Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Sep 2016, 11:20am
zZCannonFoddaZzHi. For Professor Palin the bio says you can sell exploration data for level advancement. There is no cartographics at Palins base only a commodity market.

Had the same problem with Martuuk, I had to buy a lv1 modification to unlock the Cartographics. After logout/login, as usual.
28 Sep 2016, 11:24am
29 Sep 2016, 5:22am
can someone update LEMBAVA Goldstein Port.. even using ED Market Connector some item still show up even it not available anymore. ex
ADVANCED MEDICINES still up while its already empty.
30 Sep 2016, 3:09am

I received the invites for MARCO QWENT & ZACARIAH NEMO after reaching Level 3 and 30% with ELVIRA MARTUUK

Not sure if you want to add that detail as it may not be the same for other players, but I was looking for that stat and I didn't find it anywhere.


Second update -

The material Cadmium - I have received as a result of a mission reward, not just Surface prospecting.


Thank you for a great site! I use it a lot and really enjoy reading the discussion forums. Always fun!

o7 CMDRs
30 Sep 2016, 9:00pm
How about a page for good mining sites
01 Oct 2016, 6:20am
D[an]can someone update LEMBAVA Goldstein Port.. even using ED Market Connector some item still show up even it not available anymore. ex
ADVANCED MEDICINES still up while its already empty.

also some station are not showing ex TURMATI Zajdel Holdings not showing.
02 Oct 2016, 7:02am
@Artie: can be possible modify "My favorite blueprints" order sorting and have each equipment grouped (i.e. different power distributor modifications will be grouped etc.). Could be not easy, only asking. thx. (only easier idea I have is rename blueprints in a way: FSD - Increased range, FSD - Faster boot sequence)
02 Oct 2016, 1:46pm
Searching for multiply Outfitting parts simultaneously results in an OR search.. is there a possibility to do an AND search ?
02 Oct 2016, 4:51pm
Any way to add a tab in either Galaxy, or Achievements, to put the permit systems, with the feature of selecting when unlocked?


EDITED: NVM just seen it on the ToDo list, thanks!
03 Oct 2016, 4:51am

System COL 285 Sector BF-E B13-6 should be COL 285 Sector AF-E B13-6
03 Oct 2016, 3:45pm
Martind Forlon@Artie: can be possible modify "My favorite blueprints" order sorting and have each equipment grouped (i.e. different power distributor modifications will be grouped etc.). Could be not easy, only asking. thx. (only easier idea I have is rename blueprints in a way: FSD - Increased range, FSD - Faster boot sequence)

The blueprints should be now ordered by module, upgrade type and grade.

Chris Raine@Artie
Searching for multiply Outfitting parts simultaneously results in an OR search.. is there a possibility to do an AND search ?

It is using the AND search. Do you have some specific combination that is wrong? Which modules and near what system? I can check it out...

Lord Hexias@Artie
System COL 285 Sector BF-E B13-6 should be COL 285 Sector AF-E B13-6

Thank you for the info, I will fix/double check that.
03 Oct 2016, 3:56pm
Abyss, Coragon, Lev, Railispeople: Thank you for the info for the materials, I will update that ASAP.

TuzoArtie, I have been updating the Minor Faction details of some of the systems near us but have an issue in CD-63 1560. It shows two factions with the same name CD-63 1560 SILVER TRANSPORT SERV but one has SERVICES in full as the title. There is only one and ED always refers to the truncated form SERV. Unfortunately Inara has one faction with two stations in its home system and the other is shown as the controlling faction in Tuarezo. I do not seem to be able to correct this anomaly
Is there a way to delete factions that are not spelt correctly or are duplicates?

To avoid any possible damages, there is always needed to remove any minor faction "references" first, so in this case this faction needed to be removed from this system (and then it can be deleted). It's fixed now, thank you for the info.

Martind Forlon@Artie .... as you mentioned layout "issue": when you have post edit field on bottom and you type new message, it will after submit move you on page "top". (needed scroll down to see your post)

Ah, right, I will improve that.

Laynor Luna Lagoonaso maybe you can do a strowpoll to ask other wings how it should work?

I will contact wing leaders using the coalition feature individually, when I sort out the possible ideas/future enhancements. It will tell more and I will get a better feedback with that than with just a poll.

Martind Forlon
Martind Forlon@Artie can be please added to pages fixed button "scroll to bottom"? (the same way like is scroll to top button we have now)

Hmmm... yes, I think that I can rework/improve that. But just for the curiosity - what is the reason behind this need? It may imply some layout problems and hint that some things should be rather on top of the page than on the bottom...

I used most of time here posts edit field above discussion, but due rather 'longer' sticky wing post (with useful info) I needed always scroll page down a bit to see latest post or scroll up when wanted do edits. Now I switched posts edit field to discussions bottom (and reversed messages order) which avoids the need scrolling up/down. With button scroll down will be reading latest messages and replying going much smoother. I hope described it understandable enough, if not I can send pm in Czech

It makes sense perfectly. It is apparent than root of the problem is rather the unlimited sticky post which may be really long, when not properly collapsed. I will rather  do something with this, as "scroll down" button is just a workaround and is not solving this problem entirely.

TuzoArtie, Could you include 'Cancelled' as one of the choices in the Mission State box?

03 Oct 2016, 10:48pm
Chris Raine@Artie
Searching for multiply Outfitting parts simultaneously results in an OR search.. is there a possibility to do an AND search ?

It is using the AND search. Do you have some specific combination that is wrong? Which modules and near what system? I can check it out...

yes, i read that it should be AND.

i searched for 8D Thrusters and 7A FSD near System Harm
i did this on my computer with Firefox and on my Girlfriends with Chrome
we got identical lists i asume and picked some Stations on random of the list and found some which doesn't have the search parameter

i did this right now again to verify it

Piper Market  | 76 Sigma Ceti : Both Modules not in the list
Carlisle Ring  | En Kunthurs  :  also both not in the list
Guidoni Enterprise  | HIP 9599  : 8D Thrusters  but no 7A FSD

so i my first guess was wrong.. because yesterday the systems i picked did have at least one of both modules, so it's no OR / AND mismatch..
04 Oct 2016, 4:17pm
Thank you for the info, it should be fixed now. It was some other issue which suddenly appeared in the last days.
05 Oct 2016, 3:22pm
Donation made

Not sure if this is the right place

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