Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
14 Oct 2015, 12:58am
how do i change my allegiance
14 Oct 2015, 6:54am
Artie, I have noticed of late the pages are sometimes struggling to load.
and this is particularly evident on some of my wing pages that have images. Is this a common finding or just my broadband?

Shouldn't be my PC (i7)
14 Oct 2015, 11:10am
yep and thanks and one more thing, maybe it's me doing something wrong our not but often when i log to inara my current possition is G 240-11 / LEHTONEN ENTERPRISE while i never been there, so is het me or is het just de default?

It may be set by market page you visited here. Simply visit another market or set your current position in your profile and it should be alright. Or it reset your position despite another set? Then please tell me which star system you are setting here and I will check it.

Certacito My system information in the market says that Imperial Slaves are prohibited and will not let me update them. They are, at present, not prohibited to be sold, they cannot be bought though. How do I update the market to show this?

It may be caused by older station/starsystem properties set. Please check if station properties like allegiance, government and economies are correct, also if these properties are correct for starsystem and edit them to proper state, it should be alright then. If not, then please tell me which station/star system it is, maybe there was something changed in the game.

Vale MacRorie
I'm not sure if there's anything that's up to date. I know at least one site, and probably a thread or two on the forums attempted to do something like this. I wonder if it might be possible for Frontier to lend a hand there? A simple text file with the system name and planet would probably do, though I admit I have no idea how things work on your end.

I am afraid it won't be possible to get that from Frontier (I tried to get another info two months ago or so with no success). But, as RES are usually static, it shouldn't be hard to have up-to-date list even with manual inputs.

Autumn RainFoxhow do i change my allegiance

Please visit your CMDR profile and set it there via Achievements, there is an option for it.

TuzoArtie, I have noticed of late the pages are sometimes struggling to load.
and this is particularly evident on some of my wing pages that have images. Is this a common finding or just my broadband?

There are major automatic backups running from time to time, usually between 1am-4am GMT, which may cause slowdown for a short while (roughly 10-15 minutes). But, it definitely shouldn't be whole day, etc. Also as I see, there was no server load peek in last 24 hours and everything is running smooth as usual. So except the backups mentioned it doesn't seem there is a reason for issue you mentioned on server side.
14 Oct 2015, 4:28pm
Artie, I have a suggestion but it's more of a major new feature than anything else - lol.

Perhaps a trade feature? Basically, it joins up with your Market and allows players to build their own trade routes; the Market segment will hook into it allowing the feature to display estimated profit margins using the information the Market contains. A history segment would allow players to see their income/expenses in a bar graph like fashion using date ranges, by commodity, by ship etc. Their trades would then hook into the credits/asset section as well.
14 Oct 2015, 4:55pm
yep and thanks and one more thing, maybe it's me doing something wrong our not but often when i log to inara my current possition is G 240-11 / LEHTONEN ENTERPRISE while i never been there, so is het me or is het just de default?

It may be set by market page you visited here. Simply visit another market or set your current position in your profile and it should be alright. Or it reset your position despite another set? Then please tell me which star system you are setting here and I will check it.

It did change dispite me changing it back, BUT i found out what the problem was, it was NOOB related, i have inara Bookmarkt and guess what system was on the link when i save it the first time , so it's fixed now, thanks anyway though
14 Oct 2015, 11:39pm

Certacito My system information in the market says that Imperial Slaves are prohibited and will not let me update them. They are, at present, not prohibited to be sold, they cannot be bought though. How do I update the market to show this?

It may be caused by older station/starsystem properties set. Please check if station properties like allegiance, government and economies are correct, also if these properties are correct for starsystem and edit them to proper state, it should be alright then. If not, then please tell me which station/star system it is, maybe there was something changed in the game.

Our faction was on the wrong government type. All sorted for now until FD change our government type to what it was supposed to be. Thanks Artie.
15 Oct 2015, 7:38am
Hi Artie, excellent job with the site, it is just awesome and I will never again launch E:D without it running on the side! I am quite a new user, but I have already noticed that many of us are also willing to RP in E:D. As there is no real way to interact while on stations (apart from voice comms, which is not always an option) and since as I imagine most people have this page open while playing anyway, would it be possible to add a few channels to discussions for IC chat? When a few commanders meet in the cantina at one of the stations and they want to discuss what to do next. That would give a nice feeling of being outside the ship, plus with the commander picture showing in chat anyway would be a great way to immerse into the talking RP session. Do you think it would be possible as additional discussion channels?
Thanks once again for great work on the site!
15 Oct 2015, 9:36am
Any chance you could include the required rank for purchase of the appropriate craft in the shipyard section? - can't find this information easily. Apologies if this is already on the site somewhere
15 Oct 2015, 10:53am
Kishi TatsuArtie, I have a suggestion but it's more of a major new feature than anything else - lol.

Perhaps a trade feature? Basically, it joins up with your Market and allows players to build their own trade routes; the Market segment will hook into it allowing the feature to display estimated profit margins using the information the Market contains. A history segment would allow players to see their income/expenses in a bar graph like fashion using date ranges, by commodity, by ship etc. Their trades would then hook into the credits/asset section as well.

Yes, it's something I'd like to do, I have it on ToDo list already. At least favorite trades routes feature, maybe with automatic and/or manual chaining. I am not sure about the history, income/expenses graph, as I will need to reduce credits/assets records to daily/weekly/monthly summaries over time, which will break this.

Duncan MacLeod..... As there is no real way to interact while on stations (apart from voice comms, which is not always an option) and since as I imagine most people have this page open while playing anyway, would it be possible to add a few channels to discussions for IC chat? When a few commanders meet in the cantina at one of the stations and they want to discuss what to do next. That would give a nice feeling of being outside the ship, plus with the commander picture showing in chat anyway would be a great way to immerse into the talking RP session....

Hello, I added additional channel to Discord chat for RP and in-game related stuff, it may help...

TuzoAny chance you could include the required rank for purchase of the appropriate craft in the shipyard section? - can't find this information easily. Apologies if this is already on the site somewhere

Good idea, it's missing. I will add it there.
15 Oct 2015, 11:35am
Artie, i have a broken image link: Should be the Gallery, right? Does it delete pics after a time?
15 Oct 2015, 11:40am
Hmmm, I don't see any issue there? It's standard link to your fleet overview page.

Edit: Ah, found the issue, will be fixed ASAP (image is not deleted, just wrong file extension used by some weird reason).
15 Oct 2015, 11:59am
Much appreciated, thanks!
15 Oct 2015, 12:03pm
Hey Artie would it be possible to make the Flight / Squadron Assignments more flexible over in the Winter's Wolves we use a Wing/Flight consisting of 3 ships and a Squadron is 4 Wings / Flights with a Squadron leader thus 13 ships
15 Oct 2015, 12:24pm
N.R.Crosby: Hmmm, yes. I think I can lower minimum required for flights to 3 (it's done right now). It won't be exactly the full flight (with respect to in-game wing size), but it shouldn't harm anything (well, except the fact it allows to create squadron with less members than in maximum sized flight, but I will handle it somehow later, for 4x3 flights it should be alright in any case). Squadron size is 3-8 flights, so you will fit there with 4 flights.
15 Oct 2015, 12:27pm
ArtieN.R.Crosby: Hmmm, yes. I think I can lower minimum required for flights to 3 (it's done right now). It won't be exactly the full flight (with respect to in-game wing size), but it shouldn't harm anything (well, except the fact it allows to create squadron with less members than in maximum sized flight, but I will handle it somehow later, for 4x3 flights it should be alright in any case). Squadron size is 3-8 flights, so you will fit there with 4 flights.

Thanks Artie much appreciated We over in the Winter's Wolves never do anything by the book

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Oct 2015, 12:27pm

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