
27 Dec 2016, 10:29pm
Stryker Aune
James Hussar
Mhera Bathana

No, I'm an explorer. Like I said. I don't have enough credits for an Asp Explorer (fitted the way I want). Smuggling is something I have yet to do, and I hope I'm never forced to do it. (I say that because I've noticed that the game gives better rewards for smuggling) but knowing my luck I would get scanned. (actually what happens when you do get scanned while smuggling. Does the station destroy you?)

Smuggling is a great way to get the money for a well-fitted AspX. Before I tried doing it, I read some hints and tips on how to do it successfully, and then I practiced a bit without illicit cargo. Random pirate and authority interdictions are a great opportunity to practice evasion, and you can speed/sneak into a station with nothing to hide just to get a "feel" for the tactics. Doing it with some illegal salvage, worth minimal credits, is also a great way to practice - you have the risk of a fine, but the fine will be proportional to the value of the cargo, so a ton of salvaged biowaste is a low risk way of working the kinks out of your technique.

Once I got comfortable with the how-to of smuggling, I was able to stack a dozen or so missions and in one run easily made in excess of 20 Million credits that got me into a well-appointed AspX - this one for exploration as I already had one that I kitted out for smuggling in the first place. That smuggling Asp got me into an Anaconda very, very quickly, and that has been the ship I've done most exploration in, even though it's rigged as a general purpose ship and thus has crap for jump range.

Smuggling can make good money, but how do you stack the missions?

Edit: Stacking missions that require the movement of cargo.

In the old Robigo days, it was taking as many missions as you could manage and heading out in one big trip. Since you were traveling 300-400 LY back into the bubble anyway, what's another 50-100 LY jumping around once you're there (side note for noobies hence the popularity of the AspX - decent cargo, great jump range, good speed if you get pulled over).

Not sure how this works out now, as I've not smuggled in quite a few months.
28 Dec 2016, 3:53am
Here's a interesting thought how to grant someone quick starter money.

As was said earlier, the amount of the fine is proportional to the tons of illegal goods stored. Now go and blow up a ship that is marked as Clean.

You be charged for murder, placing the usual 6000 or so credits bounty on your head (in that System with a certain faction).

Then, take the biggest ship you have, stuff it full with the most expensive illegal goods you can get your hands on and deliberately get scanned by the authorities  (preferably in the System you're wanted in).

At least in the past, the amount of the fine for the smuggled goods instantly added to the bounty on your head, making you a juicy target in a heartbeat.

If so, go and move off, sell the smuggled goods, change into a smaller ship. Look for a person you want to grant the bounty on your head. Let them use a KWS on you and shoot you down.
28 Dec 2016, 2:44pm
I don't think there's a set amount for a Fine to become a bounty straight away. But I do know that small ones (not sure how small), will just vanish after a few days. But large fines become a large bpounty after 7 days of not being paid off I believe.

I know the opposite to be true - bounties convert to fines after a period of time - roughly a week per unwarranted kill, and if you stay out o the system while the bounty is in effect, once it expires you can safely visit the system, and pay the bounty, or not.

I've not seen a fine become a bounty, but it would make sense if they did - a long unpaid fine SHOULD escalate, first to a rep reduction with the issuing faction and eventually to a bounty.
28 Dec 2016, 4:16pm
James Hussar
I don't think there's a set amount for a Fine to become a bounty straight away. But I do know that small ones (not sure how small), will just vanish after a few days. But large fines become a large bpounty after 7 days of not being paid off I believe.

I know the opposite to be true - bounties convert to fines after a period of time - roughly a week per unwarranted kill, and if you stay out o the system while the bounty is in effect, once it expires you can safely visit the system, and pay the bounty, or not.

I've not seen a fine become a bounty, but it would make sense if they did - a long unpaid fine SHOULD escalate, first to a rep reduction with the issuing faction and eventually to a bounty.

I thought it followed this pattern.

Fine >>> Active Bounty >>> Dormant Bounty >>> Legacy Fine

Fines can be paid off.
Active Bounties can only be cleared by being killed by either System Security or another Player
Dormant Bounties can become Active again following a scan with a KWS, but can also be paid off the same as a Fine
Legacy Fines are hidden to everyone except the player who has it. It can be paid off, same as a Dormant Bounty, or ignored and it won't affect day to day playing. They only come into effect during the rebuy screen where they can be added to the players rebuy if said player ends up respawning in the System the Fine is located.

That's my understanding of it, admittedlly I haven't been on Elite for several months though so I'm open to correction.
28 Dec 2016, 5:38pm
Kyla Emmerich
Mhera BathanaWhy, thank-you Kyla.

Kyla likes it for the... How to put it... Air Conditioning?

Am I to believe that is your preference for ship selection or is it the mileage you can get from them?

I can speak for myself, y'know. The DBE is a fine, good looking ship.

I was thinking the same thing.
28 Dec 2016, 11:15pm
Like I said, Mhera, you have good taste in ships. Moon Shot's never let me down so far.
28 Dec 2016, 11:23pm
Kyla, Any advice on how best to fit it? If you are a smuggler, then you must also have quite a range for it?
29 Dec 2016, 12:40am
Moon Shot

I know someone here is probably going to criticize me for not focusing on Credits Per Hour, but they can bugger off. I'm not about credits per hour, and I don't care if it's not the most efficient™ way of making credits. My goal isn't to get the biggest, baddest ship in the 'verse after all.

This ship gets me from A to B in one piece and (usually) undetected. I'd fly this over an Asp, even with the Asp's higher capacity.
29 Dec 2016, 1:03am
If I was focused on credits per hour, I would probably go into prostitution. Who cares what others think? So long as the ship does what you need it to do, right?
29 Dec 2016, 1:06am
Find a ship you like, make it your own, bond with it. Nothing else matters.
29 Dec 2016, 1:11am
Mhera BathanaIf I was focused on credits per hour, I would probably go into prostitution. Who cares what others think? So long as the ship does what you need it to do, right?

Well hell. I like this girl.

Unfortunately, maximum credits per hour seems to be the common theme among the 'verse.
29 Dec 2016, 1:58am
Kyla Emmerich
Mhera BathanaIf I was focused on credits per hour, I would probably go into prostitution. Who cares what others think? So long as the ship does what you need it to do, right?

Well hell. I like this girl.

Unfortunately, maximum credits per hour seems to be the common theme among the 'verse.

Seems like these boys need to be a bit more flexible and diversify a bit.
29 Dec 2016, 2:35am
What, you mean actually go out and have fun? Don't be silly. That'll tap into their profits and desires for the Biggest Ship Ever™.
29 Dec 2016, 3:04am
So they can wave 'em about comparing who has the biggest ship? Boring. They should go out and explore a bit, if you get my drift.
29 Dec 2016, 3:07am
Mhera BathanaSo they can wave 'em about comparing who has the biggest ship? Boring. They should go out and explore a bit, if you get my drift.

Exploration? Are you talking about exploration?

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