Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Jun 2015, 8:14pm
So, Powerplay is here, so there is also Inara update:

- added new ships, navy ranks, etc. for Powerplay
- new section Galaxy, where you can find Galnet archive, Powers overview, Community goals and some other stuff. This section will be also further improved in the future. Powers are also displayed in market and used to highlight friendly star systems in trade route lists. They currently do not limit market commodities available (like Imperial slaves) and other features (like black markets presence) - this feature will be added as soon as possible.
So please keep controlled systems for each power up to date and enjoy Powerplay!
05 Jun 2015, 8:40pm
Excellent work Artie, as usual.
05 Jun 2015, 8:45pm
+1 here too
05 Jun 2015, 9:02pm
There's a new section in the commodities market.


The only commodity I have seen in this category is SAP 8 CORE CONTAINER. And only seen it at Chernykh Ring in Dvorsi so far.
05 Jun 2015, 9:05pm
Yeah, for now I kept SAP 8 Container under Rare and Salvage list, let's see if it is on market everywhere and also if there can be other salvage sold too. There is possible that some powers may allow to sell specific salvage that it illegal otherwise. I will update market commodities list by it.
06 Jun 2015, 10:35am
Osium appears to be listed under Metals and NOT Minerals as per current INARA market ????

Sap 8 core containers listed in Goldberg Orbital and Mc Intosh Terminal
06 Jun 2015, 11:31am
In the Market Settings, should I set Max Jump Range to what my ship can do in a single jump (laden, I guess) or am I supposed to crank it up to basically whatever distance I'm interested in making a trade run? Just wondering because on the Round Trip section of suggested trade routes, it's only picking up one-leg routes. Or is it currently not capable of calculating a two (or more?) leg trip? The one I'm doing is two legs each way because it's too far for a single jump.
06 Jun 2015, 11:36am
Andy: Osmium fixed, thanks.

Benjeth: You can set any distance you wish, unrelated to your ship single jump distance. Round trips (same as exports/imports) will show best routes within that distance (ignoring number of jumps) and it's up to you how you will get there. So you can set distance close to your ship jump distance to get just single jump routes or set higher distance to get also multi-jump routes. Your choice.
06 Jun 2015, 12:03pm
Ok, the lingo confused me then, I thought it meant what's my ship's single-jump max range.

I searched the feed and must've missed it again, but is there a way for us to input a value when stations no longer accept certain items? One of the suggested trade routes was Imperial Slaves to Jeterait: Sabine Orbital but that is now "Illicit Cargo" and can't sell them there.

Last edit: 06 Jun 2015, 12:13pm
06 Jun 2015, 12:14pm
Benjeth: Ah, right, I changed it to something more clear (as I hope)

Loriath: I added SAP 8  to main commodity list right now, also Osmium is there, please test it. Or, eventually, send me your .csv export to and I will try it against your data, to find the problem.
07 Jun 2015, 7:22am
Loving the updates

With the community goals could there be a way to register your participation. I used the custom field in the CMDR log to say that I am taking part in the Sirius Expedition. Would it be a useful thing to have? Just thought a button that adds the details to the log?
07 Jun 2015, 10:35am
That's good idea, I will try to put it there in next update.
07 Jun 2015, 3:02pm
That does sound like a cool idea, and some way to have tracking of all the CGs we participate in.

To add to that, maybe in the CG page, make the System a link to its Market page? Then on the Market page, if there is a CG for that system, have a note and a link to that CG? Just as reminders, I guess a Trader could be working that system and not read the CG news.
08 Jun 2015, 10:49am
Hey Artie, this is a great website, thank you for that.

One little question about my fleet page (and overview): is it possible to change the order of the ships? If you're sorting by the date I've added the ships, would it be possible to change that date? It's not a big deal, but I guess the amount of work to create such a feature wouldn't be that big, too. Please don't hesitate to refuse my request if you think it's a waste of time.
08 Jun 2015, 11:07am
Benjeth: Yes, some stuff like CG deserves to be on market page, too. I will try to add it there. CG locations are actually pointed to market page (from the full CG listing, not the News page).

Captain Kirby: It's not hard to do, but maybe it can be also automated some way. How do you want to sort your ships? I was initially thinking about sorting that main ship is always first, rest sorted by value descending... but at the final I kept it by date as it was less confusing for first time

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