
29 Dec 2016, 3:21am
Mhera BathanaSo they can wave 'em about comparing who has the biggest ship? Boring. They should go out and explore a bit, if you get my drift.

Gotta love those Mostly Harmless Corvette/Cutter/Anaconda pilots eh?

Cool, you got a Corvette/Cutter/Anaconda. Do you know how to use it, newjack?

XeknosExploration? Are you talking about exploration?

Yeah... Last time I went out of the bubble was... not pleasant.

Last edit: 29 Dec 2016, 4:33am
29 Dec 2016, 4:29am
Fun can be had in a myriad if ways. But I agree that chasing credits for the sole reason to up the numbers leaves something to be desired in my eyes as well.

And hello and welcome CMDR Mhera Bhatana o7
29 Dec 2016, 12:45pm
Hello, Mhera, and welcome. (Sorry I'm a bit late...)

As Kyla has said, it's definitely not all about cr/hr. I've never been a credit-chaser. Credits are essential, of course, and as long as you've got enough in the insurance kitty for a rebuild then it's all good.

Take care
29 Dec 2016, 2:22pm
Kyla Emmerich
Mhera BathanaSo they can wave 'em about comparing who has the biggest ship? Boring. They should go out and explore a bit, if you get my drift.

Gotta love those Mostly Harmless Corvette/Cutter/Anaconda pilots eh?

Cool, you got a Corvette/Cutter/Anaconda. Do you know how to use it, newjack?

XeknosExploration? Are you talking about exploration?

Yeah... Last time I went out of the bubble was... not pleasant.

See, I don;'t get how that happens. How does anyone manage to stay Mostly Harmless AND afford something like an Anaconda? Doesn't just making the credits needed to buy that thing get you a few ranks? Is there a rich uncle I've yet to meet? A well-kept secret Platinum mine on some remote moon?

I ground out my combat rank, as this was way more engaging than either of the other two so far, but that only really got me more aggressive NPC interdictions when I want to kick back and trade.

I saw several Harmless and Novice humans out at Colonia and that too boggles me. Do people just forget to sell their data? By the time I got there from the Bubble I basically skipped right over the trailblazer rank, and had some 40Mcr to show for it. To your point, it's not the rank r the credits that really matter, but they are a measure of time/effort put in, and so I'm stumped as to how someone can make that journey and stay so low-rank.

Exploration is good and fine, but it can get lonely, and a bit repetitive (if not boring), especially once you reach your goal - there's just this feeling of hollow accomplishment once you do, knowing you've got to head all that way back. I suppose you could just set another goal and do it all again, and again, and again, but after so many hours on the stick, your hand starts to cramp, does it not?
29 Dec 2016, 3:50pm
I may be wrong, and I probably am, but surely it's possible to save up enough for an Anaconda without having to progress as a combat pilot?

If you do nothing else but explore and trade (barring the odd interdiction), then most ships are within your reach.
29 Dec 2016, 3:54pm
Hell, look at Blind Pew. He mostly explored and ended up getting into a 'Conda (though I'm fairly certain he did a bit of combat at first.)
29 Dec 2016, 4:00pm
Each to their own. I quite enjoy flying my enormous Cutter with its 80s disco dance floor, but then it's also fun to zip on a Sidewinder from the wardrobe now and again. The ship launched fighters have added a warmly-welcomed, extra dimension for me. One of those little uber-sprinters feels cosy in VR and the experience of zipping through an asteroid belt at full-tilt, is a bouncing sack of giggles. When I'm bored with that pastime, I can switch back to my enormously well-endowed mothership and flaunt my long cannons.

Money? Meh.
29 Dec 2016, 4:31pm
Yes, I've come across a lot of commanders who like to flaunt their cannons.
29 Dec 2016, 4:35pm
Oh dear...
29 Dec 2016, 4:55pm
29 Dec 2016, 5:21pm
I do tend to agree that pilots should probably learn the ins and outs of the game in smaller ships. Dabble in everything, see what you like, what you don't like. It does sort of irritate me to see Harmless CMDRs in big ships, but then I think there's probably some who want nothing to do with combat - and that's fine. But they do miss out on important lessons, like what to do if you're interdicted by a player in Open. Can't tell you how many times I've seen newbs low-wake and get pulled again, and again, and again while their attackers whittle them down. 

That said... once you find a ship that suits you, stick with it. I started flying the FDL during the first three weeks of Powerplay and never looked back. Even before it got buffed to ungodly levels, it just suited my play style and, being a combat-oriented player, I spent a lot of time learning the nuances of it. Nowadays everyone's flying FDLs but it used to be a love-it-or-hate-it ship. (I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the days of the pre-Horizons FDL.)

Money should never be the primary goal for anyone playing Elite. It should be a means, but never an end. The thing that has kept me coming back to Elite has been the player groups and the community that has sprung up around the game. The lore is interesting, and knowing that you're just another pilot among billions of other pilots adds to the sense that your stories, your experiences, are unique. That's what keeps me playing.
29 Dec 2016, 6:08pm
Jemine CaesarI may be wrong, and I probably am, but surely it's possible to save up enough for an Anaconda without having to progress as a combat pilot?

If you do nothing else but explore and trade (barring the odd interdiction), then most ships are within your reach.

That's not what I'm saying though. Is the displayed rank always the combat rank, or the higher achieved rank of the three? Maybe that's where I'm confused.
29 Dec 2016, 6:12pm
Displayed rank is always combat.
29 Dec 2016, 6:17pm
I'm very confident only combat rank displays.  Makes sense, as that would be the most critical information when encountering a Commander out in the wild.

Regarding Mostly Harmless Big Threes, there was that community goal not to long ago that had ridiculous payouts.  Saw lots of chatter regarding folks planning massive purchases because of it.  Also, Ceos/Sothis was still a thing not too long ago.  I hear many of these ships are quite weak (shields getting knocked out by interdictions, for example).  There's buying an Anaconda and trading with it, and then there's buying an Anaconda, trading with it, and outfitting it properly.

Greed gets you killed.
29 Dec 2016, 6:20pm
Isaiah EvansonI do tend to agree that pilots should probably learn the ins and outs of the game in smaller ships. Dabble in everything, see what you like, what you don't like. It does sort of irritate me to see Harmless CMDRs in big ships, but then I think there's probably some who want nothing to do with combat - and that's fine. But they do miss out on important lessons, like what to do if you're interdicted by a player in Open. Can't tell you how many times I've seen newbs low-wake and get pulled again, and again, and again while their attackers whittle them down. 

That said... once you find a ship that suits you, stick with it. I started flying the FDL during the first three weeks of Powerplay and never looked back. Even before it got buffed to ungodly levels, it just suited my play style and, being a combat-oriented player, I spent a lot of time learning the nuances of it. Nowadays everyone's flying FDLs but it used to be a love-it-or-hate-it ship. (I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the days of the pre-Horizons FDL.)

Money should never be the primary goal for anyone playing Elite. It should be a means, but never an end. The thing that has kept me coming back to Elite has been the player groups and the community that has sprung up around the game. The lore is interesting, and knowing that you're just another pilot among billions of other pilots adds to the sense that your stories, your experiences, are unique. That's what keeps me playing.

Speaking as a bit of a virtual hoarder, my aim is to have at least one of every ship eventually - if only to the able to compare them and know which one I prefer for what activity. Completely agreed with everyone saying that chasing credits, or biggest guns (innuendo notwithstanding) takes the fun out of the game, for me at least. This was my experience with Engineers, to a degree this is also why I need a break from playing the BGS once in a while, and why I'm reluctant to even attempt PP - it's just committing yourself to a goal that requires grind.

Getting into the dynamic of arguing with other players about whose motives or playstyle is better, and getting sucked into seeking their approval or validation of how I choose to play - or not play - a video game is just another grind, and with no actual reward at the end of it.

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