Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
27 Sep 2015, 1:35pm
Artie, an idea

On the Profile page there are ranks for different areas and then a Wing rank at the bottom with the wing logo and the player rank

I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but could wing admins upload their own squared rank emblem files (limited px/kb size) for each rank to show here instead of the bog standard ones? Just a thought to fit the wing rank in more closely with the others
27 Sep 2015, 2:38pm
ArtieWell,  it's rather a feature than a fix and I have it on my list under section "maybe". It's not clear "yes" or "no", but to be honest I am rather inclined to the second option. In my experience from MMO games there is better to stick with "one wing, one loyalty" as multiple guild/wing membership usually leads to loyalty problems, one guild becoming dead or both guilds merging together sooner or later anyway.

It seems to me that IBS is hibernating a little bit at this moment, so why do not re-establish it as a squadron under Mobius wing? You can get similar autonomy that way and same way it can give Mobius wing solid player base, which can lead to increased activity and more stuff that can be done, also for Imperial Blood Serpents.

Agreed. This has been my experience as well.
27 Sep 2015, 2:55pm
PixelBandits: Hmm... it's a little bit complicated, if I understand you right. Not so much technically, but mainly principally. Wing ranks are standardized across the wings so everyone knows what each rank is and what it can do, doesn't matter on the wing. Custom rank images may lead to desire to custom rank names and we may end with a state that one wing will be having Flight leaders leading a flight, another wing will have Master of fluffy clouds leading a flight and so on. Also, rank images requires to have small rank icon for wing roster, which needs to be pixel perfect and it usually cannot be achieved just be downsizing larger image (otherwise it doesn't read well, is blurry, ugly in the result, etc.). There is also other stuff and with all of this it complicates things not just on technical side, but also on side of wing management and it's rather a way I do not want to follow.

But, I was thinking about another thing - to provide wings a mechanics to assign honorary titles, badges, medals, etc. to their members, which can be custom by their wish. There may be also some awards/badges tied to Inara like "wing member for XX days", "having XX ships in a fleet", etc. that can be awarded to any member automatically. That may work better and give more freedom how to customize a wing and it's "ideology". What do you (and anyone) think?

Last edit: 27 Sep 2015, 3:00pm
27 Sep 2015, 3:01pm
Artieanother wing will have Master of fluffy clouds leading a flight and so on.

lol , that realy should have been the chosen title
27 Sep 2015, 3:05pm
ArtiePixelBandits: Hmm... it's a little bit complicated, if I understand you right. Not so much technically, but mainly principally. Wing ranks are standardized across the wings so everyone knows what each rank is and what it can do, doesn't matter on the wing. Custom rank images may lead to desire to custom rank names and we may end with a state that one wing will be having Flight leaders leading a flight, another wing will have Master of fluffy clouds leading a flight and so on. Also, rank images requires to have small rank icon for wing roster, which needs to be pixel perfect and it usually cannot be achieved just be downsizing larger image (otherwise it doesn't read well, is blurry, ugly in the result, etc.). There is also other stuff and with all of this it complicates things not just on technical side, but also on side of wing management and it's rather a way I do not want to follow.

But, I was thinking about another thing - provide wings a mechanics to assign honorary titles, badges, medals, etc. to their members, which can be custom by their wish. There may be also some awards/badges tied to Inara like "wing member for XX days", "having XX ships in a fleet", etc. that can be awarded to any member automatically. That may work better and give more freedom how to customize a wing and it's agenda. What do you (and anyone) think?

I agree with your idea... I really like the part about honorary titles.

We need titles like:

1. Executive Officer
2. Chief of Staff
3. Division Leader
4. Operations Officer
5. Technical Officer
6. Ambassador / Emissary / Consul
27 Sep 2015, 3:05pm
@veyder I was thinking about something "Optionnal"
27 Sep 2015, 3:16pm
These honorary titles should be definitely customizable, just brief idea was for it's name, text color, maybe some fancy stuff like title background/badge and it's color, etc.
27 Sep 2015, 3:43pm
ArtieThese honorary titles should be definitely customizable, just brief idea was for it's name, text color, maybe some fancy stuff like title background/badge and it's color, etc.

Where would these Titles be Displayed? Would it be on the roster?
27 Sep 2015, 4:03pm
That all sounds great bud. We already award "kew Medals" to our operatives but would be great to have a little badge we could give them etc as well so that it's more that a little note on facebook. Especially as we're telling all our operatives to move to inara before launch.
27 Sep 2015, 7:28pm
Hello Artie,

i must get the exact time Hour and minute of a private message.
sadly i can only see"today"

is it possible to change it?
27 Sep 2015, 9:36pm
Veyder: Probably on the right side of the Roster, maybe front page, we will see where it will fit best.

PixelBandits: Good. But, it definitely won't be there before Xbox launch, rather in some of the next Inara updates, so you unfortunately will need to wait for it.

Laynor: Yes, it's possible, I will do it to the next update. If do you need to check some date more urgently, send me PM what and where needs to be checked.

Last edit: 27 Sep 2015, 9:54pm
27 Sep 2015, 10:31pm
Thanks Artie, but i have in some way resolved my problem
27 Sep 2015, 10:36pm
i was wondering if it's possible to upload the flight logs trough some kind of script/batch file every time the game closes? sorry for my bad english

EDIT: Maybe something like Google Drive/OneDrive/Dropbox/etc... ?

Thank you for the great work you have put in to this site

Last edit: 28 Sep 2015, 7:53pm
28 Sep 2015, 10:09pm
Hey Artie, do you have a "langage" file for your website?

maybe we could help to translate it in french
28 Sep 2015, 10:37pm
Neldasi: The only option is by some kind of external tool (like de Carabas' Screenshot changer tool, as far as I remember he was thinking about similar addition to it) and with API there. Maybe GoogleDrive, etc. may be used for it somehow too. But, as this feature saves less than one minute per day it's not a priority at this moment.

Laynor: Just partial and very old, it needs to be updated. But translations would be nice for sure. I was rather thinking about installing some simple but solid translation tool there, as maintaining translations and it's consistency by hand is always pain in the ass. If anyone has some tips and experience with such tools (PHP/MySQL), these are welcomed.

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