
12 Dec 2016, 5:43pm
Hello all. Peregrine Vee got me into this game. And subsequently to Inara. I've been figuring out the way the site works for a few weeks now off and on, and hadn't thought to make a post in the forums. So here's my belated "Hello!"

I'm something of an older gamer. I started with Pen and Paper gaming in the 80s. Though not the avenue you'd expect. I never got into D&D much. I started with the classic Traveller game from GDW.

My main's name is even my old IISS Scout character from that game. And yes - he very much was a pilot. So it fits.

Last edit: 15 Dec 2016, 10:02pm
13 Dec 2016, 5:13pm
Hello everyone! I'm a longtime (mostly Solo) Elite player but I'm relatively new to Inara and extremely new to this particular corner of the site. I was originally drawn here by the exceptional information for the Engineers, then got pulled into the CMDR'S LOG area and then noticed people were writing all these cool logbook stories.

So here I am, realizing there's a whole other side to the game that I didn't know existed! I'm excited to see where it takes me.
13 Dec 2016, 5:17pm
Tisiphone MoreauHello everyone!...

Hello Tisi! Welcome to Inara.

Take care out there.
13 Dec 2016, 6:02pm
15 Dec 2016, 8:00am
Hello Commanders,

I've been casually playing Elite for years now, and happened across this forum. I am a huge old school (for a 33 year old anyhow) RP junkie, and although I've found myself daydreaming inside Elite as the immersion swallows me time and time again, I never thought of it as a platform for some truly good roleplay. If you could see my smile at the moment, you'd understand.

Used to RP Text Based MUD's on BBS when I was in 7th grade, and have traversed pretty much all forms to this day.

Commanders, when it comes to Elite Lore, I know nada, but I am a quick study, and I am a SOLID player (RP). I didn't start seriously investing time here since I got my Oculus, but now it's the real deal- and I can't get enough.

Looking forward to meeting some of you out there, PLEASE add me, I can count on one hand how many hollow squares I've seen out there in my time in Elite, and that's pretty sad considering the hours invested.


Commander Nsite <---- Handle in Game

(Haven't had time to flesh out my Bio, working on that, but I did get most of my fleet named)
15 Dec 2016, 10:09am
Welcome CMDR Nsite and all others.
15 Dec 2016, 1:12pm
NsiteHello Commanders...)

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
15 Dec 2016, 9:19pm
Hello CMDR`S i am black skull the coyote i have started a group trying to prevent all wars in the elite universe we have 3 seperate sections black empire red alliance and blue federation come and make a difference
15 Dec 2016, 11:35pm
CMDR BlackSkulCoyoteHello CMDR`S i am black skull the coyote i have started a group trying to prevent all wars in the elite universe...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Good luck.
16 Dec 2016, 1:35am
Anybody mind directing me as to how to fill out a backstory page? Can't seem to find that option anywhere.

Many thanks Commanders.
16 Dec 2016, 1:36am
NsiteAnybody mind directing me as to how to fill out a backstory page? Can't seem to find that option anywhere.

Many thanks Commanders.

I just asked this same question last night!

If you go to make a new Logbook entry, there's a drop-down menu at the bottom of the editor where you select to make it a Character Bio instead.
16 Dec 2016, 1:37am
You're amazing, thank you Tisiphone.

Hopefully we will see you out there.
16 Dec 2016, 1:38am
One last thing, where do you all find such epic character Avatar Pictures?
16 Dec 2016, 1:43am
Combination of Eve Online's character creator and Photoshop.
16 Dec 2016, 1:50am
NsiteOne last thing, where do you all find such epic character Avatar Pictures?
Someone had the kindness to make on for my bio page for me. If you ask around you might get someone willing to do so too if you have no access to the creator yourself. I won't name drop here in case he/she doesn't wish to be pestered

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