
01 Nov 2016, 4:07pm
Marra Morgan
Clearly you didn't read the lots of "babbling blah blah blah, yackity smackity" because I clearly stated you disable the ship, pop the hold, pull the cargo THEN remove witnesses(pop the ship).

Well, originally in the explaination of your riddle, it did read like you just blew ships up - thanks for clarifying that you do pirate properly.

I would hate to see us get a bad name

I generally tackle NPC ships as shockingly they have higher value cargo on average lol(plus there are a lot more of them)...I hit one T9 headed out to jump in the ring that had 30 tons of painite last night, talk about a sweet score...his poor little eagle wing mates didn't make it out either.
02 Nov 2016, 12:00am
Well, I may or may not be wanted in a couple of places for being caught with illegal things... But you'll have to find me first.

Good luck...

With that...
02 Nov 2016, 9:39am
Miss Emmerich, the shallowness of your conscience is in perfect counterpoint to the depth of your arrogance.

Challenge accepted...

(See, I can use ellipses too...)
02 Nov 2016, 9:53am
Oh, a challenge? Dearest Jem (may I call you Jem?), I look forward to your pursuit. I hope you like following a trail of wakes.
02 Nov 2016, 4:12pm
Oh my, looks like the beginning of something interesting. Can't wait to see where this is going to
02 Nov 2016, 7:23pm
You mind your own business, boyo, this is between Jem and I.
02 Nov 2016, 7:46pm
What I mind or don't is for me to decide, thank you.

Now, let us continue to be professionals here, please.
02 Nov 2016, 7:55pm
Grabs space popcorn.

This will be fun.

Last edit: 02 Nov 2016, 8:07pm
02 Nov 2016, 8:04pm
That better be buttered popcorn, and if it is, I hope you don't mind sharing.
02 Nov 2016, 8:13pm
Space popcorn™ is a genetically engineered kind of popcorn aimed at not getting stuck in places where it shouldn't be in low or zero gravity scenarios. Butter does not alter the proprieties of said popcorn.

And yes you can have some.
02 Nov 2016, 10:16pm
That's catchy, I think you have something going there Steve.
02 Nov 2016, 11:55pm
Hey, CMDR Speed Serpent here.

I'm back to playing Elite after a almost year long hiatus. Looking to join a new wing partial to the Empire and have some goals to accomplish. I like working together to turn a system-that has to be one of the coolest and interesting things this game has to offer. I'm rusty on most of the controls but I was able to hold my own in a medium extraction area today. I'm not just a combat pilot, I'm willing to fly cargo or whatever is needed. I'm not on very often- 2-3 times a week. Currently flying a courier in combat setup and Asp explorer in more cargo loadout. Any wings want to take me on- PM me.
03 Nov 2016, 7:49am
Speed SerpentHey, CMDR Speed Serpent here.

I'm back to playing Elite after a almost year long hiatus...

Hello commander, and welcome (back).

Take care out there.
03 Nov 2016, 7:50am
Kyla EmmerichThat's catchy, I think you have something going there Steve.

Careful with that popcorn. You wouldn't want to drop any and leave a trail, now would you?
03 Nov 2016, 7:52am
Jemine CaesarCareful with that popcorn. You wouldn't want to drop any and leave a trail, now would you?

Now look here, Jemine, if you're calling me a messy eater... Well. Okay, I can be sometimes. You got me there.

But even with a popcorn trail, have fun with that. Maybe I'll leave you a few bread crumbs for my own entertainment.

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