
09 Dec 2024, 3:36am
Not new to ED, but kinda new to PC. Transferred over and have been really enjoying it ever since. Currently in a position to try to make some friends, maybe even build a name for my squadron. Looking forward to meeting you all, maybe, someday. Hope we're on the same side of the Plasma Accelerator.
09 Dec 2024, 6:28pm
Welcome to the griind
today, 11:37am
I've been here for a while, but this is my first post here. I am the leader of a campaign to bring down the superpowers for their many crimes against the free people of this galaxy and the sentient races they have destroyed in their insatiable lust for power. You may have heard of the Human Liberation Movement. If not, know that we are everywhere and we are working toward the ultimate destruction of the superpowers. The more people and squadrons join us, the sooner we will achieve our objectives.

We do not require anyone who wishes to join us to leave their squadron, only declare their support for the HLM and contribute in whatever way they wish toward our ultimate goal. Squadrons may request a coalition with other HLM squadrons to show their support, but the most important thing anyone can do for the movement is to simply spread the word.

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