Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Jan 2024, 5:39am
Does that also mean that the data on the site(commodity prices etc.) is inaccurate for the PS4 client ?

I am contemplating the move to PC, it's the PS4 controller touch pad that is too convenient to let go(and the couch).

Last edit: 30 Jan 2024, 6:27am
30 Jan 2024, 6:30am
CMDR XtremerotaryDoes that also mean that the data on the site(commodity prices etc.) is inaccurate for the PS4 client ?

I am contemplating the move to PC, it's the PS4 controller touch pad that is too convenient to let go(and the couch).

Yep, it is quite different. Because if I know good, console version is something like freezed version of ED. So prices are probably still same as before Live/Legacy split
30 Jan 2024, 9:40am
CMDR XtremerotaryDoes that also mean that the data on the site(commodity prices etc.) is inaccurate for the PS4 client ?

I am contemplating the move to PC, it's the PS4 controller touch pad that is too convenient to let go(and the couch).

I play on PC on steam using a controller. Can also beam the computer screen to my TV. I doubt you'll have any problems playing Elite as you did before, you just need an average PC (mine is over 10 years old but was decent spec at the time).

Don't go spending a ton expecting a whole new bunch of new features. Frontier might be ignoring the console comunity these days, but all we get on PC is a lump of coal at Xmas.
30 Jan 2024, 1:12pm
I actually have a pretty decent PC(R7 5800X3D & RX 6950XT). I really enjoy the touchpad on the PS4 controller, as I can switch to left and right panels with the click of a button. On PC, I would have to resort to button combinations to move to different screens of the ship.
I know eventually, I will have to migrate. It is such a shame Frontier won't be releasing updated versions on the PS5.
31 Jan 2024, 1:23am
Would it be possible to have a bulk edit option for asset ownership, it would be especialy usefull for Ody settlement previously owned by a faction kicked from the system, thanks.
01 Feb 2024, 12:01pm
All player factions started in a single star system and a low influence, so everything they achieved was more or less through their work. Yes, very hypothetically, if you will somehow manage to control just a few star systems but with a huge population, you will make it into the list. The starting position has some effect only in regard of your options where to expand, but I would say it actually may be beneficial to start outside the highly contested high population systems as it may be easier to get the averagely populated star systems around and also a possible loss of some star systems won't have that big impact as losing a single highly populated star system, in case things will go wrong. [/quote]

Thank you.
The faction I support, started in a place where we were caught between two super powers.
We could not take control in any of their Power play systems, or risk a reprisal from the supporting PP group because of our faction type.
So we had to expand into areas where we could take systems without this happening.
From one end to the other. Our faction is now over 200Ly from end to end in distance. (More than any other faction I believe?)
So only now, are we finally able to start taking some larger population systems... (Now we have made it out)
We will get onto the top population list eventually?
But depending upon how easy it would be?
It would be nicer from our perspective if the other reports listed the top 50 factions?
Anyway. Thank you for listening to my perspective & suggestion.

Last edit: 07 Feb 2024, 11:33pm
02 Feb 2024, 12:16am

Thank you.
The faction I support, started in a place where we were caught between two super powers.
We could not take control in any of their Power play systems, or risk a reprisal from the supporting PP group because of our faction type.
So we had to expand into areas where we could take systems without this happening.
From one end to the other. Our faction is now over 200Ly from end to end in distance. (More than any other faction I believe?)
So only now, are we finally able to start taking some larger population systems... (Now we have made it out)
We will get onto the top 20 population list eventually?
But depending upon how easy it would be?
It would be nicer from our perspective if the reports listed the top 50 factions?
Anyway. Thank you for listening to my perspective & suggestion.

Where your PMF is located play a major role in your accessibility to high pop system, take the Brazilian League of Pilots for example, 150 system under control, yet only the tiny number of 4 bill pop, issue being they live at the edge of the bubble, an area filled with minor / low pop system.
In short in BGS you offten can't have your cake and eat it, depending of your PMF placement, you may aim to have lot of system under control, or aim to max out your pop, but rarely the 2 at the same time.
I take our case as example, we live right in between Alioth and Sol, highly active area of space, filled with very active PMF as well, therefore given the geographical context, we focused our BGS policy to high value target mostly which were not lacking in our area.
04 Feb 2024, 2:01pm
Would it be possible to filter out fleet carriers that are only open to friends on ? I only want to see ones that are open to all. Similarly, maybe a filter for allowing notorious could be useful.
05 Feb 2024, 11:56am
Why is my Commodities List and Missing Components in German while everything else is in English? And how to change it to all english?
05 Feb 2024, 1:30pm
MGFrank70Why is my Commodities List and Missing Components in German while everything else is in English? And how to change it to all english?

Please go to your commander settings and set the "Commodities/component language" to default (so it will respect the general page language) or any other language you prefer. It seems you have changed it to German language in the past and forgot about that.

Volt KrakenWould it be possible to filter out fleet carriers that are only open to friends on ? I only want to see ones that are open to all. Similarly, maybe a filter for allowing notorious could be useful.

Well, I am not inclined to put so narrow extra switch into the form, but I can display the docking status in the results and/or offer it as a station "variant" to select. For the curiosity, what have you been looking for? Some dockable carrier for refuel/repairs further from the Bubble, I guess?

NovarekWould it be possible to have a bulk edit option for asset ownership, it would be especialy usefull for Ody settlement previously owned by a faction kicked from the system, thanks.

There is no plan for it, I am afraid (as there are so few manual edits in general and also as it's less prone to larger amount of errors and misedits this way).
05 Feb 2024, 3:32pm
Thx, Artie
11 Feb 2024, 1:25pm
Have the translations been completed or closed? I know it's been ages, but wanted to have a look on OneSky and maybe translate or update some stuff only to notice the project is gone/inaccessible...
11 Feb 2024, 2:10pm
DragoCubXHave the translations been completed or closed? I know it's been ages, but wanted to have a look on OneSky and maybe translate or update some stuff only to notice the project is gone/inaccessible...

Yeah, there have been some changes as OneSky changed their free tier and it became unusable. I will drop you a message with details.
13 Feb 2024, 10:00am
Hi Artie,
Is there a problem with Fleet Carrier info being displayed? Mine seems to have disappeared - all the other ships are there but no longer have a docked location. I have no links to my FC.
13 Feb 2024, 12:57pm
QuillmonkeyHi Artie,
Is there a problem with Fleet Carrier info being displayed? Mine seems to have disappeared - all the other ships are there but no longer have a docked location. I have no links to my FC.

the problem is that you have imported your data on another Inara account, so the carrier still exists, but was assigned to your other account. To have it back on your main it's best to open fleet carrier stats in the game and import the game data on your main account afterwards. It should re-assign the carrier back.

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