Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
26 Jun 2024, 6:52pm
Ishar Morrad ChuainHi,

I was told by someone in my squadron they experienced a similar issue to mine and recommended I reach out for help. My Fleet Carrier won't seem to update in Inara. I use EDMC and have no issue with my information getting tracked. I have had the FC for about a week ( but the details of the FC don't seem to update. Happy to troubleshoot and figure out if there is something wrong on my end, but I can't seem to find anything. Help is much appreciated

CMDR Ishar

Hello, there are two options - if you need only the carrier's market data/bartender updated, dock in there, open the market and it will get updated via EDMC/EDDN same as any other regular station. The other option is to import your journals via "Import game data" on your CMDR page, which will update the carrier's market, bartender and also other properties like docking privileges. As you have no carrier linked to your CMDR yet, you may need to open the fleet carrier administration screen in the game before the import, so there will be a proper record in the journal (but it's not needed afterwards, once the carrier is assigned to you already).
26 Jun 2024, 7:51pm
Ishar Morrad ChuainHi,

I was told by someone in my squadron they experienced a similar issue to mine and recommended I reach out for help. My Fleet Carrier won't seem to update in Inara. I use EDMC and have no issue with my information getting tracked. I have had the FC for about a week ( but the details of the FC don't seem to update. Happy to troubleshoot and figure out if there is something wrong on my end, but I can't seem to find anything. Help is much appreciated

CMDR Ishar

Hello, there are two options - if you need only the carrier's market data/bartender updated, dock in there, open the market and it will get updated via EDMC/EDDN same as any other regular station. The other option is to import your journals via "Import game data" on your CMDR page, which will update the carrier's market, bartender and also other properties like docking privileges. As you have no carrier linked to your CMDR yet, you may need to open the fleet carrier administration screen in the game before the import, so there will be a proper record in the journal (but it's not needed afterwards, once the carrier is assigned to you already).

OK, Thanks. I did the import game data - I had turned that off when doing some exobiology stuff to avoid someone sniping my finds. I was paranoid :p. Fixing that connection instantly updated the FC information. Thanks for the help!!
27 Jun 2024, 1:15am
Would it be possible to add the functionality to search for information related to smuggling for BGS activity? Input parameters that would be useful would be a target system, one or more minor factions within that system, and possibly landing pad size. Useful output data would be what illegal commodities have a black market demand on stations/settlements owned by the designated minor factions within the designated systems.
29 Jun 2024, 11:22am
Ground StopWould it be possible to add the functionality to search for information related to smuggling for BGS activity? Input parameters that would be useful would be a target system, one or more minor factions within that system, and possibly landing pad size. Useful output data would be what illegal commodities have a black market demand on stations/settlements owned by the designated minor factions within the designated systems.

As it's a relatively niche, no special search for it is planned. I may however think about adding an option to limit the trade routes search to stations with black markets only. Also, I have added a small icon next to the station name indicating whether the station has a black market or not for an easier check, so you can for example limit the trade routes search for stations owned only by the particular faction and check what trade route stations are having the black market in the results (assuming you are looking for round trips). If you are not interested in round trips, simply pick any large station with black market owned by the targeted faction in the targeted star system and check the import routes. Just be aware that the profits will be lower (as there isn't much data for black markets sent by the players it isn't worth processing, but the black market should follow the regular market, only the prices are lower).
01 Jul 2024, 8:24pm
Hello Artie,

i want to insert a new Wing logo image. How do I do that?
yesterday, 6:11am
ArtieAs it's a relatively niche, no special search for it is planned. I may however think about adding an option to limit the trade routes search to stations with black markets only. Also, I have added a small icon next to the station name indicating whether the station has a black market or not for an easier check, so you can for example limit the trade routes search for stations owned only by the particular faction and check what trade route stations are having the black market in the results (assuming you are looking for round trips). If you are not interested in round trips, simply pick any large station with black market owned by the targeted faction in the targeted star system and check the import routes. Just be aware that the profits will be lower (as there isn't much data for black markets sent by the players it isn't worth processing, but the black market should follow the regular market, only the prices are lower).

With the advent of Odyssey settlements owned by factions that enable black markets, smuggling is as prevalent as ever.
It is also one of the best ways to harm a faction via the BGS. So while it seems niche in the hauling world, it isn't in the BGS world.

I will therefore vote for a "smuggle to system X / smuggle for faction X" search, just like I voted for a "find bounty vouchers for faction X" search earlier.
today, 3:28am
Howdy, I’m having an issue. In Squadrons>roster>edit roster, I can’t seem to remove the scribe/moderator/ ambassador etc roles from someone I’ve accidently given them to
today, 8:55am
RainmanGamesHowdy, I’m having an issue. In Squadrons>roster>edit roster, I can’t seem to remove the scribe/moderator/ ambassador etc roles from someone I’ve accidently given them to

Hello, thank you very much for the report! The issue was fixed.

GhostMJohnHello Artie,
i want to insert a new Wing logo image. How do I do that?

Hello, please head to your Squadron > Settings > Squadron details tab and you can upload your logo there.

With the advent of Odyssey settlements owned by factions that enable black markets, smuggling is as prevalent as ever.
It is also one of the best ways to harm a faction via the BGS. So while it seems niche in the hauling world, it isn't in the BGS world.

I will therefore vote for a "smuggle to system X / smuggle for faction X" search, just like I voted for a "find bounty vouchers for faction X" search earlier.

Definitely no extra separate search, as also there is not much reason for it as its goal is same as for the regular markets - find a route. Finding a smuggling route is now perfectly possible (for example as I described above), it may be just about making it a little bit more comfortable.

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