Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Jul 2016, 12:30pm
JAMfour: Thank you for the report, fixed.
30 Jul 2016, 1:02pm
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 1:17pm
30 Jul 2016, 1:35pm
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 1:40pm
30 Jul 2016, 1:45pm
I can re-visit Selene Jean to check for differences.
I think Domaq's method was to choose the lowest available option?
DomaqI didn't have any boosters on the ship at the time so took these values by going into the "show all" section and selecting the lowest size module available. that ensured it wasn't impacted by my loadout.
30 Jul 2016, 1:54pm
I'm actually headed back to Selene right now as well. Disregard my lvl 1 for armor for now.
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 2:03pm
30 Jul 2016, 1:57pm
Blueprints were updated, except thrusters 4-5, power plants, shield cell banks, interdictors and weapons (for now, I will update them later today). HUGE thanks to you, guys!
30 Jul 2016, 2:03pm
I'm working on Tod's weapon upgrades and then I think I might need to take a break and have a beer!
Without overlapping on Domaq's work I think I've exhausted the Engineers I can currently visit, so hopefully you can get the data you need Artie!
Thank you for providing the site man! It's been HUGELY helpful figuring out all this Engineering nonsense lol! Least I could do was fly about a few Engineers taking screenshots!
...Having had a look at Toddles I can see that the weapons DO vary slightly when selecting different sizes. Oh bugger!
(Silently Screams)
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 2:09pm
30 Jul 2016, 2:13pm
Yeah I saw that with the weapons at Tod's too.
Elan, my Armour numbers are looking very different than your screen shots. For example, Blast Resistant 3 on the screenshot is +10.03 to +22.63. I'm looking at +21 to +33.6 on my screen. There was only 1 size to select when viewing them by "show all." Maybe you had some modification on there that already had some Resistances?
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 2:19pm
30 Jul 2016, 2:19pm
Well, so there is really an inconsistency in armors. Do you can please provide me a screenshot of your base armor values (from outfitting)? I will do the math and I will normalize them to class 1 size or will put more variants depending on the armor size there. The weapons may be more tricky - how much it differ? Current values on Inara are for the highest class possible and as I was checking yesterday, it doesn't seemed there are some major changes in the weapon blueprint parameters (but I wasn't very thoroughful).
30 Jul 2016, 2:20pm
Best disregard my data for Armour then!
30 Jul 2016, 2:20pm
Hehe. Phew! Thought I was going crazy. I don't see a difference so far between the fit Asp armor and the "standard Sidwinder" that they put up there. Will still post my SS's
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 2:39pm
30 Jul 2016, 2:23pm
30 Jul 2016, 2:27pm
Here's a link to my screen shots. HERE
I've put in all I can for now. Will work on getting access to the high level Power plants tonight.
Thanks again Artie for doing all this!!
Last edit: 30 Jul 2016, 4:11pm
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