Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Oct 2015, 1:31pm
I believe it's a game bug, with respect to official Galnet article is Imperial Eagle manufactured in Gutamaya.

About wing logo - please crop the empty image sides, so the resulting logo will be something around 170x150 pixels. It should solve the issue on signatures (it is trying to fit whole logo as large as possible there, but script doesn't know that most space of it's width is empty so is using whole 500 pixels width for it).
08 Oct 2015, 2:07pm
why not put the rank like that:

Combat | CQC | Federal
Tarder | Explorer | Empire
Wing | Allegiance

08 Oct 2015, 7:01pm
PyrethedirtbagHey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought

I second this, i'm on the r/EliteDangerous Discord server and it's legit. Voice chat, text chat, all for free. It's an amazing app.
08 Oct 2015, 8:03pm
PyrethedirtbagHey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought

I second this, i'm on the r/EliteDangerous Discord server and it's legit. Voice chat, text chat, all for free. It's an amazing app.

I just checked this out for the first time today, looks pretty sound imo. I'm going to start using it as a chat base for my Wing.
08 Oct 2015, 9:55pm
PyrethedirtbagHey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought

I second this, i'm on the r/EliteDangerous Discord server and it's legit. Voice chat, text chat, all for free. It's an amazing app.

I just checked this out for the first time today, looks pretty sound imo. I'm going to start using it as a chat base for my Wing.

im on the r/EliteDangerous Discord as well
08 Oct 2015, 10:19pm
Everytime I check the irc chat, there is no one on there. I suspect that would be the same no matter what platform.
09 Oct 2015, 5:08am
PhreedomEverytime I check the irc chat, there is no one on there. I suspect that would be the same no matter what platform.

Same here mate, we must be in opposite time zones
09 Oct 2015, 10:36am

where in INARA can i change my Allegiance?

Thanks in Advance!

09 Oct 2015, 10:45am
Grex RildoHi,

where in INARA can i change my Allegiance?

Thanks in Advance!


Commanders log, ranks and achievements, preferred Allegiance.
09 Oct 2015, 11:41am
Hmmm, now I see there is possible to join multiple servers and there is also separated text chat channel on Discord, so it will be probably a better solution than old fashioned IRC chat. Alright, I will take a look on it during weekend. Maybe it will be used, maybe not, but it doesn't harm anything...
09 Oct 2015, 3:14pm
Hey guys I would like to know if anybody is interested in a patrol/escort wing let me know.
09 Oct 2015, 6:22pm
Lase MoorayIn the ship yard you have the Imperial Eagle as a "Gutamaya" made ship when it is Core Dynamics


Only the Gutamaya Corporation make sexy looking ships.
09 Oct 2015, 6:54pm
Damn, why is the inara-language in the market GERMAN?

Yes, i live there and speak that language. But my Elite-Client is switched to ENGLISH, cause i dont want to Play it in german.

Can i Switch teh langiage in back to English?
I hate the german names for the goods....
09 Oct 2015, 6:55pm
-=Vampyre=-Damn, why is the inara-language in the market GERMAN?

Yes, i live there and speak that language. But my Elite-Client is switched to ENGLISH, cause i dont want to Play it in german.

Can i Switch teh langiage in back to English?
I hate the german names for the goods....

Settings, under Market Settings > Commodities Language
09 Oct 2015, 7:01pm
Kishi Tatsu
Settings, under Market Settings > Commodities Language

Thanx. I was realy blind :D

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