Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
23 Jun 2015, 11:43am
Loriath: Yes, this is a very valid point and it's good it was written, thank you for that
I think good compromise for a start will be importing just Market Connector data from there and we will see how it will be going...

Frankfort: I am afraid there is no such easy tool. I am planning to do 3D map system there, but it's on low priority currently, so no ETA.
23 Jun 2015, 12:47pm
ArtieLoriath: Yes, this is a very valid point and it's good it was written, thank you for that
I think good compromise for a start will be importing just Market Connector data from there and we will see how it will be going...

Frankfort: I am afraid there is no such easy tool. I am planning to do 3D map system there, but it's on low priority currently, so no ETA.

Thanks for your awnser , there is no hurry .

I know there was an old starfinder program in the early 90's used for navigation training and plotting stars for amateur astronomers.
witch made a 3d map .
23 Jun 2015, 6:11pm
FrankfortHello every one , i have an explorer based question .

Does anyone know of a reliable 3d mapping system or manual program ?

I am now using a scater graph from exel but it only lets you work in 1 plane at a time.

unfortunately I am in the same boat as you Frankfort. I would love a good 3D mapping system for the rares as well.
23 Jun 2015, 6:55pm
Broc "Badger" McGregor
FrankfortHello every one , i have an explorer based question .

Does anyone know of a reliable 3d mapping system or manual program ?

I am now using a scater graph from exel but it only lets you work in 1 plane at a time.

unfortunately I am in the same boat as you Frankfort. I would love a good 3D mapping system for the rares as well.

For rares use:
3D Mapping use:

For more tools, go to
23 Jun 2015, 7:10pm

thanks for posting all of those here, it'll be good for people looking for them.

Yep, I already know about them too.  What I'm wanting (and creating as we speak with friends) is basically a 3D map that combines eddiscover with eliteraretrader.

I love how simple Eliteraretrader is.  The only problem is that it can be deceptive.  Usually what appears to be a "long" route on the map's display, because it is in 2D is in fact a much shorter distance than other "shorter" routes because those traverse more of the Z axis
23 Jun 2015, 7:20pm
I hope frontier brings in a symbol like the stored ships symbol but now for the systems we have discovered .
23 Jun 2015, 7:21pm
Broc "Badger" McGregor
FrankfortHello every one , i have an explorer based question .

Does anyone know of a reliable 3d mapping system or manual program ?

I am now using a scater graph from exel but it only lets you work in 1 plane at a time.

unfortunately I am in the same boat as you Frankfort. I would love a good 3D mapping system for the rares as well.

For rares use:
3D Mapping use:

For more tools, go to

Thanks i will check them out.
23 Jun 2015, 8:01pm
Does anyone know how eddiscovery works becouse i donot see anny red dots and am unable to fill in the coordinates
23 Jun 2015, 9:03pm
Be sure you have VerboseLogging enabled!
Find and edit AppConfig.xml in your game folder and add VerboseLogging="1" to the Network section.

For example:


(Update your AppConfig.xml after each game update/patch, as it overrides this setting.)

To log the distance, copy the star system from 'Distance from' and search for it in the Galaxy Map.
Log the Distance shown on the Galaxy Map into the text box and click update.

For red dots to be displayed in the 3D star map, click 'Send Distance to EDSC'
23 Jun 2015, 9:20pm
WilkieBe sure you have VerboseLogging enabled!
Find and edit AppConfig.xml in your game folder and add VerboseLogging="1" to the Network section.

For example:


(Update your AppConfig.xml after each game update/patch, as it overrides this setting.)

To log the distance, copy the star system from 'Distance from' and search for it in the Galaxy Map.
Log the Distance shown on the Galaxy Map into the text box and click update.

For red dots to be displayed in the 3D star map, click 'Send Distance to EDSC'

I did all of the above but some how it doesnot work ..
again thanks for the help i will figure it out some how.
24 Jun 2015, 9:38am
It's not possible at this moment (there is highest rank displayed, eventually in order Exploration>Combat>Trade when same rank), but I will add some setting for license/signature in next update (together with optional private group name as requested before)
24 Jun 2015, 12:36pm
Oke i figured it out how to get the xyz axis filled in the eddiscovery you have to add newstar and distances from 5 known stars
24 Jun 2015, 5:30pm
Just an idea: When your wing gets bigger, it's nice to have a statistic with total ship counts by ship-type.
24 Jun 2015, 6:00pm
Hey Artie, is there a way I can contact you about some site-based stuff? Stuff that is too much to be discussed here in a thread. Email? Some IM program? EDDN IRC channel?

- Thanks
24 Jun 2015, 6:12pm
Loriath: Ah, right, will be in next update, too...
BD: Good idea, writing it to my ToDo.
Michael Riker: Please send me e-mail to

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