
18 Nov 2016, 6:31am
Welcome to all new CMDRs...hope your data collections be vast and your guns stay hot.....
18 Nov 2016, 12:48pm
Hello fellow Commanders.

I Started playing Elite a few weeks ago and cant believe how incredible the game is. (Played Elite way back on the Amiga)

If anyone would like to join forces with me from time to time and have a load of fun please add me cmd JEAN LUKE PICCARD. I like to bounty hunt, trade, mine and up grade my weapons.
18 Nov 2016, 2:24pm
JEAN LUKE PICCARDHello fellow Commanders.

I Started playing Elite a few weeks ago and cant believe how incredible the game is. (Played Elite way back on the Amiga)

If anyone would like to join forces with me from time to time and have a load of fun please add me cmd JEAN LUKE PICCARD. I like to bounty hunt, trade, mine and up grade my weapons.

Do you also like to say....

Anyway, welcome to INARA.
18 Nov 2016, 3:51pm
JEAN LUKE PICCARDHello fellow Commanders...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
22 Nov 2016, 7:36pm

I bumped into one of your number last night, attracted his attention as I was wandering around Sovereign of Justice territory with a bounty on my head.

I had a quick voice chat with him - I'm sorry I can't remember your name - he had a US accent - but I can't really use voice chat as I use a VR headset.

I'd obtained the bounty through ineptitude rathet than anything sininster so we just had a quick chat then I went on my way, chasing pretend pirates.

Just wanted to come on and say hello, acknowledge the text chat as I was unable to do so in game.
23 Nov 2016, 5:25am
Well, i guess i should say hello, to all of the commanders, floating about in the deep black.
I am well overdue for greetings to you all, so i politely tip my hat in respect, and reverence
Aside from that,
o7 Commanders, I cordially extend my warmest greetings to you all. If i can be of any assistance in any regard, please do not hesitate to ask.
I started on the 15th of september of this year, but was tentative and hesitant to extend greetings. My apologies.
Anyways, i look forward to a brighter future, and welcome any commander i see in open, and will never ever, open fire on a player.
Safe travels, and Fair Winds

(realized my introduction is disjointed and poorly constructed, my bad, but i wont edit the whole thing, ill just put one more sentence i accidentally left out)

In regards to Inara's discord channel/ server, if i can have a go/ no go from someone, so i do not feel like i'm intruding, i would love to more actively take part in (at least) the Inara elite community. And, would love a shot at the roleplay topics, (i positively love reading all of the Commander's individual entrys! it is awesome how it meshes and flows, still need to finish memorizing my Elite lore though)

Last edit: 23 Nov 2016, 5:39am
23 Nov 2016, 5:50am
Don't want to jump too quickly into any role-playing in the community, but I play on the Xbox and human interaction I've come across has mostly been pew pew with little communication. If I am quite rusty on RP elements, please go easy on me. I've been a huge fan of the Frontier universe for quite some time. Really curious on how to construct a "dossier" on my profile. Take care all!
23 Nov 2016, 5:55am
You're going to have to do it freehand, unfortunately. My profile has an alright example of a simple dossier type bio, if you're interested
23 Nov 2016, 5:58am
Thank you! (and very informative)
23 Nov 2016, 10:25am
FalterXV89Well, i guess i should say hello, to all of the commanders, floating about in the deep black...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Lovely intro, thank you!

Take care out there.
23 Nov 2016, 11:41am
Thanks for the complement Jemine Caeser, (i hope this was ok) i browsed some of ur Commander logs that are public, and am very much impressed, so thanks again for the kind words.
23 Nov 2016, 12:00pm
Good afternoon commanders!

Though I'd drop by and say hello. I've been playing Elite on and off for quite a while, but it gets a little quiet out in the black, so i thought I'd join the community to get the most out of the game.

I look forward to bumping into you on my travels!

Unless you're a pirate... in which case I'll still be happy to bump into you, I'd just prefer it was from the aft, with shields up and hard-points deployed

Stay safe!
26 Nov 2016, 2:42am
Hi, I have got over 1000 hours clocked up in the cock-pit. It can be a bit difficult for me to type as I exclusively use VR and Hotas in game... Imagine a blind man fishing around for keys, that is how i type Not good at all.

Anyway, Currently going for a Cutter and doing lots of Imperial grinding but I will be only on that for a week at most, then I am pretty much free so if anyone needs help with anything or a flight buddy

I noticed the missions up, I will sign up as soon as I have finished my thing. What else about me, in RL I am married to the best man in the universe, he cooks, cleans and keeps me supplied with tea and coffee!, have a cat, a job (although on the sick at the moment for at least another week)

In game,
Just about to get prismatic shields in time for my cutter, have all 20 engineers unlocked and to level 5, enjoy all aspects of the game, and will likely be building an Anaconda Explorer at some point after i make my ultimate trader (cutter). I fly a corvette and have Python Miner and an asp explorer. Will be building a Fule Tanker (might sign up with the morbi fule rats.)

Future, I want to look at CQC but never found a game yet.
26 Nov 2016, 9:17am
LessThanDaveGood afternoon commanders!...

Hello commander, and welcome. May all your landings be happy.

Take care out there.
26 Nov 2016, 9:20am
TeravocHi, I have got over 1000 hours clocked up in the cock-pit...

Hello commander, and welcome.

That's what I like to see, a slave who knows his place!

Take care out there.

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