Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
25 Feb 2024, 3:15pm
Hello, there is no manual ship loadout edit, the loadouts are imported from the journals only (but that won't work for the Legacy game versions/consoles, unfortunately).

So, seeing as I’m on ps4, I’m kinda out of luck then? Any suggestions on what I could do then?
25 Feb 2024, 10:19pm
Hi Artie,

Does Inara show NPC crew information, i.e. name, ranks, etc as would be a good thing to track?

Thank you for your response in advance
26 Feb 2024, 2:58am
Hello, there is no manual ship loadout edit, the loadouts are imported from the journals only (but that won't work for the Legacy game versions/consoles, unfortunately).

So, seeing as I’m on ps4, I’m kinda out of luck then? Any suggestions on what I could do then?

Swap to PC. ED is not so demanding in hardware, but of course the stronger your PC the better (Graphics/frame rate).

It can be played with a medium range laptop or PC, which can be purchased second hand, from my PoV, it's worth it.
26 Feb 2024, 10:12am
indeed, if you dont mind a few jagged lines it runs fine on a UHD 720 (intel intergrated from 2021 with a next gen cpu low res ofc which played SC too & only dropped to 29fps on the starter planet, listen way less to petty nasty people on the net talking about what they have paid money for compared to real general performance),
last year on the same PC ody would crash every few minutes yet horizons ran fine, this year ody has only crashed once in the month i've been back & that was from changing from the map to another screen/panel.

the one thing i am getting a bit peeved at is the black screen delay with the foot steps when disembarking, it is not a game feature =D ive been paying attention more the last few weeks it is when the ship lands and the ship rear is facing the hangar elevator wall in the station, as it can also delay you disembarking & getting back in a SRV or ship on a planet surface too im suspecting its to do with collision detection at the back of the ship,
26 Feb 2024, 4:46pm
Is there something wrong with inara? I`m trying to search trade roads but whatever i will write in system sectrion and click search it shows only SOL system trade roads
26 Feb 2024, 4:53pm
Hello Artie,

in the German Elite Dangerous Forum "Stellanebula Project" a discussion is upcoming of a possibility to show all missions taken by all commanders anonymously ( As I have identified that all mission I did in the past has been kept in the INARA database, I suggest all missions from all other commanders has been kept in the same manner too. So I would recommend you to think about to show all missions in the following manner:

Mission Type System Station Count Last seen
Liberate 1 Schmuggelschnaps Birjorth Navigator Dock 12 5 hours ago
Restore Njikit Pausch Landing 3 3 days ago
Evacuate businessmen Vistnero Drexler City 45 8 Minutes ago
Evacuate businessmen HIP 116360 Maine Arsenal 23 10 Minutes ago

Mission Type: I think is clear, or?
System/Station: Is the System/Station that offers this specific mission
Count: Number of executed missions with the specific type offered by specific system/station
Last seen: Last time a commander has executed the particular mission
*And yes, there multiple missions at the same time but different station is possible

So, would it be possible to implement this type of database requests?

Thank you

Last edit: 26 Feb 2024, 5:00pm
26 Feb 2024, 6:17pm
WisniaIs there something wrong with inara? I`m trying to search trade roads but whatever i will write in system sectrion and click search it shows only SOL system trade roads

I assume you are talking about the best trades routes search - I guess you are having it ordered by "Best profit" and so that's correct. If you are looking for such routes that are closest to your reference star system, please change the ordering to "Distance".

TyriusWolfHi Artie,

Does Inara show NPC crew information, i.e. name, ranks, etc as would be a good thing to track?

Thank you for your response in advance

This was responded on Discord, but for other readers: For the crew, there isn't much in the journal - there are total crew wages in the stats and there is possible to collect their names when swapping/hiring them (or when the wage is paid), but that's it. Although there is a combat rank on hire, it's not present after that and although there are wage deductions when receiving payments from other activities, there are no total wages for each individual crew members (just a total for the whole crew). So basically the best I can somewhat reliably provide is just their names and if they are assigned to a ship or not. As it's not much, I didn't give any priority to such feature, although it's on my list.

So, seeing as I’m on ps4, I’m kinda out of luck then? Any suggestions on what I could do then?

Only as was said - it's best to migrate to PC, as the Legacy game version is no longer developed/supported by Frontier. You can utilize their migration portal to transfer your console commander to PC and you will even get a free game copy.
26 Feb 2024, 6:22pm
Tom ScottHello Artie,

in the German Elite Dangerous Forum "Stellanebula Project" a discussion is upcoming of a possibility to show all missions taken by all commanders anonymously ( As I have identified that all mission I did in the past has been kept in the INARA database, I suggest all missions from all other commanders has been kept in the same manner too. So I would recommend you to think about to show all missions in the following manner:

Hello, I am not sure that I understand the purpose of it. The point is to have a search for stations that are offering a specific mission type or overview of all missions completed in some location or something else?
26 Feb 2024, 8:28pm
Tom ScottHello Artie,

in the German Elite Dangerous Forum "Stellanebula Project" a discussion is upcoming of a possibility to show all missions taken by all commanders anonymously ( As I have identified that all mission I did in the past has been kept in the INARA database, I suggest all missions from all other commanders has been kept in the same manner too. So I would recommend you to think about to show all missions in the following manner:

Hello, I am not sure that I understand the purpose of it. The point is to have a search for stations that are offering a specific mission type or overview of all missions completed in some location or something else?

Hi Artie, thank you for your fast and valueable answer. About your question: It's up to you how to handle it. The main goal is to find a straightforward way to determine which stations might offer a particular type of mission - other than docking and manually checking each individual board. So you can serve a search algorithm for particular mission(s) or a list of all mission types - one for each type - displaying the shortest distance or last seen. There maybe multiple ways to get an overview about the missions available in the players environment (100Lj). This would safe a lot of time.
27 Feb 2024, 12:17pm
What missions are offered depends on the faction type and state and station economy and maybe other factions in other systems and various other things so trying to figure out what missions a station gives based on old data could get out of date fast. The prime example of this would be that if a war breaks out a ton of war missions will spawn for the warring factions and crowd out the rest of the mission board which has less room for other types of missions to spawn.
27 Feb 2024, 5:58pm
DisgoWhat missions are offered depends on the faction type and state and station economy and maybe other factions in other systems and various other things so trying to figure out what missions a station gives based on old data could get out of date fast.

Yes, I know. That's why you could only display the missions of the current time tick with an indication of the time elapsed since the mission was accepted.

The prime example of this would be that if a war breaks out a ton of war missions will spawn for the warring factions and crowd out the rest of the mission board which has less room for other types of missions to spawn.

I'm not that well versed in BGS, but it's possible that a war can only break out on Thursdays at time-tick.
In the end, I would find it really useful to know where the last smuggling booze missions or the coveted salvage missions with the irregular markings and impact points were.
27 Feb 2024, 6:42pm

Last edit: 28 Feb 2024, 11:15am
28 Feb 2024, 5:05pm
Artie, minerals market seem to be bugged. i brought minerals and every station iv'e been to seem to have a negative buy option.
even the ingame say they are buying this commodity. get to the station and the trend is all over the bubble for minerals market. demand there selling price ok, buying 0
28 Feb 2024, 5:18pm
dizzy rascalArtie, minerals market seem to be bugged. i brought minerals and every station iv'e been to seem to have a negative buy option.
even the ingame say they are buying this commodity. get to the station and the trend is all over the bubble for minerals market. demand there selling price ok, buying 0

Please give me a little bit more details - what station(s) exactly and what mineral(s) are you trying to sell? I can check the market data coming in.

Tom Scott
Hi Artie, thank you for your fast and valueable answer. About your question: It's up to you how to handle it. The main goal is to find a straightforward way to determine which stations might offer a particular type of mission - other than docking and manually checking each individual board. So you can serve a search algorithm for particular mission(s) or a list of all mission types - one for each type - displaying the shortest distance or last seen. There maybe multiple ways to get an overview about the missions available in the players environment (100Lj). This would safe a lot of time.

I am afraid in many cases it's not so straightforward. For example the existing (selected) missions search already present should be more or less reliable, but is not 100% as there is likely the mission availability may be influenced by factors not exposed in the journal or factors that are hard to determine exactly. So there is for now only the search of "critical" missions that may be problematic to find, so Restore, Mining, and Massacre missions.
28 Feb 2024, 5:40pm
the items are void opals, and low cut diamonds,

the stations are all over the place in the main bubble. i try 3 tourist sites and one land site ( tourist). to sell the ingame tools says they are at high profit (green). when you get there they are all negative buy. (red).

are currently in sowhiio system at the land base of scavo lesiure site ++ , void are selling at 208,516 , low cut diamonds are at 418,693 i sold them at a lost -57 million crs, and -12 million.

doesn;t matter where you go to any tourist site in the bubble they are all negative. and it seems to effect only the mineral data

wegner orbital = currently buys at 548831. but just come from there and it was negative also.

Last edit: 28 Feb 2024, 5:51pm

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