Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Jun 2015, 6:24pm
Loriath: Yep, it can be found there, but it's not so obvious. So I added also URL of logbook entry below the edit form, just for a case.

Broc: I am glad you like it. Private/command room is really best place to discuss any wing related stuff, as it is... well, private.
30 Jun 2015, 6:55pm
Just had something come up, and it may be worth discussing -

I'm part of the Imperial Blood Serpents.  Now, say someone else wanted to make a "wing," as supporters of say my Princess, Arissa Lavigny-Duval.  Could I join them as well? To take advantage of the privacy?  Most importantly, without losing my Wing status with the IBS?  

And I mean this on your (Artie's) end.  Basically, Reddit groups looking for privacy have heard about the privacy you have set up here.  I wouldn't be leaving my actual wing, the IBS.  I just would be a part of another group using the "wing" location here on Inara for privacy.

Or maybe something else that is for the powers themselves?  Say different sections for the 10 powers?  And you'd have to have a screenshot of your ship showing allegiance like this:
My allegiance to my Princess
and have people that volunteer as moderators of those pages, like the wings double check and approve membership?

or if that could easily be too difficult, or something that others don't want available because of fear of being abused, I understand.

and if this doesn't come out clearly, sorry!  Haven't had my full pot of coffee yet, I'm poor at diplomacy lol, and yeah

Last edit: 30 Jun 2015, 7:01pm
30 Jun 2015, 8:53pm
It's pretty good idea
Multiple wing membership is complicated at this moment a little bit. But, there is not so problematic to establish private discussion for each power. There just needs to be solved under what conditions may commanders read it, to keep it private. Managed access has it's pros and also cons (someone must maintain it, it may be hard for new commanders to join as nobody knows them, etc.).  So probably better solution will be two-step condition:
- commander must be preferring that power
- commander must be in wing preferring that power

It's not, of course, 100% bulletproof against espionage (as most solutions), but it at least provides additional validation step on wing level. It has just two problems: commander must be in wing and it's not very friendly to independent wings not preferring any power (and with players spread between many powers).

Any other ideas, thoughts? What others think about it?
30 Jun 2015, 9:26pm
yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about on the issues Artie, things I was thinking about too.

Say for example, Lord help us all, I was put in charge for Arissa Lavigny Duval's "power page" on here.  I can, because I am aligned with her.


if someone adds a power to their signature say, and submits a picture like mine above, in the application to join the power page... that could work. In theory.

but I'm part of the "Imperial Blood Serpents."  A wing that gladly accepts anyone, within reason, that is associated with the Empire, not a particular power within the Empire.

Honestly, espionage happens  it's part of the "meta-game" I'd think.  Honestly, if someone is smart enough to defect from who they actually care about, or not sign up with that power until they've already made say Tier 3 in an opposing power, to join said opposing power as a spy, then defect over after gaining info?

kudos and respect actually to that spy for pulling that one off.

for being a treacherous, backstabbing leech

all on "certain point of view" as some Jedi once said.

Honestly, I think just a screenshot like mine is enough for admittance.  If I can figure out how to do that, then I have faith others can too.  It doesn't necessarily need to be something "wing" related, because yeah, that can cause issues.  It can in my own case as an example.

but even though I know for the most part people here are from "Mobius" and such... even in PvE, Powerplay is a blast for me.  I don't remotely claim to have the cajones or the credits to go out into "open" and declare war lol.  But it gives me a reason to hunt in RES, NAVbeacons, and in SC.  Rather than just blowing stuff up in asteroid fields and rings

and Reddit drives me mad anyway

thanks for hearing me out Artie, at first I wasn't sure just how hard this could be on you O7
01 Jul 2015, 7:50am
ArtieIt's pretty good idea
Multiple wing membership is complicated at this moment a little bit. But, there is not so problematic to establish private discussion for each power. There just needs to be solved under what conditions may commanders read it, to keep it private. Managed access has it's pros and also cons (someone must maintain it, it may be hard for new commanders to join as nobody knows them, etc.).  So probably better solution will be two-step condition:
- commander must be preferring that power
- commander must be in wing preferring that power

It's not, of course, 100% bulletproof against espionage (as most solutions), but it at least provides additional validation step on wing level. It has just two problems: commander must be in wing and it's not very friendly to independent wings not preferring any power (and with players spread between many powers).

Any other ideas, thoughts? What others think about it?

Here are my thoughts:
I think the only condition to access such a power related room shall be a preferring power in cmdrs profile. As i have seen here some Wings are not powerplay connected, but you are a free pilot and under normal conditions a wing is not necessary preferring a specific power.
To counter the spionage thing, i'd suggest to implement a cooldown timer (after switching powers) to access those power preferring rooms.
As we see in reddit, almost everyone decides on targets for the next coming cycle at the end of the old cycle and then specifies the current targets. So i think the cool down should be set to the end of the current cycle to get access to your new chosen power discussion room.
I dislike to have to post a screenshot just for that. (btw. you can change your power in half a day inside the game, so that's not really confident)
01 Jul 2015, 7:58am
Currently it's a little bit hard (impossible) to communicate to a inara member who wants to join your wing. They can put there a text, but there is no way to contact him, why he is declined, or is there any other way instead of using your wing description text?
PS: I know you are working on a cmdr message system, that would solve the problem! Thx.
01 Jul 2015, 8:11am
BDCurrently it's a little bit hard (impossible) to communicate to a inara member who wants to join your wing. They can put there a text, but there is no way to contact him, why he is declined, or is there any other way instead of using your wing description text?
PS: I know you are working on a cmdr message system, that would solve the problem! Thx.

True. I just finished reading Commander Loriath's excellent logbook and because I did not have any other way to express my congratulations, except "shining" it, I also sent a friend's request.

I hope that said commander does not take offense of my rather unthoughtful act of sending a request out of the blue ...
01 Jul 2015, 2:50pm
Hi everbody threre is call for all group commanders in the elite forum .

Zac Antonaci

Zac Antonaci is online now
Head of Community Management Zac Antonaci's

Calling ALL group comanders!

Hey all,

I wanted to get in touch very quickly about player groups.

We know that there are many thousands of people playing as part of player groups and it’s something we really want to support. Everything from being able to promote great events through to pitching community goals and much more. Basically if there is a group of people who like playing together I’d love to hear from you.

To start with it would be amazing if anyone that runs their own groups could PM me with the following small amount of information (it’s important to keep the info concise so it’s manageable).

•Group name
•Group type (PVE, PVP, other)
•Number of members
•Website (if you have any)
•1 contact person and email (Please don't post these details on this thread PM me to avoid giving out your personal details).
•Any other info about your group? (keep it to one or two lines)

Then we will be getting in touch shortly with some more details about how we can help support you all in making sure that you have the best experiences possible. Dependnig on number of messages I get I might not be able to reply to everyone but I promise I will be reading them all.


01 Jul 2015, 6:12pm
Private messaging is definitely on the list. In fact, I already started it, so if there won't be something more urgent and if I won't be melted by upcoming heats, it will be here soon.

Frankfort: Thanks. I think it's intended more to regular game groups like Mobius PvE and similar, but good to know...

And back to power related private threads:
I think that validation via screenshots is too much complicated. It has it's benefits, but it requires "managers" for each power and the overall process is not very fluid. I would like to direct it more to some kind of "self-sufficient" solution.
Setting access just by power preferred (with some delay as mentioned) is an option, it may work well, but without some other validation step it may lead to fake accounts here - somebody will make new account, set appropriate power and wait a few days/weeks to get access. And the whole reason of private threads is lost.

Too shame there is still no official API where can be preferred power taken directly from the commander's game stats/properties. It solves almost everything.
02 Jul 2015, 2:01pm
Gentlemen, I applied power exploitation effects to market searches, so some goods like imperial slaves are now prohibited in some systems and in opposite some goods are allowed (Archon Delaine's controlled system especially). Please let me know if do you notice anything unusual with it.
03 Jul 2015, 3:46pm
Hi there. Great work with INARA. Best ED online tool I have seen and I'm using lot of them

Market tool it's specially helpful for me, looks awesome and easy to use but I miss a couple of features that I'm not able to find or there are not exist and I can suggest for it. I'm talking about an option to list something like a ranked of best profit export/imports/roundtrips. And the other thing on my mind is about an option linked between market and cmdr's log to make our own trade-routes and, why not, share with the rest of the community and let others rate it

Best regards and luck with this project, looks awesome.
04 Jul 2015, 10:17am
about overall best profit routes: I am still evaluating options - it's something that may be handy but on the other side it also reveal all those routes which may effectively destroy them and it also doesn't make traders using these routes very happy (which may lead to the point they will stop to upload their data to Inara). So more probable option is that will only show some interesting profitable routes near your current position.
Favorite routes/routes bookmarking is something I'd like to do, it's on the list, but at this moment I am not able to tell when it happens...
04 Jul 2015, 10:25pm
about overall best profit routes: I am still evaluating options - it's something that may be handy but on the other side it also reveal all those routes which may effectively destroy them and it also doesn't make traders using these routes very happy (which may lead to the point they will stop to upload their data to Inara). So more probable option is that will only show some interesting profitable routes near your current position.
Favorite routes/routes bookmarking is something I'd like to do, it's on the list, but at this moment I am not able to tell when it happens...

You are right, I didn't thought on that way. Did you raised a filter to landing pad size? Something to discard 'noise' from results I mean.
05 Jul 2015, 12:52am
Bishop Aers
You are right, I didn't thought on that way. Did you raised a filter to landing pad size? Something to discard 'noise' from results I mean.

its alrady there , in settins second option down on left side (market options)
05 Jul 2015, 3:53am
Bishop Aers
You are right, I didn't thought on that way. Did you raised a filter to landing pad size? Something to discard 'noise' from results I mean.

its alrady there , in settins second option down on left side (market options)

Thanks mate, I did it and all stations have disappeared xD No L pad stations around I guess. There is no way to extend the stations distance to fill that columns with L pad stations, I'm wrong?

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