Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
20 Jun 2015, 3:04am
a community goal is up at wyrd system vonarburg co-op station for turning in bounty's
20 Jun 2015, 8:01am
In the gallery it states the name of the CMDR who added the image. Could you click on that to go to the CMDRs log page?

Seriously Artie you are amazing making this tool!
20 Jun 2015, 9:43am
It's not possible at this moment, but maybe I will add it later when flight logs settle down a little bit. Older netlogs has also some things missing (docking requests, etc.), so it needs to be thoroughly tested, especially in such mass imports. If do you can send me your logs archive to, it may be helpful.

Log files have been sent to you email address
20 Jun 2015, 11:08am
BD: Thank you for log file. Interdictions now should be correctly recognized (as I hope), so feel free to update your flight logs.

Wilkie, Loriath: Thanks, guys. I will go through it and let's see what will be possible (also with older log files errors). It's pretty huge bunch of logs.

Lase MoorayIn the gallery it states the name of the CMDR who added the image. Could you click on that to go to the CMDRs log page?


Starlord 05a community goal is up at wyrd system vonarburg co-op station for turning in bounty's

If do you can, please add it to the community goals, there is input form for it. (Or if anybody else can do that, I am not nearby to check it and this goal is not listed on Frontier's forum, too)

the signature image functionality generates an image based on my profile, but it places a very big icon in the image.
is it possible to change this? if its not, here comes a new suggestion: -let us upload a picture to our profile, to be used as a commander ID picture, and place it where the logo is now.

For now it works as intended, it's also some kind of site promotion. But, it may change in the future (when commander ID pictures added, as you suggested).
20 Jun 2015, 12:25pm
artie, if you would be so kind as to contact me on facebook or through e-mail, i really wanted to discuss some big ideas with you.
20 Jun 2015, 12:25pm
So, gentlemen - now it is possible to upload multiple netLogs at once. But, it has it's limits (max. 10 files at once, max. 30MB per file, max. 100MB total). Let's see how it will be going...

Talbone: Alright, e-mail sent.
21 Jun 2015, 6:04am
@Artie: There are no emoticons displayed at Wing->Overview inside the command room window. (if you open the command room, there they are displayed)
21 Jun 2015, 7:34pm
BD: Thanks, should be fixed...
22 Jun 2015, 12:21pm

There's a bug in the parsing of the netlog files. Some System names contain brackets and that causes problems with the imported name to be truncated.

See for example System "Pipe (stem) Sector BV-Y b6"

Here's the corresponding entry in the netlog file:
{10:43:11} System:6(Pipe (stem) Sector BV-Y b6) Body:1 Pos-8.37495e+009,-8.33786e+009,1.037e+010) cruising

I had to edit my netlog files and remove all the "(stem)" strings for it to be imported correctly.
22 Jun 2015, 12:42pm
Loriath: Well, it's little bit complicated. There is not much space to fit both and replacing it by choice is design exception... but, I am adding that to my todo list and we will see...

Matt: Thank you for report, it should be fixed right now (so update your flight logs, eventually).
22 Jun 2015, 5:57pm

for what it's worth, please please do NOT add EDDN. Then this is just another tool like Thrudd's and where they all have the same errors. Instead of a unique one that we can use to cross-reference. For example, I use,, and here to cross reference each other to see the validity of the commodity. And basing it on the price in-game it gives me a judge of which one is more accurate.

And as much as I don't care to admit it, I've noticed the EDDN to be more often wrong than right.
22 Jun 2015, 10:57pm
EDDN is still in the cards. Let's wait what their schema v2 brings when it settle a little bit (v1 schema should end in week or so). I am inclined to variant of "use just the Market Connector data from it", as these should be solid and correct data (direct dumps from Frontier's app).
23 Jun 2015, 12:11am
For my two cents, I was originally opposed to Inara linking with EDDN just because I've attempted to use and every single time it gave me completely bogus info. Inara was always trustworthy. Then I discovered I wasn't using the Age option, so it was just creating routes out of ancient data. That said, I'll use to give me an idea of a route then use Inara because it's been more accurate 100% of the time. Plus I update by hand (just starting to use EliteOCR the past couple days but by hand is easier for the few items I concern myself with) on Inara.

Now? Inara is Artie's project so if he decides to link to EDDN then so be it, I just hope it doesn't end up degrading the awesome accuracy we have here.
23 Jun 2015, 1:22am
Benjeth: That's one of the reason I am very careful with EDDN implementation. At this moment I am not saying clear "no" or clear "yes". I want to be sure that possible implementation will make sense and will provide just useful and accurate data as most as possible. I do not prefer quantity over quality. Rather no external sources than bad data and in opposite, why not - if it will provide accurate data and more comfortably.

I am personally having attitude that "only data I can trust are my own". And I am glad that many traders here seems to have the very same attitude, maintaining and updating "their" systems, mindful to data accuracy and are doing it for themselves without lazily waiting if somebody else will serve data to them. I think it also make trading more personal, interesting, less "artificial". So thanks to all of you, that's something I very appreciate.
23 Jun 2015, 9:28am
Hello every one , i have an explorer based question .

Does anyone know of a reliable 3d mapping system or manual program ?

I am now using a scater graph from exel but it only lets you work in 1 plane at a time.

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