Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 Jun 2015, 7:56pm
there is experimental netlog parser for possible future Flight log, please test it: FLexperimental

If there will any error appear, please let me know and eventually send your netlog to e-mail above. Also, I am looking for logs where you interdicted (or was interdicted) by another player, if do you can provide me some. "Dock" state here is purely experimental and may be not so precise, as game logs every docking requests, even from NPCs.

When it will be working as expected, it will become part of CMDR's log (in better form, of course)

Last edit: 15 Jun 2015, 8:02pm
15 Jun 2015, 11:55pm
I don´t know if it was mentioned before, but what about an entry in Ranks and achievments for your Power Rating...
and maybe showing the associated rank sign, under the Powers Sign?
16 Jun 2015, 12:30pm
MetZwerg: Good idea, I will add it there in next update.
16 Jun 2015, 9:42pm
Just want to say how wonderful I think this 3rd party "app" is for the game. It's pretty sweet to be able to organize practically everything in one spot. All my ElitePVE, FirstGreatExpedition, RadioSidewinder, and heck even my Pinterest and Facebook link to here now for my Elite Dangerous information for my friends and anyone else.

It's great. Keep up the amazing work. I'm looking forward to contributing

fair (solar) winds, and following (gravitational) seas,

Broc McGregor
16 Jun 2015, 11:56pm
Thank you for kind words, Broc.
17 Jun 2015, 6:30am
Hi, i really like your tool although i just found it yesterday as a forum signature.

Did you already consider to integrate real EDDN datastreams or use Maddavo's Market Data with it's 3h prices file?
It would profit your market data. Or you could also try it's station.csv file.

Second one is, can you auto-add the participated community goals to your cmdr's log achievements? I think this is something some people want to tell others about.

And third, let us please choose the time of purchase of our ships.

17 Jun 2015, 10:30am
BD  Did you already consider to integrate real EDDN datastreams or use Maddavo's Market Data with it's 3h prices file?
It would profit your market data. Or you could also try it's station.csv file.

I was thinking about EDDN, but it has it's problems. With their schema v1 was not easy to filter out bad station price data as a whole, which seems to be possible with new v2 schema. But, I still have another major concern about how it is vulnerable. Some experimental tools can mess the data (which already happened in the past) and what's worse - someone may generate plausible prices for every known station and send them to EDDN and pretty easily and effectively poison whole price database. Fortunately, it doesn't happened so far, but the way is here. So, I am still evaluating the options and risks and looking forward to official Frontier's API rather. But I never say never...

BD Second one is, can you auto-add the participated community goals to your cmdr's log achievements? I think this is something some people want to tell others about.

It's already possible - head to Galaxy>Community goals and mark goals you were participating in. These are also automatically added to your achievements.

BD And third, let us please choose the time of purchase of our ships.  

Ah, yes, that's something that can be there. I am adding that on my ToDo list.
17 Jun 2015, 11:36am
Hello. I found the site 2 days ago, and I was instantly amazed by its presentation and functionality.
My sincere congratulations for a job very well done!!!

I am still exploring the possibilities it offers, but I am somewhat lost (there are so many things you can use, it kind of overwhelms me).
17 Jun 2015, 12:33pm
Another one:
if my Internet Explorer window is too small, there is no scrollbar from left to right in Firefox, IE and my mobile phone browser. (so in the last one i can't Login)
17 Jun 2015, 1:04pm
Ger Panagon: Welcome and I hope you will enjoy it here
BD: Uh, it was screwed during last update. Thank you for report, fixed right now...
17 Jun 2015, 5:20pm

just found out your site! very kool! For one my interest is instantaneous. I will use it.


Night Raven
17 Jun 2015, 7:17pm
just been thinking about it...
only two things this Inara is missing:
a ship builder like coriolis or edshipyard
and a route planner.

Route planners are great, especially for running rares, smuggling, etc where we go out far between specific "stops" with multiple hops between them. It'd be pretty sweet to have all that in one stop.

Not that I'm complaining. It's just if this had those. I'd be over the moon and never need any other 3rd part sources again! I love using this in Overwolf. It's just another "ship's hologram" in-game because the GUI is so similar to in-game. It's very immersive.
17 Jun 2015, 11:23pm
Broc "Badger" McGregor only two things this Inara is missing:
a ship builder like coriolis or edshipyard

As Coriolis is under MIT license, there is theoretically possible to implement it for Inara. But, it's still living project and is still improved (it's author does really great job with it) - as there is usually not so easy to "bend" project of this scale for our needs, it will be better to wait when it stabilize. EliteShipyard is much easier to implement and it also works very well, but as far as I know it was not released under any "friendly" license and I do not want to steal it, of course. Maybe I will try to negotiate with it's author about some usage here. At least, Coriolis is still an option, it's easier to implement it here than writing own tool, so we will see later...

Broc "Badger" McGregor
and a route planner.
 Route planners are great, especially for running rares, smuggling, etc where we go out far between specific "stops" with multiple hops between them. It'd be pretty sweet to have all that in one stop.

As I am not trading rares, do you can enlighten me a little bit about this? I thought that various route finders are pointless since enhanced galaxy map route finder in game, but maybe this is more intended like sorted destinations list (without jumps between)? I can also imagine some tool that will find best shortest route between all selected systems (like for example: Eranin - 47 Ceti - Tanmark - Fujin - Eranin)?

Last edit: 17 Jun 2015, 11:29pm
18 Jun 2015, 12:25pm
CMDR. Loriath
Artie, I know that EDDN is a mass data dump, but Maddavo info is different in that it is more policed, and not just raw. Would this make any difference to your concerns?

I was also considering this, but this kind of approach needs to be done manually and I'd like to have more automated and independent solution. Let's see how will be EDDN v2 schema going, I have already possible solution how to partially avoid data poisoning (or more precisely reducing the damage done), so maybe it will be the direction...

CMDR. Loriath On a separate note, the Log Entries only have two states, Draft or Public. Can we not change it to be Private Public? Most of my notes in there would be Private. I am keeping them as drafts, but that messes with my brain a little. I want to Publish them, but don't want them to be public.

Ah, right, I will add that option in the next update.
18 Jun 2015, 7:01pm
I just found out about this amazing site and its AMAZING!!!
even though i loved it i see some unused potential here, i actually have three suggestions so far:

- Add a way to add people and keep them on a list (friends, contacts, whatever name)
- Private messaging
- Bulletin board-like platform for us to 'make' our own missions and take those made by others

what do you think?

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