Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Sep 2015, 6:00pm
Regarding updating the market are you pulling data from EDDN or does it all have to be updated by user imports?

If you are relying on user imports, it might benefit the site to make that process a bit more user friendly. Having to navigate to the exact system and station before dropping the data is a pain in the ass, perhaps something like Thrudd's import form would be in order to lower the barrier to participation.
08 Sep 2015, 6:28pm
Laynor: Yes, it will be probably possible in the future with additional thread settings. Now I am rather focusing on features and improvements affecting all commanders here in the next update, as the latest updates were mostly wing-related. Blue planet is no problem, I will add it there.

Arsen: As discussed on chat, no immediate plans for XML exports.

Smurfprime: Yes, there are non-OCR data from EDDN pulled. I rather do not want to allow manual mass imports for .csv files or imports without station selected, as these are usually OCR-ed and with exact station selected it can be immediately controlled by user and possible mistakes fixed.
08 Sep 2015, 9:06pm
ArtieSmurfprime: Yes, there are non-OCR data from EDDN pulled. I rather do not want to allow manual mass imports for .csv files or imports without station selected, as these are usually OCR-ed and with exact station selected it can be immediately controlled by user and possible mistakes fixed.

Ok fair enough.  I am using market connector anyway so you will get it from EDDN.
10 Sep 2015, 4:27pm
Some of my member require a disactivation of notification for some Threads.
Could you make it possible ? ^^
10 Sep 2015, 6:20pm
Hmmm... for custom wing threads it's a good idea, I will add it there in the next update (maybe sooner, depends on other things). By the way - "blue planet" stripe is there.
10 Sep 2015, 6:24pm
Artie would it be an imposition to ask if there could be a way to make it easier to change your active ship? Maybe an extra checkmark on the ships entry in the fleet page?
10 Sep 2015, 7:53pm
Hiya cmdrs. I am thinking of joining your group and wondering who I can talk to to establish few more details?
10 Sep 2015, 8:06pm
Hey, just found the site (linked from a reddit post), and wanted to complement those who work on it.

I was actually in the process of discussing with a friend of mine creating a site to act as a sort of 'Mercenary Hub' for player work. The general idea was that people would create profiles that list some relevant details about them - rank, ship, allegiances, etc. Other players could then create 'Jobs' that would post to a master list. The job would list details like availability time, location, payment, and so forth.

Other players could either peruse all listed jobs (such as, oh, 'Looking for mercenary escort through CODE blockade of Hutton Orbital'), or subscribe to certain keywords that would send them an email when a job with those keywords was created. Some additional filters (such as allegiances and distance) could be used as well.

Pilots would then be able to coordinate through the site (sending messages, working out a basic mercenary contract), would be able to meet in game, and could then leave a rating (0 to 10 in a few traits) after the contract was complete. Probably not yelp style reviews unless you want to see a lot of salt when something goes wrong.

Hopefully you kind of see where this is going. I had just started discussing creating this with a friend when I found out about this site, and I think you guys already have most of the pieces of the puzzle here. Just thought I would drop the suggestion - I think it could come to be a highly utilized tool for players everywhere. I would like to assist but all my coding experience is in C/C++ (webdev is voodoo to me).

Have a good one.
10 Sep 2015, 9:06pm
Lase: It's easy to do, I will add it there in next update. Just a sidenote - "main ship" is rather meant is "most preferred and favorite ship" than active ship in given moment. But, well, favorites may be changing...

Majick: Hello, please take a look to Wings section and you may find a group/wing/clan that may be interesting for you.

CobraUSN: Thank you for detailed description of your idea. There is bounty board planned already, roughly with the functionality and features you described, so I hope it will fit your expectations. Not sure when it will be ready, but probably soon...
10 Sep 2015, 9:30pm
Glad to hear it. Good luck!
10 Sep 2015, 10:33pm
thanks Artie for the blue strip (i have expel some member, but will change it soon)
10 Sep 2015, 10:41pm
Artie, would it be possible to add the option of making a post sticky in the wing custom threads? I have a wing events thread and have to repost the events as wing members post replies.
11 Sep 2015, 7:28am

Do you know of the Powerplay data of ED also can exported, like the flight logs
11 Sep 2015, 10:26am
Belstarion: Well, there is thread topic intended for that kind of important stuff. But, as sticky posts were requested there before, it seems that I really should to do that option too. I will take a look on it...

Rudolphus: Really? That's a new information for me. How it can be exported?
11 Sep 2015, 11:31am
I meant it as a question to you of it would be possible?

Now our group have 17 members and we do Powerplay a stickie post is really what we need maybe a possibility for 2 stickies

ArtieBelstarion: Well, there is thread topic intended for that kind of important stuff. But, as sticky posts were requested there before, it seems that I really should to do that option too. I will take a look on it...

Rudolphus: Really? That's a new information for me. How it can be exported?

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