for a module.

Maybe you want to buy a collector limpet in a system in war to "farm" some eng materials, then sell it and go away, or you're hunting for a particular Suit...
I remember i wished for it in the past, but can't remember why
09 Nov 2023, 9:54am
Another feature request about filtering the "nearest" search, and i know this could be an "hard one":

add "direction" as a filter.

What i mean is something that answers this question:
"what would be the nearest system (<usual conditions here>) while going towards System B?" (being System A the current one)

In my imagination the result will be a list of systems which are "more or less" contained in the given path.
How much hard to implement and selective "more or less" should be i don't know, but at least all the systems farther from System B than System A and viceversa should get filtered out.

I hope i've been able to explain myself
09 Nov 2023, 10:49am

Wrong crew stations. It should have 2
09 Nov 2023, 4:42pm
Hi Artie,

On this page...

... the controlling system government type is counted in the unfavorable category. If the controlling system is favorable, it doesn't seem to be applying to the calculation. I'm not sure if there's a problem with the favorable or unfavorable at this point.

Just wanted to bring it to your attention.
09 Nov 2023, 6:15pm
ParduzAnother feature request about filtering the "nearest" search, and i know this could be an "hard one":

add "direction" as a filter.

What i mean is something that answers this question:
"what would be the nearest system (<usual conditions here>) while going towards System B?" (being System A the current one)

In my imagination the result will be a list of systems which are "more or less" contained in the given path.
How much hard to implement and selective "more or less" should be i don't know, but at least all the systems farther from System B than System A and viceversa should get filtered out.

I hope i've been able to explain myself

It may be interesting, but it's unlikely as it complicates things and the current results should provide enough options (with the direction indicated) for making a choice.

Wrong crew stations. It should have 2

Thanks, fixed.

Null SpaceHi Artie,

On this page...

... the controlling system government type is counted in the unfavorable category. If the controlling system is favorable, it doesn't seem to be applying to the calculation. I'm not sure if there's a problem with the favorable or unfavorable at this point.

Just wanted to bring it to your attention.

Thank you for the report, fixed as well.
09 Nov 2023, 10:04pm
So… as I saw Thargoid spire sites pop up in a nearby station search today, I just wanted to ask, are they intended to show up in there and be labelled as ‘Thargoid base’? Do they appear like that in the game files/data imports?
09 Nov 2023, 10:30pm
Kasumi GotoSo… as I saw Thargoid spire sites pop up in a nearby station search today, I just wanted to ask, are they intended to show up in there and be labelled as ‘Thargoid base’? Do they appear like that in the game files/data imports?

Yes, as people were asking for the locations, I have added it there experimentally (thus also my earlier question if they may disappear, so I will need to prune it periodically). The "Thargoid base" name is provisional, but as the journal name is "Settlement_Unflattened_TGMegaBarnacle", probably not so far off...
09 Nov 2023, 10:34pm
Yeah, I see how it’s fitting. Thanks for the answer.

Now when can we land there without them wanting to shoot us to bits for being curious?
09 Nov 2023, 11:21pm
Ken Mattingly died in October.

I happened to stop at the station and saw his picture on the station site.
What an incredible life.
10 Nov 2023, 6:54am
I added the first one to my db as a station, but its more natural as a settlement.
regardless, records kept are always useful.

As for safely landing at a spire site, anytime.
Just land on the highest wing = minimal shooting at you.
There is a location behind the head, just below the highest leaf you can fly a small ship or drive or walk in and they can't shoot you.
Or go to the top of the spire and fly down to the bottom inside, also a safe parking area.
Or land 9km away and all they do is look and shoot and usually miss you.
Go up to the site in an srv or on foot and you can hang around forever peacefully.
even in a ship if you do it right..timing don't move around when births occur or when scouts are roaming.
I spent a lot of time in a non-ax courier thats fun.
too fast for anything to damage it.
fly with landing gear extended for when they do fire the at you. That way if you do hit the ground hopefully rightside up then the landing gear takes most of the impact.
I recommend a 3b ax limpit controller for hull repair is all.

Land at a disabled site to look around with zero shooting...boring but if you've not yet been to one, well worth the trip.
And Marvel at the sadness that is humanity.
Destroying the 'unknown'
I really hope it is what I think it is and is why they are not worried about tiny monkeys pulling the pins out of their grenades.
Keep poking the bear. wounded bear..running bear..
Wait for the lore to fulfill itself.
13 Nov 2023, 3:33pm

**Bug Report**

I noticed when completing Surface Combat Zones that they are counted double on Inara. I have only done the 10 neccessary to unlock Hero Ferrari and on here it says that I have done 20. Same happenned for my Alt charachter Cmdr Ted Ted
13 Nov 2023, 6:17pm
Rattus MetallicusI noticed when completing Surface Combat Zones that they are counted double on Inara. I have only done the 10 neccessary to unlock Hero Ferrari and on here it says that I have done 20. Same happenned for my Alt charachter Cmdr Ted Ted

Probably a bug in the game itself.

It has been well over a year since I have done a surface CZ, but back when I did, I noticed they were always counted twice in the in-game Codex — except that one time when I had a surface CZ somehow counted thrice
15 Nov 2023, 2:13pm
Rattus MetallicusHi
I noticed when completing Surface Combat Zones that they are counted double on Inara. I have only done the 10 neccessary to unlock Hero Ferrari and on here it says that I have done 20. Same happenned for my Alt charachter Cmdr Ted Ted

Hello, as Sampi mentioned, it's a thing of the game. These numbers are right from the Codex stats so you should see the same value in the game. So treat it as a "bonus".

Happy DazeKen Mattingly died in October.

I happened to stop at the station and saw his picture on the station site.
What an incredible life.

16 Nov 2023, 5:20pm
Not sure if this is the right place or not but here goes:

I love your planetary database!
I use it all the time for all kinds of things.

But today I tried to use it to find out which planets have the gravitational anomaly trait. And it says “none”. Which is not true. My game has several and another site has a very poor (but not “none”) list that matches the planets I have found the trait on. So I don’t think this trait is procedural. So I’m wondering if it’s some error in your database coding or if traits are in fact randomly generated in the game or if only gravitational anomalies are randomly generated in the game.

I am trying to use this info to solve a much larger problem. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks for your time.

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