
09 Jan 2017, 3:43am
Hey my gt is Glitter kitti3, I am on Xbox one and am Australian. Would like to find other Aussies and New Zealand ppl to play with. I have already requested to join one wing and will keep looking. Also is it possible for me to ge an invite to the discord chat? I use the app as it the web version doesn't work on my phone
09 Jan 2017, 4:47am
Glitter kitti [...] Also is it possible for me to ge an invite to the discord chat?

On this page, look for the orange button that says "Open Discord in a New Tab" that will give you the invite
10 Jan 2017, 11:43am
Greetings CMDRs,

My name is Zarturus Frierenstahl. I've been active in E:D since the turn of 3303, but have yet to introduce myself. I enjoy planning and recording my journey on Inara almost as much as I like flying through the stars. There is a great community here, especially for role play. Speaking of which, though I've never role played before, I think I'll enjoy doing so on here. I'll be updating my logs on a daily basis if any would like to follow an amature writer's take on his beginner's journey.

May the stars shine upon you and fill your fuel tanks,

"Weiter, weiter ins Verderben..."
10 Jan 2017, 2:47pm
ZarturusGreetings CMDRs,

May the stars shine upon you and fill your fuel tanks,

"Weiter, weiter ins Verderben..."

Greetings, Commander!

Speaking only for myself, I think there are many forms of equally valid roleplay and writing logbooks about your in-game activities from a :"real world" point of view is definitely one of them. If you ever work up the nerve to grab a drink at the InGaBa (I haven't!), I'm sure you'll find plenty of others willing to interact with you there as well.

Stay safe out there!
10 Jan 2017, 4:23pm
Tisiphone Moreau
ZarturusGreetings CMDRs,

May the stars shine upon you and fill your fuel tanks,

"Weiter, weiter ins Verderben..."

Greetings, Commander!

Speaking only for myself, I think there are many forms of equally valid roleplay and writing logbooks about your in-game activities from a :"real world" point of view is definitely one of them. If you ever work up the nerve to grab a drink at the InGaBa (I haven't!), I'm sure you'll find plenty of others willing to interact with you there as well.

Stay safe out there

Although my character may not be the friendliest individual in the world, I myself try to be. If you have any questions regarding RP, do not hesitate to ask in the OOC forums, or PM me!

Last edit: 10 Jan 2017, 4:29pm
11 Jan 2017, 10:04am

I'm new here.

I've started playing Elite: Dangerous around mid-September of 3302, but didn't start getting really into it until around Early-mid December. I recently learned about this site and how it's focused on roleplay along with being a resource, and I made an account. I like doing a bit of everything in Elite, but I mostly enjoy bounty hunting and doing missions, but I've been itching to get far away from the bubble for some time.

CMDR Joshua Snow is my in-game name. The name comes from my fanfiction concept for FTL: Faster Than Light, and became my go-to name for any ship captain, with special preference to sci-fi and space captains. In real life, I'm actually female, I just roleplay as a male character in the context of Elite: Dangerous.

Happy and excited to be part of this community!
11 Jan 2017, 6:22pm
Hi, CMDR Paulie Wotsit, I'm an explorer with EXO, mind if I join in? At the point of writing this I'm in Altair taking in the scenery...I know, not very explory...pretty, though. And I need a new ship, I hate this lump of junk I'm flying, so I'm window shopping (although having to go into the shipyard too see they only have sidewinders and clippers in stock, strictly doesn't count as window shopping...)

Anyways, at some point I'll likely pop into citi gateway along the way, look forward to having a neptunian IPA or several with you all. Hell, I might even pay for them!
11 Jan 2017, 8:18pm
Hi, I am Cmdr Ooshga.
While new to the pack, I'm not that new to the game. Been playing since just after the release of Horizons. Well, this version of the game anyway, I remember playing the original version on my Commador 64 way back when. I'm from England, 33 and an avid space sim fan. My old games, apart from original Elite, was Privateer 2: The Darkening, Tachyon : The Fringe, Colony Wars 1 & 2 and Eve Online.
I have to admit I'm not all that up to the roleplay side of things, only because I'm not that good at it, I will give it a good go though. as I feel it brings a lot of immersion into the game.
I am a PvE type of guy, I love teaming up with people to conquer challenges rather than fight, but I wont shy away from a bit of PvP now and then. Strange considering I loved PvP whilst playing Eve Online...Anyway! I hope to see you guys out in the black very soon. Fly Safe 07
11 Jan 2017, 9:09pm
Welcome Everyone to the game, and to the community.
11 Jan 2017, 9:52pm
hi everyone just started and wanted to jump in some rp
11 Jan 2017, 9:53pm
Good luck maite! =^_^=
11 Jan 2017, 11:35pm
Incoming Voice Message ...

Playing Message

Some seconds of silence, one can hear the radiaton in the background. Then, someone clears his throat.

Hello and greetings to any commander hearing this.
This is Commander Leif, currently I am at an A-star, bored to some point, as I've already spent the past nine months out in space exploring. I have two passengers aboard who wish to visit TRA X-1, and am on that tour for three days now.

So, that about my current situation, now get about that "about me" part. I am a son of a farmer on Azeban in the system of Eranin, where I also started my career at the age of sixteen as mechanic aboard Azeban City. As I turned eighteen I was able to buy my own sidewinder, and within three months I was able to work myself up to a python doing mostly trading and bounty hunting. These nine months ago I spoke of I've left my home system Aulin for an exploration tour going up the galaxy arm up to the center, Sagittarius. I've arrived there about a month ago, then made a leap over to Colonia for last christmas... He chuckles. Oh, this song, it's still around he says past the microphone. After two seconds, he inhales and continues.
Well, after christmas I've returned back to base, only to meet some explorer to get out of civilization again after a mere three days back in the bubble. And here I am, scooping this Star while recording voice messages out of boredom and sending them out into the void.

I wonder if anyone actually cares about this. I guess some guy will.
Anyways, this has been commander Leif, I wish you random guy out there a safe flight and always remember: If you're flying upside down, you have to push the stick.
Over and Out.

The voice message ends with a loud pop before the beep signalling the end of it sounds.
12 Jan 2017, 3:51am
Hi there, im not new per se but ive been inactive for a few months and looking to get back into Elite Dangerous. Hit me up?
12 Jan 2017, 5:33am
Real Teagy SOTHi there, im not new per se but ive been inactive for a few months and looking to get back into Elite Dangerous. Hit me up?

what are you on?xb or pc
12 Jan 2017, 6:39am
Real Teagy SOTHi there, im not new per se but ive been inactive for a few months and looking to get back into Elite Dangerous. Hit me up?

what are you on?xb or pc

Im on the Xbox, my gamertag is the same as my username

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