
20 Dec 2016, 10:04pm
Bamsnl I'd love to contribute to it by keeping market demand/supply up to date for every station I pass through. I saw something about uploading a .csv file, but I can't find how to create one directly from the gamescreen. For now doing manual input. Any tips on this?

Download and install the Elite Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC).  It will update the markets for any station you dock in automatically.  It doesn't update Inara directly, but it does update the site which Inara pulls the data from.

Still figuring out my weapon setup as I'm not any good at fighting yet. I've bought two torpedoes but I have the feeling they are not really going to help me that much, at least not at 15K a pop . Too bad you can't sell ammo once bought. Guess I'll just stick to running away for now

If you sell the torpedo launchers you should be reimbursed for the ammo as well. Start off with pulse lasers - they're easy to use and free to shoot. Later, you can try out seeker missiles, then normal missiles, and then torpedoes (which are probably the hardest to use since they're so slow).
20 Dec 2016, 10:17pm
Tisiphone Moreau

Download and install the Elite Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC).  It will update the markets for any station you dock in automatically.  It doesn't update Inara directly, but it does update the site which Inara pulls the data from.

Thanks for the quick response, I'll install EDMC and see how it works as soon as I have some more time to play.

Tisiphone MoreauIf you sell the torpedo launchers you should be reimbursed for the ammo as well. Start off with pulse lasers - they're easy to use and free to shoot. Later, you can try out seeker missiles, then normal missiles, and then torpedoes (which are probably the hardest to use since they're so slow).

Good to know that the torpedoes are the hardest to fight with - from the ingame description I got the idea they were easy to use. For now I'll stick to going full armour / shield and shooting lasers
20 Dec 2016, 10:23pm
Don't neglect your multi-cannons! Very popular and fun to use. Comes with All the Dakka included.
25 Dec 2016, 10:29pm
hi new to the game bought it in the steam sale bought the bundle not sure what im doing lol cant play with a mouse so will be ordering a flight stick after xmas
26 Dec 2016, 12:26am
Welcome aboard and happy holidays all you new players.
Yes Sintara, you will need controllers.
Next will be good seating for long immersion times.
26 Dec 2016, 1:32am
26 Dec 2016, 3:47am
Sintarahi new to the game bought it in the steam sale bought the bundle not sure what im doing lol cant play with a mouse so will be ordering a flight stick after xmas

Welcome:  A HOTAS is really needed.  Thrustmaster makes a good entry level one.  Once you get experienced you may want to move up to the more expensive ones with more controls.

Also  Voice Attack helps you from having to remember hot keys.  The different profiles add alot of fun to the game also.

See you out there.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2016, 9:14pm
27 Dec 2016, 3:40am
I just signed up to this site. Very impressed with it. The logbooks have been interesing, seeing the different uses they have been put to. The roleplay has been amusing. Might hop into it. A little bit about me. I've taken to exploration. Got a diamond back explorer and buzzed around a bit. Trying to get an asp for longer trips. If anyone has interesting destination locals, I'm all ears!
27 Dec 2016, 4:08am
The Bubble Nebula.
27 Dec 2016, 11:10am
Diamondback Explorer eh? Someone here has incredible taste in space ships, if I do say so myself.

Last edit: 27 Dec 2016, 11:35am
27 Dec 2016, 12:34pm
I fully recommend a trip to Betelgeuse (although a spell check is recommended beforehand).

Before you hop into the RP I advise a read through of the various Roleplay Forums. Especially the Q&A + OOC section, just to get a jist of the do's and don'ts. And don't worry if anyone in those forums appears to be a little hostile. They are most likely just staying in character, but if in doubt, ask.

In fact, "If in doubt, ask" is a golden rule for anyone participating in RP. There are loads of people who look forward to passing on their wisdom and experience so never hesitate to make use of that
27 Dec 2016, 3:31pm
Welcome, and Orion Nebula
27 Dec 2016, 4:15pm
Good morning CMDRs!
Arcik Ergago checking in. I have some time under my belt, but I know I need to find a wing or some other organized play to keep things interesting for myself. I currently spend a lot of time in high resource extraction sites collecting bounties in my Imperial Eagle, and while it is fun, it gets repetitive at times.

There is an overabundance of information out there, and I feel overwhelmed with it as there does not seem to be a good, start here, spot. So I am here to explore and inquire, and hopefully I can find what I want. Thanks in advance.
27 Dec 2016, 4:36pm
Sintarahi new to the game bought it in the steam sale bought the bundle not sure what im doing lol cant play with a mouse so will be ordering a flight stick after xmas

Welcome: A HOTAS is really needed. Thrustmaster makes a good entry level one. Pnce you het experienced you may want to move up to the more expensive ones with more controls.

Also Voice Attack helps you from having to remember hot keys. The different profiles add alot of fun to the game also.

See you oit there.

Agreed! Splurge on the HOTAS. It makes the experience MUCH more enjoyable than a mere stick and keyboard. I use a Saitek X52 Pro, and a Razer programmable keypad and it's almost perfect. I feel silly talking to my computer, so I can't vouch for Voice Attack, but I hear great things about it as well.
27 Dec 2016, 4:40pm
Welcome Arcik

Thereis indeed an abundance of information, not sure I'd call it an overabundance though but that's just me. Either way I agree that there is a whole mountain of it to wade through if you want to learn everything.

My advice? Start with what you know and build on that and follow thebranches that stem from it. If you don't know anything at all then I personally started off by reading up on each major faction. Empire, Federation and Alliance and followed paths from there. Don't get me wrong, I have but a fraction of the knowledge of some of the veterans out there but I think I have enough to get by on, and I'm certainly not done yet.

Hope that helps, see you in the black CMDR o7

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