Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Feb 2024, 5:49pm
dizzy rascalthe items are void opals, and low cut diamonds,

the stations are all over the place in the main bubble. i try 3 tourist sites and one land site ( tourist). to sell the ingame tools says they are at high profit (green). when you get there they are all negative buy. (red).

are currently in sowhiio system at the land base of scavo lesiure site ++ , void are selling at 208,516 , low cut diamonds are at 418,693 i sold them at a lost -57 million crs, and -12 million.

doesn;t matter where you go to any tourist site in the bubble they are all negative. and it seems to effect only the mineral data

Thanks. The problem is the game's bulk sale tax for mined commodities - there is so low demand that it affects the selling price. So for Scavo Leisure Site - if you have more than 8 units of Void opals or more than 16 units of LTD in your cargo hold, it will affect the price negatively. You need to take a look for the stations with a higher demand, you can either set a condition for min. demand in the search or you can check the tooltip over the red demand numbers in the search output, which will tell you a max. amount of commodity you may have before it will start to affect its price.

For example, nearest from Sowiio is Adams Orbital in Beta-1 Tucanae for Opals and Wegener Orbital in Sowiio for LTDs should be also alright.

Last edit: 28 Feb 2024, 5:55pm
28 Feb 2024, 5:55pm
dizzy rascalthe items are void opals, and low cut diamonds,

the stations are all over the place in the main bubble. i try 3 tourist sites and one land site ( tourist). to sell the ingame tools says they are at high profit (green). when you get there they are all negative buy. (red).

are currently in sowhiio system at the land base of scavo lesiure site ++ , void are selling at 208,516 , low cut diamonds are at 418,693 i sold them at a lost -57 million crs, and -12 million.

doesn;t matter where you go to any tourist site in the bubble they are all negative. and it seems to effect only the mineral data

Thanks. The problem is the game's bulk sale tax for mined commodities - there is so low demand that it affects the selling price. For example, at Scavo Leisure Site - if you have more than 8 units of Void opals or more than 16 units of LTD in your cargo hold, it will affect the price negatively. You need to take a look for the stations with a higher demand, you can either set a condition for min. demand in the search or you can check the tooltip over the red demand numbers in the search output, which will tell you a max. amount of commodity you may have before it will start to affect its price.

Nearest from Sowiio is Adams Orbital in Beta-1 Tucanae for Opals and Wegener Orbital in Sowiio for LTDs should be also alright.

i just came from there and it also negative on my end. Wegener Orbital

29 Feb 2024, 2:37pm
"Time is relative"
29 Feb 2024, 2:44pm
It seems to be an issue for the station's local news, the game is handling the leap year properly otherwise.
29 Feb 2024, 3:11pm
ArtieIt seems to be an issue for the station's local news, the game is handling the leap year properly otherwise.

Galnet was wrong also at this moment.
29 Feb 2024, 4:16pm
Just a note about the progress value for the Maelstrom systems in the Thargoid war - the journal currently reports the progress for the individual rings, not the overall progress, so it may be jumping back and forth as the rings are being destroyed. It seems there is currently no way how to determine that from the journal records and also it seems it may be slightly bugged and not reporting a correct value sometimes. I have raised these problems to Frontier, so let's see if they will add an extra property for the rings destroyed in there (and fix the issue with zero progress value reported).
01 Mar 2024, 2:31am
Whatever function checks if an updated E:D ship ID is the same as it was before isn't case sensitive, so if you change the case but not the spelling of a ship ID in-game it won't reflect on Inara.
04 Mar 2024, 8:12pm
Can pre-engineered modules be marked as such in the module list? In the loadout event of the journal, pre-engineered human modules have an EngineerID of 399999 and no EngineerName, while pre-engineered guardian modules have an EngineerID of 300001 and also no EngineerName.

Neither value is recorded in
04 Mar 2024, 8:54pm
And while we’re at that, modshards still don’t show up as engineered…
(nor do any other pre-engineered modules where no actual blueprint exists…)
05 Mar 2024, 2:49am
Hey all. I guess this is the right place to report this.
My fleet carrier is showing incorrect data.

I've had EDDiscovery and Market Connector running last week. But it seems like the new data for the owner and current whereabouts is not updating.
05 Mar 2024, 9:55am

I'm having the same issue as this CMDR with importing game data from an Epic Elite account.

Can you help us out? It worked fine last year.
07 Mar 2024, 4:40pm
Rancore202Whatever function checks if an updated E:D ship ID is the same as it was before isn't case sensitive, so if you change the case but not the spelling of a ship ID in-game it won't reflect on Inara.

Hello, yes, the journal is reporting some ship names all in uppercase for some reason, so I am doing some conversion in these cases to not have the ship names "shouty". But, you can simply edit your ship's name manually and change the upper/lower case as you wish. As long as the ship's name won't change in the game, it will stick.

CometborneCan pre-engineered modules be marked as such in the module list? In the loadout event of the journal, pre-engineered human modules have an EngineerID of 399999 and no EngineerName, while pre-engineered guardian modules have an EngineerID of 300001 and also no EngineerName.

Neither value is recorded in

Sampi OgonekAnd while we’re at that, modshards still don’t show up as engineered…
(nor do any other pre-engineered modules where no actual blueprint exists…)

Ah, yes, thanks for reminding. I have started the implementation for those a while back and then got distracted by something else. I will get back to it.

DahoiHey all. I guess this is the right place to report this.
My fleet carrier is showing incorrect data.

I've had EDDiscovery and Market Connector running last week. But it seems like the new data for the owner and current whereabouts is not updating.

Please open your fleet carrier's administration screen in the game and then import your journal via "Import game data" button on your commander page. That should assign the carrier to you (and remove it from the previous owner).


I'm having the same issue as this CMDR with importing game data from an Epic Elite account.

Can you help us out? It worked fine last year.

Hello, please hop into the game first and then try to import your data. If that won't help, re-link the game account (go to Commander > Commander settings, click Reset link button and link the game account anew). It's an issue between Epic and Frontier with access tokens expiring while the user was not in the game for a while and those steps should help with the problem.
08 Mar 2024, 6:51pm
I wish INARA had a MAX landing pad size option when searching for nearest station so CMDR's could search for settlements with only small landing pads.
This would be extremely useful for locating certain Odyssey settlements.

Some examples:

Odyssey Settlement -> Military -> Anarchy -> Small Pad Only
  • (Particular layout is great for suit schematic farming)
Odyssey Settlement -> Extraction -> Anarchy -> Small Pad Only
  • (Particular layout is good for power regulator farming)
Odyssey Settlement -> High Tech -> War/Civil War -> Small Pad Only
  • (Particular layout is best for ground CZ's)
Odyssey Settlement -> Agriculture -> Small Pad Only
  • (Particular layout offers best 2x cargo defense mission)
08 Mar 2024, 11:51pm
Captain Scrotium
Odyssey Settlement -> Extraction -> Anarchy -> Small Pad Only
  • (Particular layout is good for power regulator farming)

Kinda off-topic in this forum, but I’d like to note that a much better place for power regulator farming (if you’re OK with using the exit-to-main-menu/resume loop) is a salvage mission that happens to lead to a Distress Beacon POI with a threat level and no scavs already present on the ground.

(A Distress Beacon with a threat level is an emergency-landed ship with 2 power regulators, each having about 25% chance of not being degraded. As long as you do not pick up the mission objective, you can relog and loot the power regulators ad nauseam.)

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