
02 Jan 2017, 12:19am
In my opinion, it's more fun to rob em, I mean liberate the captive cargo, and let the player go alive, then needlessly blow them up because "you can."

02 Jan 2017, 9:53am
Hi all.
New to this forum but not the role of a Commander.

Flew the original simulation on various hardware - including Amiga, PalmOS, BBC, etc. Those zero G rigs have nothing on the real thing, however they did train me weell.
Moved onto the modules for Frontier: Elite 2, flew extensively. Also the Frontier: First Encounters additional training a fair bit. I am very glad that the Newtonian physics model isn't true to how ships really handle.

Currently 255 hours as a pilot in the real galaxy and loving it. Only took 30 years to get off planet!
02 Jan 2017, 1:21pm
Welcome commander CWolfXUK
02 Jan 2017, 8:02pm
Many thanks.
03 Jan 2017, 10:52am
Hi everyone.

I am a new commander in PA.
This place was recommended to me by KzFusion on his stream... Great guy btw!

I am from Denmark, I am 25 years old, I live with my girlfriend and her 3 kids.

I hope to see you guys ingame.

Fly safe!
03 Jan 2017, 10:56am
Welcome to the madhouse
03 Jan 2017, 5:48pm
Hi there, fellow CMDRs!

My name is Pflaenz Butters and I had my fair share of time in the infinite space of Elite: Dangerous. But I never really found a place with people of similar interests, because most of the time I'm on my own (just one or two friends get in their cockpits occasionally). That's why I often restarted my career as a pilot. Recently I found this place and I'm excited to read about your adventures and experience a bit more of the immersive community I often read about.

Take care,
CMDR Pflaenz Butters
03 Jan 2017, 5:56pm
03 Jan 2017, 5:57pm
Welcome Pflaenz,

Im in a similar boat, still haven't found my 'crew', but not for a lack of trying. Will continue to find my people- they're out there somewhere hah! Feel free to add me, I'm on the quest to Colonia as we speak, but I'll be back sooner or later-

Fly safe Commander.
04 Jan 2017, 6:46pm
I can't seem to write more than a few words for my introduction.. so hi I suppose.
04 Jan 2017, 6:46pm
Hey y'all, name's mark! Im a bit new to the game but not so much as to the "universe" of the game (I've read a few of the books).. I don't have a computer or Xbox.. Yet. Lol.
But I found this site on my phone awhile back, and with my graduation day coming up (as in getting kicked out of the house) I realize that finding myself getting a computer and this game to play on a very real possibility. so woo!
I've watched so many YouTube videos of people role playing missions, using the vibe and.. yeah.. it's not even funny my desire to fly..
Anyways, to wrap it up, looking for nice people to give me tips regarding the game, maybe some pointers to keep in mind before I take flight. Also is there like a writing or role playing group somewhere here that I can join?
04 Jan 2017, 6:47pm
Oh, it was because of the stupid iPhone emoji thing. Pardon my spam.
04 Jan 2017, 7:25pm
Hey Markus. There's not much I can say here that you can't pick up from YouTube videos or Twitch Streams. But perhaps the two or three things I can say are:

1. Don't fly what you can't afford to rebuy. (Some say don't fly what you can't afford to rebuy TWICE)
2. Don't feel obliged to do ANYTHING. Find what you enjoy, and look for tips on how to do that job effectively. But then don't feel like you have to stick to that job permanently.
3. If you end up on Xbox, I find it easier to teach on the go. My GT is the same as my username.

As for writing and/or RP. Many people, including myself, use the logbooks on this site to do their creative writing. There is also RP available, but full disclosure, there has been a widespread disagreement in the OOC section, so while I expect it will get back on track soon, it may be at least a few days before momentum picks up again. Feel free to browse the forums in the meantime nonetheless.
04 Jan 2017, 7:35pm
Markus OmniHey y'all, name's mark! Im a bit new to the game but not so much as to the "universe" of the game (I've read a few of the books).. I don't have a computer or Xbox.. Yet. Lol.
But I found this site on my phone awhile back, and with my graduation day coming up (as in getting kicked out of the house) I realize that finding myself getting a computer and this game to play on a very real possibility. so woo!
I've watched so many YouTube videos of people role playing missions, using the vibe and.. yeah.. it's not even funny my desire to fly..
Anyways, to wrap it up, looking for nice people to give me tips regarding the game, maybe some pointers to keep in mind before I take flight. Also is there like a writing or role playing group somewhere here that I can join?

Practice is also a thing.
Elite is quite open ended, a sand box so to say. So try different things. Trading, exploration and combat. CQC is fast action fun.
If you end up with a PC, I am willing to help where I can.

As Luke said, don't fly what you cannot afford. (that means that you should have enough credits for a few insurance re-buys. I personally like to have at least 4.)

As for writing. The log book is a great way to go. People run the gamut with them, from keeping track of the systems they have visited to full blown fictional stories spanning multiple logs.

Role-play is on hiatus at the moment as things are being worked out. My suggestion is to go back through the threads and read up. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the OOC thread, or PM me.
04 Jan 2017, 7:38pm
Ah yes, of course as Stryker said. Any questions feel free to mention them in OOC or PM me also.

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