
01 Nov 2016, 9:02am
At least my wealth, such as it is, has been gained honestly. I don't know how people like you can sleep at night, knowing you've ruined some poor innocent trader's livelihood.

And I didn't compare you to biowaste, but if the cap fits, dear...
01 Nov 2016, 9:08am
Jon KellerI`m not against teaming with a `good men`, later. Need to see what`s up here first.

Ok, will PM you later.
We still have a least 8 years of playtime though if somebody will live long enough
01 Nov 2016, 9:19am
Jemine CaesarAt least my wealth, such as it is, has been gained honestly. I don't know how people like you can sleep at night, knowing you've ruined some poor innocent trader's livelihood.

And I didn't compare you to biowaste, but if the cap fits, dear...

Dear, I sleep the same way as everyone else- close my eyes and count sheep.

My earnings are honest... I did a bit of smuggling, honest!
...That sounded more clever in my head.
01 Nov 2016, 10:23am
Jemine CaesarAt least my wealth, such as it is, has been gained honestly. I don't know how people like you can sleep at night, knowing you've ruined some poor innocent trader's livelihood.

I've earned my wealth by smuggling contraband. Yes, slaves were a part of it too. But never left them without means to get out of the predicament they were in. And while smuggling, I also made sure I took a lot of Pirate kill missions. Not necessarily only from the governments though.

You'd be surprised how well competing Pirate clans pay for mercenaries to cull the other side. And if you play your cards right, you get paid from both sides. Though admittivly I haven't seen much of those anymore lately. Ah the good ol' days.

And if you live like a Pirate, die like one. Don't come around squealing like a little pig for mercy. Have some dignity.
01 Nov 2016, 11:27am
Kel'DragaI am still and swift, quiet yet can be loud, often heard yet rarely seen, feared yet admired from afar, If i'm caught I cease to be...What am I?

I am a Space Pirate. I lay still for hours in asteroid fields, quiet as can be, My engines hum and my guns make terrible noise! You'll hear the shot but it's already too late, your fate is sealed...Your death causes other to fear and admire me but at a distance...No one actually wants to know a pirate lest they wish to be a few inches shorter. If i'm caught I am killed thus is cease to be.

I must be quiet, I must be quick, My name is not jack but I fly his union If I wish to lure you in for a snack. Scan me all you want, you wont find a thing, except for some port and maybe some rum.

Federal Corvette "Big Fish"(little pond) Crew 6, 1 Captain, 1 Helmsman, 1 Engineer, 1 System specialist 2 Fighter Pilots

CMDR Kel'Draga Captain of the Big Fish, at your service...for a fee.

Me thinks you spend more time composing prose then actually doing the deed, Captain Feather-Sword.

Last edit: 01 Nov 2016, 3:44pm
01 Nov 2016, 1:11pm
Hey Commanders been away for awhile but with the new patch wanted to give it another go so started a new save to see how things have changed. Happy to be out in the black
01 Nov 2016, 1:53pm
Stryker Aune
M. Lehman
Marra Morgan
Kyla Emmerich
I am a Space Pirate..something something... rum

Woah watch out, we got a badass over here.

How much loot do you get from jumping out from behind asteroids and killing the victim?

So many words just to say "payday for Matt."

Me thinks you spend more time composing prose then actually doing the deed, Captain Feather-Sword.


Last edit: 01 Nov 2016, 2:04pm
01 Nov 2016, 1:57pm
Kyla Emmerich
Jemine CaesarAt least my wealth, such as it is, has been gained honestly. I don't know how people like you can sleep at night, knowing you've ruined some poor innocent trader's livelihood.

And I didn't compare you to biowaste, but if the cap fits, dear...

Dear, I sleep the same way as everyone else- close my eyes and count sheep.

My earnings are honest... I did a bit of smuggling, honest!
...That sounded more clever in my head.

I've made most of my cash ferrying Imperial Slaves. Not exactly smuggling as that implies the cargo you're hauling is illegal.
01 Nov 2016, 2:25pm
Marra Morgan
I am a Space Pirate. I lay still for hours in asteroid fields, quiet as can be, My engines hum and my guns make terrible noise! You'll hear the shot but it's already too late, your fate is sealed...Your death causes other to fear and admire me but at a distance...

How much loot do you get from jumping out from behind asteroids and killing the victim?

Depends on where you hunt..the key is to hunt near extractions or high tech ringed planets. FSD interdictions take too much time to pull them then tackle. It is actually better to get them before they jump. Painite rich ships are nice but typically platinum and gold are common.

As to other comments I prefer a lighter more strangely addicting point of view...
I am actually a career pirate/prospector and have never had anyone successfully claim anything from me(bounty or cargo), came to elite from Pirates of the Burning Sea before that game went belly up.

The 6H lander is actually fighter bay, they have not finished updating the website yet. Modded to 40 power plant. 24.6 ly fsd, modded MC corrosive, thermal, incendiary rounds. Efficiency modded beams to reduce energy pull. quick recharge modded distributor.

You don't need something this expensive or big to pirate in though. Cobra make good pirate ships, Pythons, Clippers, AspX, all good choices. Just need a cargo scanner, hatch breakers and weapons really. Target the drives of small ships or power plant of larger ships to put them in their place...pull cargo then remove any witnesses.
01 Nov 2016, 2:34pm
Marra Morgan
I am a Space Pirate. I lay still for hours in asteroid fields, quiet as can be, My engines hum and my guns make terrible noise! You'll hear the shot but it's already too late, your fate is sealed...Your death causes other to fear and admire me but at a distance...

How much loot do you get from jumping out from behind asteroids and killing the victim?

Depends on where you hunt..lots of babbling, blah blah blah, yackity smackity

You miss the Pirate Queen's point, which tells me that you know the theory of pirating, but probably don't engage in it. You see, when the ship goes pop, so does the loot...... Not very profitable
01 Nov 2016, 2:45pm
Stryker Aune
Marra Morgan
I am a Space Pirate. I lay still for hours in asteroid fields, quiet as can be, My engines hum and my guns make terrible noise! You'll hear the shot but it's already too late, your fate is sealed...Your death causes other to fear and admire me but at a distance...

How much loot do you get from jumping out from behind asteroids and killing the victim?

Depends on where you hunt..lots of babbling, blah blah blah, yackity smackity

You miss the Pirate Queen's point, which tells me that you know the theory of pirating, but probably don't engage in it. You see, when the ship goes pop, so does the loot...... Not very profitable

Clearly you didn't read the lots of "babbling blah blah blah, yackity smackity" because I clearly stated you disable the ship, pop the hold, pull the cargo THEN remove witnesses(pop the ship). I've been playing since release I'm just normally quiet and rarely get on here but since I have time off work and am bored here I am...Now go attempt to do something productive while I sit on my arse.
01 Nov 2016, 2:49pm
I prefer to pop Wanted folks. Less hassle with hatches
01 Nov 2016, 2:58pm
Clearly you didn't read the lots of "babbling blah blah blah, yackity smackity" because I clearly stated you disable the ship, pop the hold, pull the cargo THEN remove witnesses(pop the ship).

Well, originally in the explaination of your riddle, it did read like you just blew ships up - thanks for clarifying that you do pirate properly.

I would hate to see us get a bad name
01 Nov 2016, 3:00pm
Edit: removed not so nice post. Got a bit hot headed

Well, I'm glad you clarified. The poetry part had me a bit confused as killing the victim usually doesn't lend to making profit.

As Marra said, I hope your not making a bad name for us, and good luck with your adventures.

((had a short bit about Elite on the Commidor 64))

Last edit: 01 Nov 2016, 3:27pm
01 Nov 2016, 3:03pm
I remember playing Elite on my 48K speccy witht he spngey keypad(had the over lay as well.

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